- CaF2
prism -
custom -
- ZnSe -
dia3.5 -
ZnSe rhomb -
slides -
vacuum viewports -
cylindrical optics -
hemicylindrical prism, 25.4 mm -
Zinc Selenide rhomb -
viewport -
BaF2 lens
meniscus lenses
made of AMTIR-C1 and Germanium substrates with AR/AR coating at 3-5 and 8-12
Infrared detectors overview in the short-wave infrared to far-infrared for
CLARREO mission
Paper 7808-29 of Conference 7808
Date: Monday, 02 August 2010
Author(s): M. Nurul Abedin, Martin G. Mlynczak, David G. Johnson, Alan D.
Little, NASA Langley Research Ctr. (United States)
Abstract There is a considerable interest exist in the broadband detectors for
CLARREO Mission, which can be used to detect CO2, O3, H2O, and other trace
gases. Detections of these species are critical for understanding the Earth's
atmosphere, atmospheric chemistry, and systemic forcing driving climactic
changes. Discussions are focused on current and the most recent developing
detectors in SWIR-to-Far infrared detectors for CLARREO space-based instrument
to measure the above-mentioned species. These detector components will make
instruments designed for these critical detections more efficient while reducing
complexity and associated electronics and weight. We will review the on-going
detector technology efforts in the SWIR to Far-IR regions at different
organizations in this study.
Course: Infrared Systems - Technology & Design
Date: Monday, 02 August 2010
Instructor(s): Arnold Daniels, Lockheed Martin Co. (United States)
This course covers the range of topics necessary to understand the theoretical
principles of modern infrared-technology. It combines numerous engineering
disciplines necessary for the development of infrared systems. Practical
engineering calculations are highlighted, with examples of trade studies
illustrating the interrelationships among the various hardware characteristics.
This course is comprised of four sections: Section 1 introduces the geometrical
optics concepts including image formation, stops and pupils, thick lenses and
lens combinations, image quality, and the properties of infrared materials.
Section 2 covers the essentials of radiometry necessary for the quantitative
understanding of infrared signatures and flux transfer. These concepts are then
developed and applied to flux-transfer calculations for blackbody, graybody, and
selective radiator sources. Remote temperature calibrations and measurements are
then used as an illustration of these radiometric principles. Section 3 is
devoted to fundamental background issues for optical detection-processes. It
compares the characteristics of cooled and uncooled detectors with an emphasis
on spectral and blackbody responsivity, detectivity (D*), as well as the noise
mechanisms related to optical detection. The detector parameters and
capabilities of single detectors and third generation focal plane arrays (FPAs)
are analyzed. With this acquired background, Section 4 considers the
systems-design aspects of infrared imagers. The impact of scan format on
signal-to-noise ratio is described, and the engineering tradeoffs inherent in
the development of infrared search and track (IRST) systems are explained.
Figures of merit such as MTF, NETD, and MRTD of staring arrays are examined for
the performance metrics of thermal sensitivity and spatial resolution of thermal
imaging systems (TIS). Contrast threshold functions based on Johnson and visible
cycles (often denoted as N- and V-cycles) are specified. The interrelationships
among the design parameters are identified through trade-study examples.
Radiation detection from near-infrared to mid-infrared based on frequency
Paper 7817-10 of Conference 7817
Date: Tuesday, 03 August 2010
Author(s): Ioulia B. Zotova, ArkLight, Inc. (United States); Yujie J. Ding,
Lehigh Univ. (United States)
During this presentation, we will summary our recent progress on detection of
radiation in the wavelength regions spanning from near-infrared to mid-infrared
based on frequency upconversion in nonlinear materials. We will demonstrate that
such a process is capable of reaching the single-photon detection limit.
Course: Multispectral and Hyperspectral Image Sensors
Date: Sunday, 01 August 2010
Instructor(s): Terrence S. Lomheim, The Aerospace Corp. (United States)
This course will describe the imaging capabilities and applications of the
principal types of multispectral (MS) and hyperspectral (HS) sensors. The focus
will be on sensors that work in the visible, near-infrared and
shortwave-infrared spectral regimes, but the course will touch on
longwave-infrared applications. A summary of the salient features of classical
color imaging (human observation) will also be provided in an appendix.
Infrared research at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory
Paper 7808-1 of Conference 7808
Date: Sunday, 01 August 2010
Author(s): Sarath D. Gunapala, D. Z. Ting, C. J. Hill, J. Nguyen, A. Soibel, J.
K. Liu, S. A. Keo, J. M. Mumolo, B. Yang, M. Lee, Jet Propulsion Lab. (United
No abstract available
Passively cooled LWIR and VLWIR HgCdTe-based infrared detectors
Paper 7808-2 of Conference 7808
Date: Sunday, 01 August 2010
Author(s): Silviu Velicu, Christoph H. Grein, EPIR Technologies, Inc. (United
States); Jamie Philips, Univ. of Michigan (United States)
For geostationary and low-Earth orbital platforms, passive cooling systems are
being developed to provide a suitable means to incorporate HgCdTe infrared
detectors. However, in current generation passively-cooled detectors, Auger
processes typically dominate the dark current. Device designs have been proposed
to suppress Auger processes. In this work, we analyze the non-equilibrium
operation of long wavelength and very long wavelength infrared devices and
identify the performance improvements expected when Auger suppression occurs. We
identify critical structure design, material and device requirements that must
be satisfied for optimal characteristics. We describe our experimental work done
to satisfy these requirements, with an emphasis on the molecular beam epitaxy
growth of structures having absorber layers with low dopant densities and high
minority carrier lifetimes. We will present an analysis and comparison of our
theoretical and experimental non-equilibrium device results.
Performance of InAsSb-based infrared detectors with nBn design
Paper 7808-4 of Conference 7808
Date: Sunday, 01 August 2010
Author(s): Stephen A. Myers, Arezou Khoshakhlagh, Elena Plis, Maya N. Kutty, Ha
Sul Kim, Nutan Gautam, Brianna Klein, Ctr. for High Technology Materials (United
States); Sanjay Krishna, The Univ. of New Mexico (United States); Edward Smith,
Raytheon Co. (United States)
Our group has investigated nBn detectors based on bulk InAsSb absorber (n) and
contacts (n) with AlAsSb or AlGaSb barriers (B). The wide-band-gap barrier
material exhibits a large conduction band offset and zero valence band offset
with narrow-band-gap absorber material. An important matter to explore in this
design is the barrier parameters in InAsSb-based nBn detectors (material,
composition and doping concentration) and how they effect the operation of the
device. This paper will investigate barriers composed of AlAsSb and AlGaSb
materials with different compositions and doping levels and their effect on
detector characteristics like dark current density and specific detectivity.
Growth and optimization of InAs/GaSb superlattice materials for mid-infrared
Paper 7808-5 of Conference 7808
Date: Sunday, 01 August 2010
Author(s): Heather J. Haugan, Air Force Research Lab. (United States)
An InAs/GaSb Superlattice photodiode array that can operate in the mid-infrared
transmission window has been of growing interest due to the potential for
application in cameras operating at temperatures greater than 200 K. Despite the
continuous progress in improving the quality of SL materials, the detectivities
of InAs/GaSb SL detectors are still lower than those of commercial mercury
cadmium telluride detectors. Most researchers believe that residual defects in
the SL material shorten the minority carrier lifetime, thereby keep the device
from reaching theoretical performance levels. Systematic growth optimization was
performed in order to minimize residual background charge carriers. The effect
of nonradiative defects and background carriers on the luminescence and
transport qualities of our SL materials is reviewed.
Intersubband transitions in GaN-based quantum wells: a new materials platform
for infrared device applications
Paper 7808-6 of Conference 7808
Date: Sunday, 01 August 2010
Author(s): Roberto Paiella, Boston Univ. (United States)
Due to their large conduction-band offsets, GaN/AlGaN quantum wells can
accommodate intersubband transitions at record short wavelengths throughout the
mid-infrared and into the near-infrared spectral regions. As a result, they are
currently the subject of extensive research efforts aimed at extending the
spectral reach and functionality of intersubband optoelectronic devices. This
talk will review our recent work in this area, including the spectroscopic
investigation of intersubband absorption in isolated and coupled quantum wells,
the measurement of intersubband cross-absorption saturation and self-phase
modulation, and the demonstration of optically pumped intersubband light
emission at short-wave infrared wavelengths.
Room temperature spectroscopic characterisation of mid-infrared GaInSb quantum
well laser structures
Paper 7755-11 of Conference 7755
Date: Sunday, 01 August 2010
Author(s): Natasha E. Fox, Thomas J. Hosea, Alexi D. Andreev, Univ. of Surrey
(United Kingdom); Geoff R. Nash, Timothy Ashley, QinetiQ Ltd. (United Kingdom)
Three increasingly strained GaInSb/AlGaInSb type I multi quantum-well (QW) laser
structures grown on GaAs, aimed at emitting at ~4m, are analysed using Fourier
transform infrared surface photo-voltage spectroscopy. The measurements yielded
the barrier bandgap, the QW ground state transition, from which the device
operating wavelengths can be inferred, and up to five excited state QW
transitions. All the measured transition energies are compared with those
predicted by an 8-band k.p model which gives good agreement for the QW
transitions, but indicates the current literature values for the AlGaInSb
bandgap seem to be in considerable error for the present alloy compositions.
