Del Mar Photonics, Inc.
product portfolio includes ultrafast
oscillators and amplifiers based on Ti:Sapphire, Cr:Forsterite, Er-
and Yb- doped fibers; autocorrelators, SPIDER and cross-correlator,
femtosecond fluorescence up-conversion and transient spectroscopy
pump-probe systems, CW single-frequency ring Dye/Ti:Sapphire lasers,
NIR-MWIR-LWIR cameras, semiconductor lasers and optical components.
2008 Annual Symposium: Global Impact of Photonics
September 15-17, 2008, Hewlett Building, Stanford University
Monday, September 15
7:00 8:00 Check-in / On-site Registration / Continental Breakfast
8:00 8:15 Welcome Remarks
Session 1: Quantum Science and Technology I
8:15 8:45 Modulation of Single Photons and Biphotons
Steve Harris, Stanford University
8:45 9:00 Single Photon Nonlinear Optics with Quantum Dots in Photonic Crystal
Andrei Faraon, Stanford University
9:00 9:30 Quantum Information Processing with Trapped Ions
Dietrich Leibfried, NIST Boulder
Coffee Break
9:30 10:00
Session 2: Quantum Science and Technology II
10:00 10:30 Quantum Nonlinear Dynamics
Hideo Mabuchi, Stanford University
10:30 10:45 Low Level Models for Quantum Error Correction
Joseph Kerckhoff, Stanford University
10:45 11:15 Quantum Measurement with Superconducting Circuits
Irfan Siddiqi, UC Berkeley
Session 3: Optics in the Automobile Industry
11:15 11:45 Photonics Applications in Driver Assistance Systems
Arne Stoschek, Volkswagon
11:45 12:15 Road Modeling using Photonics in Autonomous Driving
Wende Zhang, GM
Lunch and Poster Session
12:15 2:00
Session 4: Global Impact of Photonics
2:00 2:15 Waguih Ishak, Corning
2:15 2:30 Sven Strohband, MDV
2:30 2:45 Werner Gφtz, Philips LED
2:45 3:00 John Giddings, Clean Tech Integration
3:00 3:15 Steve Turner, Pacific Biosciences
Coffee Break
3:15 3:45
Global Impact of Photonics Panel Discussion
3:45 4:45 Panel Discussion
4:45 5:00 Closing Remarks
5:30 Reception @ Stanford Faculty Club, Courtyard
6:30 Dinner @ Stanford Faculty Club, Main Dining Hall
7:30 TMT: Designing and Building the Worlds Largest Telescope
Jerry Nelson
2008 Annual Symposium: Global Impact of Photonics
September 15-17, 2008, Hewlett Building, Stanford University
Tuesday, September 16
8:00 8:30 Registration / Breakfast
Session 1: Nanomaterials for Solar Energy
8:30 9:00 Solar Energy Research at Stanford and CAMP
Peter Peumans, Stanford University
9:00 9:15 Plasmon-enhanced Photovoltaics
Rashid Zia, Stanford University
9:15 9:30 Nanostructured Metals for Solar Energy Conversion
Eden Rephaeli, Stanford University
9:30 10:00 Molecular Materials for Photovoltaics
Mark Thompson, University of Southern California
Coffee Break
10:00 10:30
Session 2: Optical Imaging and Control in Biology
10:30 11:00 Optical Control of Brain Function
Karl Deisseroth, Stanford University
11:00 11:15 Advanced Imaging Techniques for Biology
Na Ji, Janelia Farm, HHMI
11:15 11:45 Photoacoustic Tomography
Sam Gambhir, Stanford University
11:45 12:00 High-speed SHG Imaging of Muscle Contractility in Mice and Humans
Mike Llewellyn, Stanford University
Lunch & Poster Session
12:00 2:00
Session 3: High Capacity Optical Communication Networks
2:00 2:10 Overview
Joseph M. Kahn, Stanford University
2:10 2:40 Next-Generation WDM Transport Enabling Zettabyte IP Network
Loukas Paraschis, Cisco Systems
2:40 3:10 DSP Enabled 40 Gb/s and 100 Gb/s Transmission for Optical Mesh
Maurice OSullivan, Nortel Networks
3:10 3:30 Compensating for Fiber Nonlinearity Using Digital Backpropagation
Ezra Ip, Stanford University
Coffee Break
3:30 4:00
Session 4: Optical Interconnects
4:00 4:30 Optical Interconnects in Supercomputers and High Performance Servers
Jeff Kash, IBM Research
4:30 4:45 Nanoscale Photodetectors Enhanced by Optical Antennas
Salman Latif, Stanford University
4:45 5:15 Applications of Nanophotonics to Classical and Quantum Information
Ray Beausoleil, HP
5:15 5:30 Closing Remarks
6:00 BBQ
2008 Annual Symposium: Global Impact of Photonics
September 15-17, 2008, Hewlett Building, Stanford University
Wednesday, September 17
8:00 8:30 Registration / Breakfast
8:30 9:15 Optical Clocks and Applications
Jun Ye, JILA/Univ of Colorado
Session 1: Advanced Laser and Nonlinear Devices
9:15 9:45 Two Micron Fiber Laser
Peter Moulton, Q Peak, Inc.
9:45 10:00 Power Scaling of Phosphate Glass Fiber Laser
Yin Wen Lee, Stanford University
10:00 10:15 Slow Light for Sensitive Detectors
Matt Terrel, Stanford University
10:15 10:30 Advanced Laser Concepts
Bill Krupke, WFK Lasers LLC
Coffee Break
10:30 11:00
Session 2: Ultrafast Physics & X-Ray Science
11:00 11:30 Femtosecond X-ray Studies of Materials
Del Mar Photonics, Inc.
product portfolio includes ultrafast
oscillators and amplifiers based on Ti:Sapphire, Cr:Forsterite, Er-
and Yb- doped fibers; autocorrelators, SPIDER and cross-correlator,
femtosecond fluorescence up-conversion and transient spectroscopy
pump-probe systems, CW single-frequency ring Dye/Ti:Sapphire lasers,
NIR-MWIR-LWIR cameras, semiconductor lasers and optical components.
Aaron M. Lindenberg, Stanford University, SLAC
11:30 11:45 Dielectric Undulator for Coherent X-ray Generation
Tomas Plettner, Stanford University
11:45 12:15 High Harmonic Generation from Multiple Orbitals
Markus Guehr, Stanford University, SLAC
Lunch & Poster Session
12:15 2:00
Session 3: Nonlinear Optics and Applications
2:00 2:30 Non-linear Optics Enabling Laser Display Applications
Greg Niven, Arasor
2:30 3:00 Real-Time Chemical Sensors Based on Novel NLO Laser Systems
Jim Scherer, NovaWave
3:00 3:15 Self-phase-locked Degenerate Synchronously Pumped Optical Parametric
Samuel Wong, Stanford University
Coffee Break
3:15 3:45
3:45 4:15 Metamaterials (tentative title)
David Smith, Duke University
4:15 4:30 Dielectric Optical Antenna Emitters
Jon Schuller, Stanford University
4:30 4:45 One-Way Electromagetic Waveguides
Zongfu Yu, Stanford University
4:45 5:15 Nano-imaging with a Metallic Nanolens
Satoshi Kawata, Osaka University
5:15 5:30 Concluding Remarks
5:30 Afternoon Break, Ginzton Courtyard