Del Mar Photonics

DPSS laser kits

High power Laser kits and Eye safe laser kits

Del Mar Photonics offer high power laser kits and eye safe laser kits:

HIGH POWER LASER KITS - request a quote
1. The Grown YVO4+Nd:YVO4 crystals
2. The diffusion bonding :YAG+Nd:YAG; YVO4+Nd:YVO4 crystals
3. Low absorption @1064nm ND:YVO4 crystals
4. High damage threshold LBO crystals for THG@1064nm
5. laser dimension Brewster cut BBO for 4HG@1064nm

EYESAFE LASER KITS - request a quote
1.Er:Glass rods: CR14 (lamp pump) and EAT14 (LD pump)
2.Diffusion bonding crystals: Nd:YAG+Cr:YAG,
3.NCPM KTP or KTA for 1064nm---1570nm OPO. Dimension from 3x3x20mm to 10x10x30mm

Other optics:
High precise lenses and windows, prisms

Example of custom crystals and optics for DPSS laser manufacturing:

Green DPSS
Nd:YVO4, 3at.%Nd, a-cut, 3mm×3mm×1mm
S1: HT-808, HR-1064/532
S2: AR-1064/532
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Theta 90deg, Phi 23.5deg
3x3x1mm or 3x3x2mm
S1,S2 AR1064/532
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Green Output Lens (LEN2)
Dia 6×2 S1: R=-50 HR-1064 (R>99.8%),
AR-532(R<0.2%) S2: R=? AR-532(R<0.2%)
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NdYAG: 3×3×2mm, 1.1%doped
S1: HT-808/1064/1319 (T?95.0%/90.0%/90.0%),
HR-946/473 (R?99.8%/99.8%),
S2: AR-946/473 (R?99.8%/99.8%)
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3×3×1mm or 3x3x2mm
Theta=90deg, Phi=19.4deg
AR/AR-946/473 (R?99.8%/99.8%)
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Blue Output Lens (LEN3)
Dia 6×2 S1: R=-50mm, HR-946(99.8%),
S2: R=?, AR-473(R<0.2%)
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DPSS DMPLH lasers - DPSS laser prices
4W/6W DPPS Green Laser - Compact pulsed Nd:YAG lasers
Green laser > 5 Watts for military application
Femtosecond DPSS Lasers
Diode pumped solid state lasers operating at 457 nm and 450 nm - buy from online store
DPSS 532 nm 1W laser DMPV-532-1 (532nm Diode Pumped Solid
State Green Laser 1000mW)
- buy from online store
DPSS 532 nm 3W laser DMPV-532-3
Red Green Blue DPSS lasers