Infrared detectors for spaceborne laser receivers
Paper 7808-9 of Conference 7808
Date: Sunday, 01 August 2010
Author(s): Michael A. Krainak, NASA Goddard Space Flight Ctr. (United States)
Near-infrared detectors are required for numerous NASA future space-based laser
receivers including science instruments and free-space optical communication
terminals. Silicon avalanche photodiode (APD) detectors have been used in most
space lidar receivers to date with a sensitivity that is typically hundreds of
photons per pulse at 1064 nm. We have are investigating avalanche photodiode and
photomultiplier based receivers from several US vendors as possible
alternatives. We discuss the multi-year performance of the near-infrared
detectors on the ICESat Geoscience Laser Altimeter System (GLAS) instrument
launched in 2003 and several near-infrared detector technologies that are under
evaluation for future NASA science instruments and free space laser
communication terminals.
Infrared spectroscopy of thin layers under ultra-high vacuum conditions
Paper 7808-11 of Conference 7808
Date: Sunday, 01 August 2010
Author(s): Annemarie Pucci, Stephan Wetzel, Tobias Glaser, Robert Lovrincic,
Ruprecht-Karls-Univ. Heidelberg (Germany)
We present new results from in-situ infrared spectroscopic studies of nanofilm
growth. These studies, performed under ultra-high vacuum conditions with
sub-monolayer sensitivity, exploited the relationship between morphology and
structure on the one side and, on the other side, vibration excitations and
plasmonic ones. The studies are performed within various projects ranging from
astronomy and high-energy physics to organic electronics and plasmonics.
Infrared study of onset of metallicity and ferromagnetism in GaMnAs
Paper 7760-14 of Conference 7760
Date: Sunday, 01 August 2010
Author(s): Brian Chapler, Univ. of California, San Diego (United States);
Roberto C. Myers, The Ohio State Univ. (United States); Shawn Mack, David D.
Awschalom, Ebinazar B. Namdas, Jonathan D. Yuen, Alan J. Heeger, Univ. of
California, Santa Barbara (United States); Nitin Samarth, The Pennsylvania State
Univ. (United States); Michael C. Martin, Lawrence Berkeley National Lab.
(United States); Kenneth S. Burch, Univ. of Toronto (Canada); Dmitri N. Basov,
Univ. of California, San Diego (United States)
We have explored the phase diagram of GaMnAs by modifying charge density and
quantifying its effect on the electronic structure and dynamics via infrared
spectroscopic measurements. The similarity of all spectra suggests that the
electronic structure does not vary dramatically across either the
insulator-to-metal or ferromagnetic transition. In addition,
temperature-dependent measurements reveal that ferromagnetic samples exhibit an
enhanced spectral weight below T_C. This enhancement can be attributed to a
reduction of the carrier mass, a feature which is not observed in paramagnetic
High sensitivity semiconductor nanowire infrared detectors
Paper 7808-13 of Conference 7808
Date: Sunday, 01 August 2010
Author(s): Yu-Hwa Lo, Hongkwon Kim, Univ. of California, San Diego (United
We discuss semiconductor nanowire infrared detectors with high sensitivity
approaching the quantum limit (i.e. single photon sensitivity). The optical
absorption may occur between band-to-band transitions and/or band-to-bound state
transitions. The high sensitivity is largely attributed to the built-in
amplification mechanisms which may be through phototransistive gain and/or
avalanche multiplication.
Short-wave infrared imaging spectrometer with simultaneous thermal imaging
Paper 7812-1 of Conference 7812
Date: Monday, 02 August 2010
Author(s): William R. Johnson, Daniel W. Wilson, Alex Diaz, Jet Propulsion Lab.
(United States)
A computed tomorgraphic imaging spectrometer (CTIS) has been developed to allow
simultaneous shortwave infrared (SWIR: 1-1.4um) spectral imaging and mid wave
infrared (MWIR) 3-5um thermal imaging. The shortwave information in the higher
diffraction orders was reconstructed using existing methodologies while a
co-registered thermal image from the zeroth-order was analyzed. Co-registered
contour maps of the shortwave information was displayed and processed for
accurate retrieval of scene information. Spectral and radiometric test and
evaluation results are presented for this new spectral imager and a general
explanation is given for the theory of its tomographic operation.
MERTIS: thermal infrared imaging of Mercury: advances in mid-IR remote sensing
Paper 7808-16 of Conference 7808
Date: Monday, 02 August 2010
Author(s): Gabriele E. Arnold, Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt e.V.
(Germany) and Institut für Planetologie, WWU Münster (Germany); Harald
Hiesinger, Westfaelische Wilhelms Univ. (Germany); Jörn Helbert, Gisbert Peter,
Ingo Walter, Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt e.V. (Germany)
No abstract available
MERTIS: understanding Mercury's surface composition from mid-infrared
Paper 7808-17 of Conference 7808
Date: Monday, 02 August 2010
Author(s): Joern Helbert, Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt e.V.
(Germany); Harald Hiesinger, Westfaelische Wilhelms Univ. (Germany); Ingo
Walter, Thomas Säuberlich, Alessandro Maturilli, Jörg Knollenberg, Deutsches
Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt e.V. (Germany); Helmut Hirsch, Astro- und
Feinwerktechnik Adlershof GmbH (Germany); Eckehard Lorenz, Gisbert Peter,
Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt e.V. (Germany); Gabriele E. Arnold,
Westfaelische Wilhelms Univ. (Germany) and Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und
Raumfahrt e.V. (Germany)
The Mercury Radiometer and Thermal infrared Imaging Spectrometer MERTIS on the
joint ESA-JAXA mission BepiColombo to Mercury is combining a spectrometer using
an uncooled microbolometer in a pushbroom mode with a highly miniaturized
radiometer. A full development model of MERTIS is now available. So, after three
flybys of Mercury by the MESSENGER mission and with the Planetary Emissivity
Laboratory at DLR in Berlin that can routinely obtain infrared emission spectra
at high temperatures it is a good time to review the MERTIS science requirements
and the performance in perspective of our new knowledge of Mercury.
Nanostructured infrared-sensitive solar cells: quantum dot-fullerene
Paper 7772-14 of Conference 7772
Date: Monday, 02 August 2010
Author(s): Ethan J. Klem, Jay Lewis, Chris Gregory, Dorota Temple, RTI
International (United States)
Advances in the power conversion efficiency of organic heterjunction devices
will require improved absorption in the infrared while maintaining high charge
carrier mobilities. The use of solution processed quantum dots provides a
potential route towards overcoming these limitations. In this work we present a
planar device architecture based on the heterojunction formed between
infrared-sensitive PbS quantum dots and C60 fullerenes. Under AM1.5 illumination
the devices exhibit short circuit current densities greater than 20 mA/cm^2,
power conversion efficiencies greater than 4%, and spectral sensitivity beyond
1400 nm.
Deep space instrument design for thermal infrared imaging with MERTIS
Paper 7808-18 of Conference 7808
Date: Monday, 02 August 2010
Author(s): Ingo Walter, Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt e.V. (Germany)
MERTIS is a miniaturized thermal infrared imaging spectrometer onboard of ESA's
cornerstone mission BepiColombo to Mercury in the spectral range from 7-40 μm.
The instrument concept therefore integrates two detector systems sharing a
common optical path consisting of mirror entrance optics and reflective Offner
spectrometer. Subsequent viewing of different targets including on-board
calibration sources will provide the desired performance. The article will
provide an overview of the 3 kg - instrument design and highlight the concept of
the subsystems and technologies used. The status of the development process will
be reported.
Efficiency improvement by near infrared quantum dots for luminescent solar
Paper 7772-15 of Conference 7772
Date: Monday, 02 August 2010
Author(s): Chunhua Wang, Roland Winston, Univ. of California, Merced (United
States); David G. Pelka, Pelka & Associates, Inc. (United States); Weiya Zhang,
Sayantani Ghosh, Georgiy S. Shcherbatyuk, Richard H. Inman, Univ. of California,
Merced (United States); Yvonne Rodriguez, Sue Carter, Univ. of California, Santa
Cruz (United States)
Quantum dot (QD) luminescent solar concentrator (LSCs) generally consists of a
sheet of highly transparent materials doped with luminescent QDs materials.
Sunlight is absorbed by these quantum dots and emitted through down conversion
process with high quantum efficiency. The emitted light is trapped in the sheet
and travels to the edges where it can be collected by photovoltaic solar cells.
In this study, we investigate the performance of LSCs fabricated with near
infrared quantum dots (QDs) (lead sulfide) and compare them with LSCs containing
normal visible QDs (CdSe/ZnS), and with LSCs containing organic dyes (Rhodamine
Infrared signatures of high carrier densities induced in organic semiconductors
by fluorinated organosilane molecules
Paper 7778-6 of Conference 7778
Date: Monday, 02 August 2010
Author(s): Omar Khatib, Univ. of California, San Diego (United States); Bumsu
Lee, Rutgers, The State Univ. of New Jersey (United States); Jonathan Yuen,
Univ. of California, Santa Barbara (United States); Zhiqiang Li, Columbia Univ.
