Del Mar Photonics
Dear Colleagues, It is our pleasure to announce the 30th International Symposium on Free Radicals that will be held July 25 - 30, 2009 in Savonlinna, Finland. The conference dates coincide with the world renowned Savonlinna Opera Festival. In the tradition of this meeting, the focus will be on the chemical and physical properties of free radicals broadly defined, including paramagnetic molecules, ions, molecules in excited states and other transient species. Please visit our conference website for the most current information: IMPORTANT DATES Symposium: July 25 - 30, 2009, Savonlinna, Finland Deadline for registration: April 1, 2009 Deadline for abstract submission: May 1, 2009 The format of the symposium includes invited lectures, hot topic presentations and posters. The preliminary list of speakers with topics and titles will include SPECTROSCOPY AND STRUCTURE OF FREE RADICALS Evan Bieske (Univ. Melbourne, Australia): Molecular hydrogen attached to metal cations: gas phase spectroscopic studies John Brown (Univ. Oxford, UK): The measurement of the electric dipole moment of a charged molecule Michael Morse (Univ. Utah, USA): Laser spectroscopy of metal-containing free radicals Dan Neumark (Berkeley, USA): Photodissociation of free radicals Rich Saykally (Berkeley, USA): pH of the liquid water surface: selective adsorption of hydroxide and hydronium ions Yoshihiro Sumiyoshi (Univ. Tokyo, Japan): High-resolution spectroscopy of atom-diatom radical complexes CHEMICAL KINETICS AND REACTION DYNAMICS Jim Lin (Academia Sinica, Taiwan): Low energy routes from closed-shell molecules to free radicals Timothy Minton (Montana State Univ., USA): Crossed-beams studies of hyperthermal O(3P) reactions: unusual mechanisms that may not follow the minimum energy path David Osborne (Sandia National Lab, USA): Isomer-resolved chemical kinetics: uncovering the hidden nature of chemical reaction products FREE RADICALS IN ATMOSPHERIC CHEMISTRY Henrik Kjaergaard (Univ. Otago, New Zealand): Spectroscopy of reactive radical complexes Mitchio Okumura (Caltech, USA): Cavity ringdown studies of atmospheric free radicals Akkihebbal Ravishankara (NOAA, Colorado, USA): Atmospheric free radicals: instigators of chemistry that impacts climate and air quality FREE RADICALS IN COMBUSTION CHEMISTRY Marcus Alden (Univ. Lund, Sweden): Development and application of new laser spectroscopic techniques for measurements of radicals in combustion Larry Harding (Argonne National Lab, USA): Theoretical treatments of free radical kinetics relevant to combustion Katharina Kohse-Höinghaus (Univ. Bielefeld, Germany): Investigating intermediate species chemistry in combustion INTERSTELLAR SPECTRA AND CHEMICAL PROCESSES Eric Herbst (Ohio State Univ., USA): The chemistry of stellar and planetary formation Mats Larsson (Univ. Stockholm, Sweden): Molecule formation in interstellar space by dissociative recombination John Maier (Univ. Basel, Switzerland): Electronic spectra of carbon chains, rings and ions COMPUTATIONAL AND THEORETICAL CHEMISTRY OF FREE RADICALS Joel Bowman (Emory Univ., USA): Reactions involving "roaming" radicals Anna Krylov (Univ. Southern California, USA): title to be announced Jean-Claude Rayez (Univ. Bordeaux, France): Modelisation of chemical processes involving radicals in homogeneous and heterogeneous chemistry. ULTRACOLD SYSTEMS Dieter Gerlich (Univ. Chemnitz, Germany): Cold ions in traps: applications in interstellar chemistry Edward Hinds (Imperial College London, UK): Fundamental physics with polar radicals Please accept my apologies for any cross-posting! Best regards and we hope to see you in Savonlinna, Lauri Halonen, Chair of the Local Advisory and Organizing Committees Local Advisory Committee: Chair, Lauri Halonen, University of Helsinki Vice-Chair, Raimo Timonen, University of Helsinki Jouko Korppi-Tommola, University of Jyväskylä Henrik Kunttu, University of Jyväskylä Helge Lemmetyinen, Tampere University of Technology Pekka Pyykkö, University of Helsinki Dage Sundholm, University of Helsinki For further information please contact: *************************************************** Professor Lauri Halonen Laboratory of Physical Chemistry PO Box 55 (A.I. Virtasen aukio 1) FIN-00014 University of Helsinki Finland Email: Tel: +358 (0)9 19150280 FAX: +358 (0)9 19150279