Resonant Frequency Doubler, model FD-SF-07
Unique FD-SF-07 doubler is the most efficient resonant frequency doubler for CW
single-frequency lasers in the present market.
General description
Resonant rigid cavity for high efficiency doubling of cw radiation,
power-enhancement factor up to 130.
Fast two-stage system of locking the cavity to the frequency of input
radiation (Hansch-Couillaud polarization method).
Wavelength range, conversion efficiency
Fundamental mirror set covering approximately 900-950 nm.
Nonlinear crystal (LBO) for wavelength 922 nm fundamental.
Conversion efficiency: > 20% at 1W input at 922 nm.
Stable operation for fundamental pump power <2W.
Design features
Crystal mount with temperature stabilization, lateral translation and phase
matching adjustment.
Enclosed cavity with nitrogen purge port, express-access to the alignment of
the non-linear crystal through a special easily removable lid.
Electronics module with user-adjustable servo control parameters, separate
control photo-detector included into the standard set of the electronic unit.
Automatic relock electronics.
Input coupling optics, harmonic separation optics, and output beam-shaping
optics (cylindrical lens).
Resonant Frequency Doubler, model FD-SF-07:
Wavelength range: 922 +/-5 nm
Conversion efficiency: > 20% at 1W input at 920 nm.
Automatic relock electronics, temperature stabilization of crystal, input
coupling optics, harmonic separation optics, and output beam-shaping optics.
Price of the FD-SF-07 doubler with above mentioned specifications, including
delivery, installation, teaching and 12-months warranty period:
47,950 USD.
Time of delivery: 12 weeks ARO.
sample quote