(United States); Massimiliano Di Ventra, Univ. of California, San Diego (United
States); Alan Heeger, Univ. of California, Santa Barbara (United States); Vitaly
Podzorov, Rutgers, The State Univ. of New Jersey (United States); Dimitri Basov,
Univ. of California, San Diego (United States)
We present a thorough spectroscopic investigation of organic semiconductors that
have been doped to a highly conducting state as a result of exposure to
fluorinated trichlorosilane (FTS) vapors. In organic molecular crystals of
Rubrene, FTS molecules are confined to the surface where they form a
self-assembled monolayer. In conjugated polythiophenes, however, the FTS
molecules penetrate into the bulk, leading to a rich spectrum of electronic
excitations in the mid-IR range. Additionally, treated structures can be doped
to high enough carrier densities to approach the metal-insulator transition
(~10^14 holes/cm2), which results in the appearance of a Drude-like absorption
in the far-IR
An experimental infrared sensor using adaptive coded apertures for enhanced
Paper 7818A-5 of Conference 7818A
Date: Monday, 02 August 2010
Author(s): Neil T. Gordon, Geoff D. De Villiers, Kevin D. Ridley, Mark E. McNie,
Ian K. Proudler, Rebecca A. Wilson, Kevin Gilholm, Lee Russell, David A.
Huckridge, Christopher W. Slinger, QinetiQ Ltd. (United Kingdom)
Adaptive coded aperture imaging (ACAI) has the potential to enhance greatly the
performance of sensing systems by allowing sub detector pixel image and tracking
resolution. A small experimental system has been set up to allow the practical
demonstration of these benefits in the mid infrared, as well as investigating
the mixed physics optical modeling, the calibration and stability of the system.
The demonstrator can use either fixed masks or a novel MOEMS adaptive
transmissive spatial light modulator. This paper discusses the design and
testing of the system including the development of novel decoding algorithms.
Imaging and tracking results are presented.
Predicting top-of-atmosphere radiance for arbitrary viewing geometries from the
visible to thermal infrared
Paper 7813-6 of Conference 7813
Date: Monday, 02 August 2010
Author(s): Stephen A. Cota, Linda S. Kalman, The Aerospace Corp. (United States)
In an earlier paper [Cota et al., Proc. SPIE 7087, 1-31 (2008)] we described how
The Aerospace Corporation's Parameterized Image Chain Analysis & Simulation
SOftware (PICASSO) may be used with a reflectance calibrated input scene in
conjunction with a limited number of runs of AFRL's MODTRAN4 radiative transfer
code, to quickly predict the top-of-atmosphere (TOA) radiance received by an
earth viewing sensor for any arbitrary combination of solar and sensor elevation
angles. In the present paper, we extend the method to the short and midwave IR,
where reflected solar and emitted thermal radiation both contribute to the TOA
radiance received by a downlooking sensor.
Payload-centric integration and test approach on the wide-field Infrared Survey
Explorer mission
Paper 7796-7 of Conference 7796
Date: Monday, 02 August 2010
Author(s): Fengchuan Liu, Mohamed A. Abid, Valerie G. Duval, Peter R.
Eisenhardt, Jet Propulsion Lab. (United States); John D. Elwell, Space Dynamics
Lab. (United States); Ingolf H. Heinrichsen, William R. Irace, Jason LaPointe,
Jet Propulsion Lab. (United States); Mark F. Larsen, Space Dynamics Lab. (United
States); Mark Shannon, Nicholas Taylor, Ball Aerospace & Technologies Corp.
(United States); Edward L. Wright, Univ. of California, Los Angeles (United
NASA's Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer (WISE) mission was successfully
launched on December 14, 2009. All spacecraft subsystems and the single
instrument consisting of four imaging bands from 3.4 to 22 microns, a 40 cm
afocal telescope and reimaging optics, and a two-stage solid hydrogen cryostat
have performed nominally on orbit, enabling the trouble-free survey of the
entire infrared sky. Among the many factors that contributed to the WISE
post-launch success is the system integration and test (I&T) approach tailored
to the unique payload. The simple and straightforward interfaces between the
spacecraft and the payload allowed the payload to be fully tested prior to
integration with the spacecraft. A payload Thermal, Mass and Dynamic Simulator
(TMDS) allowed the spacecraft I&T to proceed in parallel, including system-level
thermal vacuum test and dynamic test. A payload electrical simulator and a high
rate data processor enabled very early end-to-end data testing using engineering
model payload electronics and spacecraft avionics, which allowed engineers to
identify and fix firmware issues prior to building flight electronics. This
paper describes in detail the unique WISE I&T approach, its benefits, challenges
encountered, and lessons learned.
High-resolution infrared imaging
Paper 7782-6 of Conference 7782
Date: Monday, 02 August 2010
Author(s): Charles M. Falco, The Univ. of Arizona (United States)
Show Abstract
The hands and mind of an artist are intimately involved in the creative process
of image formation, intrinsically making paintings complex to analyze. In spite
of this difficulty, several years ago the painter David Hockney and I identified
optical evidence within a number of paintings that demonstrated artists began
using optical projections as early as c1425 -- nearly 175 years before Galileo
-- as aids for producing portions of their images. In the course of our work,
Hockney and I developed insights that I have been applying to a new approach to
computerized image analysis. A direct result of this approach has been to
identify from Impressionist paintings by Monet, Pissarro, Renoir and others the
precise locations the artists stood when making a number of their paintings. An
indirect result, that much of this lecture will be devoted to, has been the
development of a high resolution infrared camera. As I will discuss, this camera
has enabled me to capture IR reflectograms of hundreds of paintings in over a
dozen museums on three continents so far, in a number of cases revealing marks
made by the artists that have been hidden by paint ever since they were made. In
some cases these marks provide key insights into decisions the artists made in
creating the final images that we see in the visible. Acknowledgments: I am
grateful to David Hockney for the many invaluable insights into imaging gained
from him in our collaboration, and to the support of ARO and DARPA.
Quantitative analysis error source estimates for passive stand-off infrared
chemical signatures using a high-throughput Fourier transform infrared
Paper 7812-11 of Conference 7812
Date: Monday, 02 August 2010
Author(s): Robert T. Kroutil, Dynamac Corp. (United States); Paul E. Lewis, U.S.
Government (United States); Sylvia S. Shen, The Aerospace Corp. (United States);
David P. Miller, Northrop Grumman Information Technology (United States); Alan
Cummings, Tetra Tech EM, Inc. (United States); Mark Thomas, Timothy Curry, U.S.
Environmental Protection Agency (United States)
Show Abstract
Quantitative analysis of passive infrared spectral signatures has been recently
documented in a few open literature publications. During emergency response
operations, it is useful to characterize the general level of concentration of a
particular chemical vapor in order to quickly estimate a hazardous condition for
first responders and the public. Error sources in the quantitative measurement
of a gaseous species include a lack of understanding of the ground temperature,
an unknown estimate of the emissivity of the surface, a lack of knowledge of the
temperature of the gaseous plume, and a poor understanding of what the
contribution of the intervening atmosphere has on the infrared signal. This
paper addresses error estimation from these sources in order to provide a
practical estimation of the accuracy associated with making a quantitative
measurement of a chemical plume concentration.
Phase retrieval for thermal infrared systems
Paper 7800-12 of Conference 7800
Date: Monday, 02 August 2010
Author(s): Matthew R. Bolcar, Scott Rohrbach, John E. Mentzell, Michael J.
Hersh, Adam J. Matuszeski, NASA Goddard Space Flight Ctr. (United States)
Show Abstract
Optical materials used for transmissive systems operating in the thermal
infrared band (8-12 μm) tend to be soft, and easily deformed under mounting
stress. Since these materials also tend to be poorly transmissive, or even
opaque at visible wavelengths, traditional interferometric techniques are not
well suited to measuring the transmitted wavefront. We present experimental
results using phase retrieval at thermal IR wavelengths to characterize the
Thermal Infrared Sensor (TIRS), an instrument included in the Landsat Data
Continuity Mission (LDCM), and measure wavefront errors caused by mounting
stresses on the lenses.
Earth's far-infrared spectrum: a frontier in climate science and measurement
Paper 7808-26 of Conference 7808
Date: Monday, 02 August 2010
Author(s): Martin G. Mlynczak, Richard Cageao, M. Nurul Abedin, NASA Langley
Research Ctr. (United States); Harri Latvakoski, Space Dynamics Lab. (United
States); J. Ashley Alford, NASA Langley Research Ctr. (United States); Stanley
Wellard, Space Dynamics Lab. (United States); Henry H. Hogue, DRS Sensors &
Targeting Systems, Inc. (United States); Erik Syrstad, Space Dynamics Lab.
(United States)
Show Abstract
For the past 40 years spectral measurements of the Earth's infrared emission
have been confined to 4 to 15 micrometers. The far-infrared spectrum, from 15 to
100 micrometers, contains about half of the infrared energy exiting the Earth
system and is modulated by water vapor, Earth's primary greenhouse gas, and
cirrus clouds. For the past decade a concerted effort has been made to develop
the technology to measure routinely the far-IR from space. These efforts have
paid off in a number of unique instruments and technologies that are being
incorporated in the development of the new NASA CLARREO satellite mission.
Semiconductor plasmonic metamaterials for near-infrared and telecommunication
Paper 7754-20 of Conference 7754
Date: Monday, 02 August 2010
Author(s): Gururaj Naik, Vladimir M. Shalaev, Purdue Univ. (United States);
Alexandra Boltasseva, Purdue Univ. (United States) and Denmark Technical
University (Denmark)
Show Abstract
Metamaterials have conventionally used gold and silver as their plasmonic
components. However, the losses in these metallic components, especially in
near-IR (NIR) and visible spectra have severely limited their performances.
