Del Mar Photonics - Newsletter

I am looking for a nanosecond pulse laser system for tunable excitation in red and near IR.
Pulse energy 10 – 20mJ can be sufficient with repetition 10 – 20 Hz.
Wavelengths are from about 680 nm (or, better, from 560 nm) up to 900 – 1100nm.
Can you propose something like a pulse laser with OPO or a Nd-YAG+Ti:sapphire set?


With reference to your inquiry, please find below the quotation for pulsed tunable laser systems.

Option 1

Laser system comprises

  1. Pulsed Nd:YAG laser model LQ529B 10Hz;
  2. Ti:Sapphire laser model LX329;
  3. Mounting frame with optics and holders;

Option 2

Laser system comprises

  1. Pulsed Nd:YAG laser model LQ529B 10Hz;
  2. OPO Model LP603;
  3. Mounting frame with optics and holders;

Option 3

Laser system comprises

  1. Pulsed Nd:YAG laser model LQ529B 10Hz;
  2. OPO model LP604;
  3. Mounting frame with optics and holders;


1.     Specifications for pulsed Nd:YAG laser model LQ529B

PRR                                              10 Hz

Output energy at 1064 nm           ≥ 350 mJ

                        at   532 nm           ≥ 190 mJ   (harmonic generators are built in the laser head)                 

Pulse width at 1064 nm               10…13 nsec

Beam diameter                            ≤ 6 mm

Divergence at 1064 nm               ~ 1.5 mrad

Stability at 1064 nm                     +/- 2.5%

Jitter                                             +/- 1 nsec



Power consumption (single phase,

220 V+/-10%, 50/60Hz), VA, less than 1000

Dimensions, mm

Laser Head                                 614 x 178 x 116

Power Supply                             617 x 326 x 670





2.     Specifications for laser model LX329 with built-in SHG

Tuning range at fundamental                       700 – 980 nm

Conversion efficiency at fundamental          ≥ 25% from the pump energy at max of the tuning curve

Pulse width (FWHM) at fundamental

without Fabri-Perot Etalon                            ≤ 0.05 nm

with Fabri-Perot Etalon                                 ~ 0.005 nm


Dimensions, mm

Laser Head                                                  651 x 282 x 123




3.     Specifications for OPO model LP603

Tuning range

The first range of OPO: for signal wave                                                 410 – 540 nm

                                      for idler wave                                                   1035 – 2500 nm

The second range of OPO: for signal wave                                           520 - 710 nm

                                      for idler wave                                                    710 – 1116 nm

Max total conversion efficiency, Es+i/E355                                            35% (at 500 nm)

Max total conversion efficiency of the signal wave, Es/E355                 20%

Max total conversion efficiency of the second harmonic, Eshg/E355    10%

Linewidth                                                                                                 4 – 6 cm^(-1)

Dimensions, mm                                                                                     278 x 255 x 75



4.     Specifications for OPO model LP604

Tuning range

                                           Signal wave                                                 4680 – 1064 nm

                                            Idler wave                                                   1064 – 2500 nm

Max total conversion efficiency                                                               ≥ 40%

Linewidth at signal and idler waves                                                        6 – 8 cm^(-1)

Dimensions, mm                                                                                     278 x 255 x 75




5.     Prices (FOB San Diego, CA, USA):


Option 1

1.      Pulsed Nd:YAG laser model LQ529B with built-in SHG                  US$29,600.-

2.     Ti:Sapphire laser model LX329                                                        US$18,900.-        

3.     PC option for LX329                                                                         US$1,700.-

4.     Fabry-Perot Interferometer                                                               US$1,800.-

5.     Mounting frame with holders and optics                                           US$6,000.-       



Option 2

1.      Pulsed Nd:YAG laser model LQ529B with built-in THG                 US$31,200.-

2.      OPO model LP603                                                                          US$20,900.-        

3.     PC option for OPO                                                                           US$1,700.-

4.     Mounting frame with sliding platforms                                              US$6,000.-       



Option 3

1.      Pulsed Nd:YAG laser model LQ529B with built-in SHG                 US$29,600.-

2.      OPO model LP604                                                                          US$15,900.-        

3.     PC option for OPO                                                                           US$1,700.-

4.     Mounting frame with sliding platforms                                              US$6,000.-       




5.     Payment terms: TBD (to be determined).


6.     Delivery and installation terms:

The delivery term for the laser system is within 3 - 4 months.


The above delivery is based on today’s stock availability and production loading. A firm delivery date will be confirmed upon receipt of your order.



5. Warranty terms


Description of the goods or the goods parts

Warranty period, months


For £ 8 hours operation time

1. Mechanical and electronic parts of lasers and laser systems


2. Optical components, such as:

-       Mirrors

-       Prisms

-       Polarizers

-       Windows

-       Nd:YAG rods

-       Harmonic separators

-       Lenses

-       YAG rods


3. Non-linear and water-soluble crystals such as:

-       DKDP

-       KTP

-       LBO

-       BBO

The Supplier warrants, that the parts comply with the specification and are free from defects in materials and workmanship at the time of delivery.


4. Lamps, deionising cartridges, particle filters

The Supplier warrants, that the parts comply with the specification and are free from defects in materials and workmanship at the time of delivery.


6.     Other terms:

Other terms are in accordance with our Standard Terms and Conditions of sale (available upon request).

7.     Validity:

The present Quotation is valid for 30 days.