Also, the magnitude of real permittivity of these metals is too large in NIR for
many transformation-optics devices. In this paper we show that zinc oxide, a
wide band-gap semiconductor, when heavily doped can be a low loss plasmonic
material in NIR with a small magnitude of real permittivity. Upon optimizing the
processing conditions, losses in heavily doped ZnO can be four times smaller
than that of silver in NIR.
Nonlinear switching of near infrared light in liquid crystal on silicon channel
Paper 7775-35 of Conference 7775
Date: Monday, 02 August 2010
Author(s): Antonio d'Alessandro, Rita Asquini, Marco Trotta, Univ. degli Studi
di Roma La Sapienza (Italy); Romeo Beccherelli, Istituto per la Microelettronica
e Microsistemi (Italy)
Show Abstract
Nonlinear optical properties of nematic LC (NLC) E7 channel waveguides in
micromachined SiO2/Si V-grooves operating in the C-band (1530 - 1565 nm) will be
presented. Molecular reorientation of the NLC, induced either by an applied low
frequency electric field or by the electric field of the light itself, changes
the LC refractive index distribution then allowing the control of guided light.
Experiments showed that light at 1550 nm could be optically modulated by a 25 mW
optical beam, fiber-coupled to the LC waveguide. Modeling of NLC optically
induced reorientation to explain experimental results will be also presented.
Development and verification of high durability infrared transparent coating for
airborne usage
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![]() |
W-Ge-125-6 | Germanium window, ø 125 mm x 6 mm |
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W-Ge-25.4-3 | Germanium window, ø 25.4 mm x 3 mm |
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W-Ge-38.1-4 | Germanium window, ø 38.1 mm x 4 mm |
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W-Ge-38.1-4 | Germanium window, ø 38.1 mm x 4 mm, coated |
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W-Ge-50.8-3 | Germanium window, ø 50.8 mm x 3 mm |
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W-Ge-50.8-3 | Germanium window, ø 50.8 mm x 3 mm |
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W-Ge-50.8-5 | Germanium window, ø 50.8 mm x 5 mm |
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W-Ge-60-3-CTS | Germanium window, ø 60 mm x 3 mm |
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Displaying 1 to 12 (of 12 products) |
Paper 7786-21 of Conference 7786
Date: Monday, 02 August 2010
Author(s): Ahmet L. Avsar, Hüseyin A. Salman, Alp Eren S. Özhan, Ali M.
Çolakoglu, ASELSAN Inc. (Turkey)
Show Abstract
The development of hard carbon coating, whose substrate material is germanium,
will be discussed. Finite element analysis of substrate material will be
compared with rain erosion test data. Test results for developed coating will
also be presented to show the improvement on durability performance.
The measurement of low-level infrared spectral directional-hemispherical
Paper 7792-14 of Conference 7792
Date: Monday, 02 August 2010
Author(s): Leonard M. Hanssen, Boris Wilthan, National Institute of Standards
and Technology (United States)
Show Abstract
At NIST, the Absolute Near-normal Infrared Reflectometer Instrument (ANIRI) is
used for the measurement of absolute infrared spectral directional-hemispherical
reflectance (DHR). The ANIRI employs a custom integrating sphere as well as a
custom absolute method for the characterization of near-normal DHR. The complete
measurement system includes an FTIR spectrometer source, an interface optics
unit, and the ANIRI. This system incorporates several features that make it
especially suitable for the measurement of very black materials. The measurement
system, as well as key elements of the measurement methodology will be reviewed.
Example results of several low reflectance samples will be shown.
Optical design of a coded aperture infrared imaging system with resolution below
the pixel limit
Paper 7818A-15 of Conference 7818A
Date: Monday, 02 August 2010
Author(s): Charlotte R. Bennett, Kevin Ridley, Geoff D. De Villiers, Philip
Watson, Christopher W. Slinger, QinetiQ Ltd. (United Kingdom); Philip J. Rogers,
VNF Ltd. (United Kingdom)
Show Abstract
Adaptive coded aperture imaging systems can resolve objects that are smaller
than the pixel-limited resolution of the focal plane array. In the mid-wave
infrared the required signal to noise necessitates some form of light
concentration. Optical design software has been used to model candidate optical
systems with the aim of achieving up to four times resolution enhancement along
each linear dimension. Novel metrics have been derived and used to inform the
optical design. The modeling and design tradeoffs and resulting performance are
Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer solid hydrogen cryogenic support system:
lessons learned
Paper 7796-11 of Conference 7796
Date: Monday, 02 August 2010
Author(s): Brett Lloyd, Brian Thompson, Space Dynamics Lab. (United States);
Scott H. Schick, Practical Technology Solutions, Inc. (United States)
Show Abstract
The Wide-Field Infrared Survey Explorer (WISE) is a JPL managed MIDEX mission to
perform an infrared all-sky survey. The WISE instrument, developed by the Space
Dynamics Laboratory (SDL), is a 40-cm cryogenically-cooled telescope which
includes a cryogenic scan mirror and four infrared focal planes (2-HgCdTe,
2-SiAs). Cooling of the instrument to the desired temperatures is accomplished
by a two-stage, solid hydrogen cryostat, provided by Lockheed Martin Advanced
Technology Center (LMATC). Required temperatures for the instrument optics and
SiAs focal planes are <13 K and < 7.6 K respectively. To extend the cryogen
lifetime, the vacuum shell is isolated from the spacecraft via composite struts
and radiatively cooled to <200 K. The telescope aperture is protected from
on-orbit environmental loads via a two-stage radiatively cooled aperture shade.
WISE was successfully launched into a 530 km, polar orbit on Dec 14, 2009,
beginning a 10-month mission to survey the entire sky in the infrared. This
paper discusses various lessons that were learned during the design,
development, fabrication, integration, and testing of the WISE cryogenic support
Extended Blocked Impurity Band detectors for far-infrared detection
Paper 7808-30 of Conference 7808
Date: Monday, 02 August 2010
Author(s): Henry H. Hogue, DRS Sensors & Targeting Systems, Inc. (United
States); Martin G. Mlynczak, M. Nurul Abedin, NASA Langley Research Ctr. (United
States); Stacy Masterjohn, Mark Muzilla, DRS Sensors & Targeting Systems, Inc.
(United States)
Show Abstract
We report further development of a direct detector for far-IR (>40 µm) photons
descended from Si:As BIB mid-IR (5 to 40 µm) detectors with extensive space
heritage. Wavelength is extended through the increase of dopant concentration. A
prototype detector was demonstrated in 2008 with wavelength extension to 50 µm
and projection operation to 16 K for atmospheric monitoring from space. Further
development of this device is in progress, targeting a detector with wavelength
range from 2 to 100 µm. New detector material has been prepared and is being
processed into into detectors for evaluation relative CLARREO far-IR
interferometer requirements.
Barium fluoride and glass combinations for short-wave infrared designs
Paper 7786-45 of Conference 7786
Date: Monday, 02 August 2010
Author(s): David W. Warren, The Aerospace Corp. (United States)
Show Abstract
Achromatic doublet theory is recast for the 1-2.5um short-wavelength infrared
band, suggesting the desirability of combining Barium Fluoride with specific
high index optical glasses having large differences in primary SWIR dispersion
and small differences in partial SWIR dispersion. Candidate combinations of
materials are screened empirically using the performance of optimized f/3
airspaced achromatic doublets employing Barium Fluoride as the positive element.
Polychromatic RMS geometric image spot sizes appear to increase quadratically
with difference in partial SWIR dispersion between Barium Fluoride and the
complementary glasses. Examples of complex (fast, wide field) systems
demonstrate the utility of the most promising pairings.
Image splitter for mid-infrared bi-spectral analysis of flames
Paper 7808-52 of Conference 7808
Date: Monday, 02 August 2010
Author(s): Antonio Ortega, Gonzalo Paez, Marija Strojnik, CIO (Mexico)
Show Abstract
In this work we propose and evaluate an optical "image splitter" by which we can
capture two simultaneous infrared images of a single object, using a single
detector. By using this device, we can perform experiments in which we are
interested in observing transitory phenomena in two different spectral bands,
such as in mid-infrared flame analysis.
Subradiant plasmon modes in high sensitivity LSPR sensing experiments in the
Paper 7757-79 of Conference 7757
Date: Monday, 02 August 2010
Author(s): Niels Verellen, Katholieke Univ. Leuven (Belgium) and IMEC (Belgium);
Chengjun Huang, Kristof Lodewijks, IMEC (Belgium); Guy A. E. Vandenbosch,
Katholieke Univ. Leuven (Belgium); Liesbet Lagae, Pol Van Dorpe, IMEC (Belgium);
Victor V. Moshchalkov, Katholieke Univ. Leuven (Belgium)
Show Abstract
Coherent coupling of individual plasmonic nanocavity modes presents an effective
tool for controlling localized surface plasmon resonance (LSPR) linewidths. Fano
resonances, plasmonic electromagnetic induced transparency and subradiance have
been proposed as promising candidates for LSPR refractive index sensing because
of their enhanced quality factors (and small effective mode volumes). We
experimentally demonstrate that subradiance could be one of the key ingredients
for high sensitivity LSPR nanosensors based on planar Au nano-crosses. By
immersion in different glycerol solutions, refractive index sensitivities over
1000nm /RIU are observed with Figure of Merit (FOM) numbers exceeding 5 in the
Synthetic images for radiometric and spectral validation of an infrared sensor
Paper 7798-86 of Conference 7798
Date: Monday, 02 August 2010
Author(s): Francisco Cortes, Fernando Lopez, Juan Melendez, Jose Manuel Aranda,
Antonio J. de Castro, Univ. Carlos III de Madrid (Spain)
Show Abstract
This paper describes the radiometric validation procedure of an IR sensor model
including its entire components, from optics to ADC output. The complete model
includes the properly combination of the different sub-models of an imaging
system: optics, spectral selectors, detector and electronic output. For
validation purposes different IR cameras and blackbodies available in our lab
has been used. The input magnitude is a simulated blackbody. The model generates
a synthetic digital image to be compared with the camera one. Special care is
devoted to spectral validation of the sensor, including not only cameras but
spectroradiometers and spectral imagers.
Ordered/disordered broadband antireflective structures for near-infrared
detector applications
Paper 7808-54 of Conference 7808
Date: Tuesday, 03 August 2010
Author(s): Young Min Song, Eun Sil Choi, Gyeong Cheol Park, Sung Jun Jang,
Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology (Korea, Republic of); Jae Su Yu,
Kyung Hee Univ. (Korea, Republic of); Yong Tak Lee, Gwangju Institute of Science
and Technology (Korea, Republic of)
Show Abstract
We report broadband antireflective subwavelength structures (SWS) for enhancing
the responsivity of InGaAs-based near-infrared photodetectors, which is
demanding in various applications such as spectral imaging, remote sensing, and
gas detection. Two simple fabrication methods, i.e., lenslike shape transfer of
grating patterns and dry etch of Ag nanoparticles, were proposed to form SWS on
semiconductor substrate. The fabricated SWS showed extremely lower reflectance
spectra compared to that of flat surface in the near-IR range, indicating good
agreement with the simulation results. By optimizing the size, shape, and array
geometry of SWS, the absorption efficiency of InGaAs-based near-IR photodetector
is improved.
Measurement of trace gases in East Asia with satellite infrared radiometer
Paper 7808-32 of Conference 7808
Date: Tuesday, 03 August 2010
Author(s): Fumie Kataoka, Yasushi Mitomi, Remote Sensing Technology Ctr. of
Japan (Japan)
No abstract available
Infrared and optical metamaterial perfect absorbers
Paper 7756-11 of Conference 7756
Date: Tuesday, 03 August 2010
Author(s): Willie J. Padilla, Boston College (United States)
Show Abstract
Since the first experimental demonstration of negative refractive index,
research into metamaterials has grown enormously. The ability of metamaterial to
achieve nearly any electromagnetic response in nearly any frequency band
suggests many exotic applications including invisibility cloaks and perfect
lenses. One current expanding field of research is that of metamaterial perfect
absorbers (MPAs) due to their unique ability to achieve unity absorption with
high efficiency. Here we present a computational and experimental study of an
infrared metamaterials absorber which realizes 97% absorption at 6.0 micron
wavelength. By using two different metamaterial sub-lattices consisting of a MPA
and a near zero absorber, we experimentally demonstrate a spatial and frequency
varying absorption which may have many relevant applications including
hyperspectral sub-sampling imaging.
A highly integrated micropayload for broadband infrared spectrometry (HIBRIS)
Paper 7808-40 of Conference 7808
Date: Tuesday, 03 August 2010
Author(s): M. Esposito, S. Hannemann, S. Moon, D. Lampridis, M. Collon, M.
Beijersbergen, cosine Research B.V. (Netherlands)
Show Abstract
HIBRIS is a combination of a spectrometer covering the wavelength range from 0.7
μm up to 5 μm, considered as generic instrument being part of many missions, and
the radiometric micro-bolometer in the thermal infrared spectral range. A linear
variable filter (LVF) concept is implemented avoiding the use of gratings which
are usually limited to one decade of spectral range or less. The thereby rather
compact design does allow the integration of multiple instruments within a
rather limited volume envelope. The suite also makes use of a microcooler and
the most advanced MCT detector technologies.
Next generation infrared sensor instrumentation: remote sensing and sensor
networks using the openPHOTONS repository
Paper 7808-42 of Conference 7808
Date: Tuesday, 03 August 2010
Author(s): Stephen G. So, Evan Jeng, Clinton Smith, David Krueger, Gerard
Wysocki, Princeton Univ. (United States)
Show Abstract
We describe our novel instrumentation architectures for infrared laser
spectrometers. Compact, power efficient, low noise modules allow for optimized
implementation of cell phone sized sensors using VCSELs, diode, and quantum
cascade laser sources. We have implemented sensors based on laser absorption
spectroscopy, photoacoustic spectroscopy, and Faraday rotation spectroscopy
using the openPHOTONS systems, with performance rivaling standalone laboratory
measurement instrumentation. Such system modules allow the development of
extremely flexible sensors, whether implementing closed path spectrometers, open
path perimeter monitoring, or remote backscatter based sensors. This work is
also the enabling technology for atmospheric wireless sensor networks of
precision sensors, which can complement remote sensing technologies.
Multi-layer far-infrared component technology
Paper 7817-12 of Conference 7817
Date: Tuesday, 03 August 2010
Author(s): Robert E. Peale, Justin W. Cleary, Univ. of Central Florida (United
States); Walter R. Buchwald, Andrew Davis, Sandy Wentzel, Bill Stacy, Air Force
Research Lab. (United States); Oliver J. Edwards, Zyberwear, Inc. (United
Show Abstract
Airborne, satellite and man-portable sensing instrumentation at THz wavelengths
can benefit from multi-layer thin-film optics. Applications include ultra-high
reflectivity mirrors, band-pass and band-blocking filters, anti-reflection
coatings, and compact high-resolution Fabry-Perot spectrometers with broad
free-spectral-range. We propose terahertz thin-film optics based on silicon.
Alternating sub-wavelength layers of silicon and air provide high index contrast
to create improved components with just a few layers. We report a process to
produce ultrathin silicon optical elements that may be bonded into monolithic
Bragg stacks. Laboratory characterization confirms theoretical design
High aspect ratio nanoscale metallic structures as transparent electrodes and
infrared heat filters
Paper 7756-21 of Conference 7756
Date: Tuesday, 03 August 2010
Author(s): Kai Ming Ho, Iowa State Univ. (United States)
Show Abstract
We report a novel fabrication technique for making high aspect ratio nanoscale
metallic patterned structures. These structures can be used as transparent
electrodes for optical devices such as light-emitting diodes or solar cells.
They have high visible light transmission comparable to indium-tin-oxide
electrodes and superior electrical conductivities. They also can be used as
infrared heat control filters due to their high reflection of infrared
Validation of the infrared spectral radiance scales realized at NIST spectral
emittance and infrared radiometry facilities
Paper 7808-47 of Conference 7808
Date: Tuesday, 03 August 2010
Author(s): Boris Wilthan, Sergey N. Mekhontsev, Vladimir Khromchenko, Leonard M.
Hanssen, National Institute of Standards and Technology (United States)
Show Abstract
We have performed a intercomparison of the Fourier Transform Infrared
Spectrophotometry (FTIS) and the Advanced Infrared Radiometry and Imaging (AIRI)
facilities at NIST. The FTIS facility is used to measure material infrared
optical properties including emittance (emissivity). The AIRI facility serves as
a national primary standard of radiance temperature and spectral radiance in the
IR, and is used to characterize the optical radiation properties of blackbody
sources. Results of a validation comparison of spectral radiance measurements,
at both facilities, of an IR calibrator at 250 and 500°C, and a SiC sample at
temperatures up to 900°C will be presented (2.5 to 13.5 µm).
NPP Visible/Infrared Imaging Radiometer Suite (VIIRS) radiometric calibration,
emissive bands: tested performance
Paper 7808-49 of Conference 7808
Date: Tuesday, 03 August 2010
Author(s): Eric H. Johnson, Raytheon Co. (United States); Karen Galang, Courtney
Ranshaw, Brendan Robinson, Raytheon Space & Airborne Systems (United States)
Show Abstract
The Visible/Infrared Imaging Radiometer Suite (VIIRS) collects radiometric and
imagery data in 22 spectral bands within the visible and infrared spectrum
ranging from 0.4 to 12.5 um. This paper describes the radiometric uncertainty
requirements for the 7 VIIRS thermal emissive bands and the calibration
methodology employed to meet these requirements, including the on-board
calibration subsystems and the retrieval algorithm for generating calibrated
radiance from instrument data. The instrument characteristics contributing to
uncertainties in retrieved radiance are presented based on results from the
recently completed pre-launch test program. The final roll-up of these
uncertainties relative to the absolute radiometric requirements are shown, and
compared against the results obtained from the radiance retrieval algorithm
exercised during thermal-vacuum testing for a NIST traceable Blackbody
Calibration Source.
Infrared two-color ghost imaging using entangled beams
Paper 7815-2 of Conference 7815
Date: Wednesday, 04 August 2010
Author(s): Charles C. Kim, Gary Kanner, Northrop Grumman Electronic Systems
(United States)
Show Abstract
We carried out ghost imaging experiments using nondegenerate entangled beams
with the central wavelengths at 810 nm and 1550 nm. The pulsed pump at 532 nm
had the high efficiency of parametric down conversion and enabled ghost imaging
although its average pump power was 10 mW. For the first time, we demonstrated
ghost imaging with two disparate detectors: Si avalanche photodiode on one arm
and InGaAs avalanche photodiode on the other. Objects were placed in the arm of
the 1550 nm beam, whereas the imaging lens was placed in the arm of the 810 nm
beam. Ghost imaging was constructed by using the quantum correlated portion of
the data due to the nature of the entangled beams. Current theory for this
configuration predicted that the image magnification by a degenerate source
should be one and half times larger than that of this nondegenerate source; the
observed magnification followed closely the value predicted by the theory.
High-resolution infrared imaging
Paper 7782-6 of Conference 7782
Date: Monday, 02 August 2010
Author(s): Charles M. Falco, The Univ. of Arizona (United States)
The hands and mind of an artist are intimately involved in the creative process
of image formation, intrinsically making paintings complex to analyze. In spite
of this difficulty, several years ago the painter David Hockney and I identified
optical evidence within a number of paintings that demonstrated artists began
using optical projections as early as c1425 -- nearly 175 years before Galileo
-- as aids for producing portions of their images. In the course of our work,
Hockney and I developed insights that I have been applying to a new approach to
computerized image analysis. A direct result of this approach has been to
identify from Impressionist paintings by Monet, Pissarro, Renoir and others the
precise locations the artists stood when making a number of their paintings. An
indirect result, that much of this lecture will be devoted to, has been the
development of a high resolution infrared camera. As I will discuss, this camera
has enabled me to capture IR reflectograms of hundreds of paintings in over a
dozen museums on three continents so far, in a number of cases revealing marks
made by the artists that have been hidden by paint ever since they were made. In
some cases these marks provide key insights into decisions the artists made in
creating the final images that we see in the visible. Acknowledgments: I am
grateful to David Hockney for the many invaluable insights into imaging gained
from him in our collaboration, and to the support of ARO and DARPA.
Quantitative analysis error source estimates for passive stand-off infrared
chemical signatures using a high-throughput Fourier transform infrared
Paper 7812-11 of Conference 7812
Date: Monday, 02 August 2010
Author(s): Robert T. Kroutil, Dynamac Corp. (United States); Paul E. Lewis, U.S.
Government (United States); Sylvia S. Shen, The Aerospace Corp. (United States);
David P. Miller, Northrop Grumman Information Technology (United States); Alan
Cummings, Tetra Tech EM, Inc. (United States); Mark Thomas, Timothy Curry, U.S.
Environmental Protection Agency (United States)
Quantitative analysis of passive infrared spectral signatures has been recently
documented in a few open literature publications. During emergency response
operations, it is useful to characterize the general level of concentration of a
particular chemical vapor in order to quickly estimate a hazardous condition for
first responders and the public. Error sources in the quantitative measurement
of a gaseous species include a lack of understanding of the ground temperature,
an unknown estimate of the emissivity of the surface, a lack of knowledge of the
temperature of the gaseous plume, and a poor understanding of what the
contribution of the intervening atmosphere has on the infrared signal. This
paper addresses error estimation from these sources in order to provide a
practical estimation of the accuracy associated with making a quantitative
measurement of a chemical plume concentration.
Phase retrieval for thermal infrared systems
Paper 7800-12 of Conference 7800
Date: Monday, 02 August 2010
Author(s): Matthew R. Bolcar, Scott Rohrbach, John E. Mentzell, Michael J.
Hersh, Adam J. Matuszeski, NASA Goddard Space Flight Ctr. (United States)
Optical materials used for transmissive systems operating in the thermal
infrared band (8-12 μm) tend to be soft, and easily deformed under mounting
stress. Since these materials also tend to be poorly transmissive, or even
opaque at visible wavelengths, traditional interferometric techniques are not
well suited to measuring the transmitted wavefront. We present experimental
results using phase retrieval at thermal IR wavelengths to characterize the
Thermal Infrared Sensor (TIRS), an instrument included in the Landsat Data
Continuity Mission (LDCM), and measure wavefront errors caused by mounting
stresses on the lenses.
Earth's far-infrared spectrum: a frontier in climate science and measurement
Paper 7808-26 of Conference 7808
Date: Monday, 02 August 2010
Author(s): Martin G. Mlynczak, Richard Cageao, M. Nurul Abedin, NASA Langley
Research Ctr. (United States); Harri Latvakoski, Space Dynamics Lab. (United
States); J. Ashley Alford, NASA Langley Research Ctr. (United States); Stanley
Wellard, Space Dynamics Lab. (United States); Henry H. Hogue, DRS Sensors &
Targeting Systems, Inc. (United States); Erik Syrstad, Space Dynamics Lab.
(United States)
For the past 40 years spectral measurements of the Earth's infrared emission
have been confined to 4 to 15 micrometers. The far-infrared spectrum, from 15 to
100 micrometers, contains about half of the infrared energy exiting the Earth
system and is modulated by water vapor, Earth's primary greenhouse gas, and
cirrus clouds. For the past decade a concerted effort has been made to develop
the technology to measure routinely the far-IR from space. These efforts have
paid off in a number of unique instruments and technologies that are being
incorporated in the development of the new NASA CLARREO satellite mission.
Semiconductor plasmonic metamaterials for near-infrared and telecommunication
Paper 7754-20 of Conference 7754
Date: Monday, 02 August 2010
Author(s): Gururaj Naik, Vladimir M. Shalaev, Purdue Univ. (United States);
Alexandra Boltasseva, Purdue Univ. (United States) and Denmark Technical
University (Denmark)
Metamaterials have conventionally used gold and silver as their plasmonic
components. However, the losses in these metallic components, especially in
near-IR (NIR) and visible spectra have severely limited their performances.
Also, the magnitude of real permittivity of these metals is too large in NIR for
many transformation-optics devices. In this paper we show that zinc oxide, a
wide band-gap semiconductor, when heavily doped can be a low loss plasmonic
material in NIR with a small magnitude of real permittivity. Upon optimizing the
processing conditions, losses in heavily doped ZnO can be four times smaller
than that of silver in NIR.
Nonlinear switching of near infrared light in liquid crystal on silicon channel
Paper 7775-35 of Conference 7775
Date: Monday, 02 August 2010
Author(s): Antonio d'Alessandro, Rita Asquini, Marco Trotta, Univ. degli Studi
di Roma La Sapienza (Italy); Romeo Beccherelli, Istituto per la Microelettronica
e Microsistemi (Italy)
Nonlinear optical properties of nematic LC (NLC) E7 channel waveguides in
micromachined SiO2/Si V-grooves operating in the C-band (1530 - 1565 nm) will be
presented. Molecular reorientation of the NLC, induced either by an applied low
frequency electric field or by the electric field of the light itself, changes
the LC refractive index distribution then allowing the control of guided light.
Experiments showed that light at 1550 nm could be optically modulated by a 25 mW
optical beam, fiber-coupled to the LC waveguide. Modeling of NLC optically
induced reorientation to explain experimental results will be also presented.
Development and verification of high durability infrared transparent coating for
airborne usage
Paper 7786-21 of Conference 7786
Date: Monday, 02 August 2010
Author(s): Ahmet L. Avsar, Hüseyin A. Salman, Alp Eren S. Özhan, Ali M.
Çolakoglu, ASELSAN Inc. (Turkey)
The development of hard carbon coating, whose substrate material is germanium,
will be discussed. Finite element analysis of substrate material will be
compared with rain erosion test data. Test results for developed coating will
also be presented to show the improvement on durability performance.
The measurement of low-level infrared spectral directional-hemispherical
Paper 7792-14 of Conference 7792
Date: Monday, 02 August 2010
Author(s): Leonard M. Hanssen, Boris Wilthan, National Institute of Standards
and Technology (United States)
At NIST, the Absolute Near-normal Infrared Reflectometer Instrument (ANIRI) is
used for the measurement of absolute infrared spectral directional-hemispherical
reflectance (DHR). The ANIRI employs a custom integrating sphere as well as a
custom absolute method for the characterization of near-normal DHR. The complete
measurement system includes an FTIR spectrometer source, an interface optics
unit, and the ANIRI. This system incorporates several features that make it
especially suitable for the measurement of very black materials. The measurement
system, as well as key elements of the measurement methodology will be reviewed.
Example results of several low reflectance samples will be shown.
Optical design of a coded aperture infrared imaging system with resolution below
the pixel limit
Paper 7818A-15 of Conference 7818A
Date: Monday, 02 August 2010
Author(s): Charlotte R. Bennett, Kevin Ridley, Geoff D. De Villiers, Philip
Watson, Christopher W. Slinger, QinetiQ Ltd. (United Kingdom); Philip J. Rogers,
VNF Ltd. (United Kingdom)
Adaptive coded aperture imaging systems can resolve objects that are smaller
than the pixel-limited resolution of the focal plane array. In the mid-wave
infrared the required signal to noise necessitates some form of light
concentration. Optical design software has been used to model candidate optical
systems with the aim of achieving up to four times resolution enhancement along
each linear dimension. Novel metrics have been derived and used to inform the
optical design. The modeling and design tradeoffs and resulting performance are
Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer solid hydrogen cryogenic support system:
lessons learned
Paper 7796-11 of Conference 7796
Date: Monday, 02 August 2010
Author(s): Brett Lloyd, Brian Thompson, Space Dynamics Lab. (United States);
Scott H. Schick, Practical Technology Solutions, Inc. (United States)
The Wide-Field Infrared Survey Explorer (WISE) is a JPL managed MIDEX mission to
perform an infrared all-sky survey. The WISE instrument, developed by the Space
Dynamics Laboratory (SDL), is a 40-cm cryogenically-cooled telescope which
includes a cryogenic scan mirror and four infrared focal planes (2-HgCdTe,
2-SiAs). Cooling of the instrument to the desired temperatures is accomplished
by a two-stage, solid hydrogen cryostat, provided by Lockheed Martin Advanced
Technology Center (LMATC). Required temperatures for the instrument optics and
SiAs focal planes are <13 K and < 7.6 K respectively. To extend the cryogen
lifetime, the vacuum shell is isolated from the spacecraft via composite struts
and radiatively cooled to <200 K. The telescope aperture is protected from
on-orbit environmental loads via a two-stage radiatively cooled aperture shade.
WISE was successfully launched into a 530 km, polar orbit on Dec 14, 2009,
beginning a 10-month mission to survey the entire sky in the infrared. This
paper discusses various lessons that were learned during the design,
development, fabrication, integration, and testing of the WISE cryogenic support
Extended Blocked Impurity Band detectors for far-infrared detection
Paper 7808-30 of Conference 7808
Date: Monday, 02 August 2010
Author(s): Henry H. Hogue, DRS Sensors & Targeting Systems, Inc. (United
States); Martin G. Mlynczak, M. Nurul Abedin, NASA Langley Research Ctr. (United
States); Stacy Masterjohn, Mark Muzilla, DRS Sensors & Targeting Systems, Inc.
(United States)
We report further development of a direct detector for far-IR (>40 µm) photons
descended from Si:As BIB mid-IR (5 to 40 µm) detectors with extensive space
heritage. Wavelength is extended through the increase of dopant concentration. A
prototype detector was demonstrated in 2008 with wavelength extension to 50 µm
and projection operation to 16 K for atmospheric monitoring from space. Further
development of this device is in progress, targeting a detector with wavelength
range from 2 to 100 µm. New detector material has been prepared and is being
processed into into detectors for evaluation relative CLARREO far-IR
interferometer requirements.
Barium fluoride and glass combinations for short-wave infrared designs
Barium Fluoride - BaF2 - request a quote for custom BaF2 optics | |
Model | Product Name+ | Price | Buy Now |
WG-BaF2-25.4-10-1.55 | BaF2 wedge, 25.4 mm x 10.0 mm x 1.55 mm | $129.00 |
![]() |
WG-BaF2-25.4-10-2.1 | BaF2 wedge, 25.4 mm x 10.0 mm x 2.1 mm | $260.00 |
![]() |
W-BaF2-12.7-2 | BaF2 window, ø 12.7 mm x 2.0 mm | $62.00 |
![]() |
W-BaF2-4-0.5 | BaF2 window, ø 4" x 0.5", polished, uncoated | $1,200.00 |
![]() |
Displaying 1 to 4 (of 4 products) |
Paper 7786-45 of Conference 7786
Date: Monday, 02 August 2010
Author(s): David W. Warren, The Aerospace Corp. (United States)
Achromatic doublet theory is recast for the 1-2.5um short-wavelength infrared
band, suggesting the desirability of combining Barium Fluoride with specific
high index optical glasses having large differences in primary SWIR dispersion
and small differences in partial SWIR dispersion. Candidate combinations of
materials are screened empirically using the performance of optimized f/3
airspaced achromatic doublets employing Barium Fluoride as the positive element.
Polychromatic RMS geometric image spot sizes appear to increase quadratically
with difference in partial SWIR dispersion between Barium Fluoride and the
complementary glasses. Examples of complex (fast, wide field) systems
demonstrate the utility of the most promising pairings.
Image splitter for mid-infrared bi-spectral analysis of flames
Paper 7808-52 of Conference 7808
Date: Monday, 02 August 2010
Author(s): Antonio Ortega, Gonzalo Paez, Marija Strojnik, CIO (Mexico)
In this work we propose and evaluate an optical "image splitter" by which we can
capture two simultaneous infrared images of a single object, using a single
detector. By using this device, we can perform experiments in which we are
interested in observing transitory phenomena in two different spectral bands,
such as in mid-infrared flame analysis.
Subradiant plasmon modes in high sensitivity LSPR sensing experiments in the
Paper 7757-79 of Conference 7757
Date: Monday, 02 August 2010
Author(s): Niels Verellen, Katholieke Univ. Leuven (Belgium) and IMEC (Belgium);
Chengjun Huang, Kristof Lodewijks, IMEC (Belgium); Guy A. E. Vandenbosch,
Katholieke Univ. Leuven (Belgium); Liesbet Lagae, Pol Van Dorpe, IMEC (Belgium);
Victor V. Moshchalkov, Katholieke Univ. Leuven (Belgium)
Coherent coupling of individual plasmonic nanocavity modes presents an effective
tool for controlling localized surface plasmon resonance (LSPR) linewidths. Fano
resonances, plasmonic electromagnetic induced transparency and subradiance have
been proposed as promising candidates for LSPR refractive index sensing because
of their enhanced quality factors (and small effective mode volumes). We
experimentally demonstrate that subradiance could be one of the key ingredients
for high sensitivity LSPR nanosensors based on planar Au nano-crosses. By
immersion in different glycerol solutions, refractive index sensitivities over
1000nm /RIU are observed with Figure of Merit (FOM) numbers exceeding 5 in the
Synthetic images for radiometric and spectral validation of an infrared sensor
Paper 7798-86 of Conference 7798
Date: Monday, 02 August 2010
Author(s): Francisco Cortes, Fernando Lopez, Juan Melendez, Jose Manuel Aranda,
Antonio J. de Castro, Univ. Carlos III de Madrid (Spain)
This paper describes the radiometric validation procedure of an IR sensor model
including its entire components, from optics to ADC output. The complete model
includes the properly combination of the different sub-models of an imaging
system: optics, spectral selectors, detector and electronic output. For
validation purposes different IR cameras and blackbodies available in our lab
has been used. The input magnitude is a simulated blackbody. The model generates
a synthetic digital image to be compared with the camera one. Special care is
devoted to spectral validation of the sensor, including not only cameras but
spectroradiometers and spectral imagers.
Ordered/disordered broadband antireflective structures for near-infrared
detector applications
Paper 7808-54 of Conference 7808
Date: Tuesday, 03 August 2010
Author(s): Young Min Song, Eun Sil Choi, Gyeong Cheol Park, Sung Jun Jang,
Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology (Korea, Republic of); Jae Su Yu,
Kyung Hee Univ. (Korea, Republic of); Yong Tak Lee, Gwangju Institute of Science
and Technology (Korea, Republic of)
We report broadband antireflective subwavelength structures (SWS) for enhancing
the responsivity of InGaAs-based near-infrared photodetectors, which is
demanding in various applications such as spectral imaging, remote sensing, and
gas detection. Two simple fabrication methods, i.e., lenslike shape transfer of
grating patterns and dry etch of Ag nanoparticles, were proposed to form SWS on
semiconductor substrate. The fabricated SWS showed extremely lower reflectance
spectra compared to that of flat surface in the near-IR range, indicating good
agreement with the simulation results. By optimizing the size, shape, and array
geometry of SWS, the absorption efficiency of InGaAs-based near-IR photodetector
is improved.
Measurement of trace gases in East Asia with satellite infrared radiometer
Paper 7808-32 of Conference 7808
Date: Tuesday, 03 August 2010
Author(s): Fumie Kataoka, Yasushi Mitomi, Remote Sensing Technology Ctr. of
Japan (Japan)
No abstract available
Infrared and optical metamaterial perfect absorbers
Paper 7756-11 of Conference 7756
Date: Tuesday, 03 August 2010
Author(s): Willie J. Padilla, Boston College (United States)
Since the first experimental demonstration of negative refractive index,
research into metamaterials has grown enormously. The ability of metamaterial to
achieve nearly any electromagnetic response in nearly any frequency band
suggests many exotic applications including invisibility cloaks and perfect
lenses. One current expanding field of research is that of metamaterial perfect
absorbers (MPAs) due to their unique ability to achieve unity absorption with
high efficiency. Here we present a computational and experimental study of an
infrared metamaterials absorber which realizes 97% absorption at 6.0 micron
wavelength. By using two different metamaterial sub-lattices consisting of a MPA
and a near zero absorber, we experimentally demonstrate a spatial and frequency
varying absorption which may have many relevant applications including
hyperspectral sub-sampling imaging.
A highly integrated micropayload for broadband infrared spectrometry (HIBRIS)
Paper 7808-40 of Conference 7808
Date: Tuesday, 03 August 2010
Author(s): M. Esposito, S. Hannemann, S. Moon, D. Lampridis, M. Collon, M.
Beijersbergen, cosine Research B.V. (Netherlands)
HIBRIS is a combination of a spectrometer covering the wavelength range from 0.7
μm up to 5 μm, considered as generic instrument being part of many missions, and
the radiometric micro-bolometer in the thermal infrared spectral range. A linear
variable filter (LVF) concept is implemented avoiding the use of gratings which
are usually limited to one decade of spectral range or less. The thereby rather
compact design does allow the integration of multiple instruments within a
rather limited volume envelope. The suite also makes use of a microcooler and
the most advanced MCT detector technologies.
Next generation infrared sensor instrumentation: remote sensing and sensor
networks using the openPHOTONS repository
Paper 7808-42 of Conference 7808
Date: Tuesday, 03 August 2010
Author(s): Stephen G. So, Evan Jeng, Clinton Smith, David Krueger, Gerard
Wysocki, Princeton Univ. (United States)
We describe our novel instrumentation architectures for infrared laser
spectrometers. Compact, power efficient, low noise modules allow for optimized
implementation of cell phone sized sensors using VCSELs, diode, and quantum
cascade laser sources. We have implemented sensors based on laser absorption
spectroscopy, photoacoustic spectroscopy, and Faraday rotation spectroscopy
using the openPHOTONS systems, with performance rivaling standalone laboratory
measurement instrumentation. Such system modules allow the development of
extremely flexible sensors, whether implementing closed path spectrometers, open
path perimeter monitoring, or remote backscatter based sensors. This work is
also the enabling technology for atmospheric wireless sensor networks of
precision sensors, which can complement remote sensing technologies.
Multi-layer far-infrared component technology
Paper 7817-12 of Conference 7817
Date: Tuesday, 03 August 2010
Author(s): Robert E. Peale, Justin W. Cleary, Univ. of Central Florida (United
States); Walter R. Buchwald, Andrew Davis, Sandy Wentzel, Bill Stacy, Air Force
Research Lab. (United States); Oliver J. Edwards, Zyberwear, Inc. (United
Airborne, satellite and man-portable sensing instrumentation at THz wavelengths
can benefit from multi-layer thin-film optics. Applications include ultra-high
reflectivity mirrors, band-pass and band-blocking filters, anti-reflection
coatings, and compact high-resolution Fabry-Perot spectrometers with broad
free-spectral-range. We propose terahertz thin-film optics based on silicon.
Alternating sub-wavelength layers of silicon and air provide high index contrast
to create improved components with just a few layers. We report a process to
produce ultrathin silicon optical elements that may be bonded into monolithic
Bragg stacks. Laboratory characterization confirms theoretical design
High aspect ratio nanoscale metallic structures as transparent electrodes and
infrared heat filters
Paper 7756-21 of Conference 7756
Date: Tuesday, 03 August 2010
Author(s): Kai Ming Ho, Iowa State Univ. (United States)
We report a novel fabrication technique for making high aspect ratio nanoscale
metallic patterned structures. These structures can be used as transparent
electrodes for optical devices such as light-emitting diodes or solar cells.
They have high visible light transmission comparable to indium-tin-oxide
electrodes and superior electrical conductivities. They also can be used as
infrared heat control filters due to their high reflection of infrared
Validation of the infrared spectral radiance scales realized at NIST spectral
emittance and infrared radiometry facilities
Paper 7808-47 of Conference 7808
Date: Tuesday, 03 August 2010
Author(s): Boris Wilthan, Sergey N. Mekhontsev, Vladimir Khromchenko, Leonard M.
Hanssen, National Institute of Standards and Technology (United States)
We have performed a intercomparison of the Fourier Transform Infrared
Spectrophotometry (FTIS) and the Advanced Infrared Radiometry and Imaging (AIRI)
facilities at NIST. The FTIS facility is used to measure material infrared
optical properties including emittance (emissivity). The AIRI facility serves as
a national primary standard of radiance temperature and spectral radiance in the
IR, and is used to characterize the optical radiation properties of blackbody
sources. Results of a validation comparison of spectral radiance measurements,
at both facilities, of an IR calibrator at 250 and 500°C, and a SiC sample at
temperatures up to 900°C will be presented (2.5 to 13.5 µm).
NPP Visible/Infrared Imaging Radiometer Suite (VIIRS) radiometric calibration,
emissive bands: tested performance
Paper 7808-49 of Conference 7808
Date: Tuesday, 03 August 2010
Author(s): Eric H. Johnson, Raytheon Co. (United States); Karen Galang, Courtney
Ranshaw, Brendan Robinson, Raytheon Space & Airborne Systems (United States)
The Visible/Infrared Imaging Radiometer Suite (VIIRS) collects radiometric and
imagery data in 22 spectral bands within the visible and infrared spectrum
ranging from 0.4 to 12.5 um. This paper describes the radiometric uncertainty
requirements for the 7 VIIRS thermal emissive bands and the calibration
methodology employed to meet these requirements, including the on-board
calibration subsystems and the retrieval algorithm for generating calibrated
radiance from instrument data. The instrument characteristics contributing to
uncertainties in retrieved radiance are presented based on results from the
recently completed pre-launch test program. The final roll-up of these
uncertainties relative to the absolute radiometric requirements are shown, and
compared against the results obtained from the radiance retrieval algorithm
exercised during thermal-vacuum testing for a NIST traceable Blackbody
Calibration Source.
Infrared two-color ghost imaging using entangled beams
Paper 7815-2 of Conference 7815
Date: Wednesday, 04 August 2010
Author(s): Charles C. Kim, Gary Kanner, Northrop Grumman Electronic Systems
(United States)
We carried out ghost imaging experiments using nondegenerate entangled beams
with the central wavelengths at 810 nm and 1550 nm. The pulsed pump at 532 nm
had the high efficiency of parametric down conversion and enabled ghost imaging
although its average pump power was 10 mW. For the first time, we demonstrated
ghost imaging with two disparate detectors: Si avalanche photodiode on one arm
and InGaAs avalanche photodiode on the other. Objects were placed in the arm of
the 1550 nm beam, whereas the imaging lens was placed in the arm of the 810 nm
beam. Ghost imaging was constructed by using the quantum correlated portion of
the data due to the nature of the entangled beams. Current theory for this
configuration predicted that the image magnification by a degenerate source
should be one and half times larger than that of this nondegenerate source; the
observed magnification followed closely the value predicted by the theory.
Mid-infrared surface plasmon coupled emitters utilizing intersublevel
transitions in InAs quantum dots
Paper 7756-25 of Conference 7756
Date: Wednesday, 04 August 2010
Author(s): Eric A. Shaner, Brandon S. Passmore, Sandia National Labs. (United
States); Troy Ribaudo, Univ. of Massachusetts Lowell (United States); Stephen A.
Lyon, Princeton Univ. (United States); Daniel M. Wasserman, Univ. of
Massachusetts Lowell (United States)
We demonstrate mid-infrared electroluminescence from intersublevel transitions
in self-assembled InAs quantum dots coupled to surface plasmon modes.
Subwavelength metal hole arrays with different periodicity are patterned on the
broadband (9 - 15 micron) quantum dot material and the measured
electroluminescence is compared to devices without a metal hole array. The
resulting normally directed emission is narrowed and a splitting in the spectral
structure is observed. This splitting is modeled using a coupled oscillator
formalism. Sandia is a multiprogram laboratory operated by Sandia Corporation, a
Lockheed Martin Company, for the United States Department of Energy's National
Nuclear Security Administration under contract DE-AC04-94AL85000.
Experimental observation of infrared spoof plasmons
Paper 7757-49 of Conference 7757
Date: Wednesday, 04 August 2010
Author(s): Gennady Shvets, Alexander B. Khanikaev, Hossein Mousavi, Dmitriy V.
Korobkin, Burton Neuner III, The Univ. of Texas at Austin (United States)
Low-absorbing materials can be made strongly absorbing by utilizing plasmonic
metamaterials. We propose and experimentally validate the concept of a plasmonic
MetaMirror which improves energy absorption efficiency by an order of magnitude.
We demonstrate the excitation of a novel type of a "spoof" plasmon which appears
when an ultra-thin high-index layer is adjacent to the perforated metal surface.
It is shown that coupling to such spoof plasmons results in the strong
enhancement of absorptivity of the thin layer. Applications to photovoltaics and
thermophotovoltaics will be discussed.
Correlation between band structure and magneto-transport properties in
medium-infrared detector II-VI superlattice
Paper 7780A-5 of Conference 7780A
Date: Wednesday, 04 August 2010
Author(s): Abdelhakim Nafidi, Hassan Chaib, Univ. Ibn Zohr (Morocco); Matteo
d'Astuto, Univ. Pierre et Marie Curie (France); Michel E. Enrique Garcia, Univ.
Autónoma de Madrid (Spain)
We report here magneto-transport properties and band structure results done in
the envelope function formalism for HgTe (d1=5.6 nm) / CdTe (d2 = 3 nm)
nanostructure superlattice. The energy E(d2, gama, 4.2 K), shown that the gap Eg
decreases to zero at the transition semiconductor to semimetal. At 4.2 K, the p
type sample with a Hall mobility of 8200 cm2/Vs allowed us to observe the
Shubnikov-de Haas effect with p = 1,80 1012 cm-2. The Fermi energy was EF(2D)=14
meV in agreement with 12 meV of thermoelectric power alpha. In intrinsic regime,
alpha prop T-3/2 and RH T3/2 indicates Eg = 190 meV in agreement with calculated
Eg(gama, 300 K) =178 meV. The formalism used here predicts that this narrow gap
sample is semiconductor, two-dimensional and is a medium-infrared detector.
The properties of ball infrared black: a new cryogenic thermal control coating
Paper 7794-13 of Conference 7794
Date: Wednesday, 04 August 2010
Author(s): Michael Renbarger, Ball Aerospace & Technologies Corp. (United
Ball Aerospace and Technologies Corporation (BATC) developed a unique thermal
control coating named Ball InfraRed Black (BIRB). The proprietary coating was
developed for spacecraft thermal radiators, but also has application to
terrestrial cryogenic and vacuum systems. The unique morphology and large
effective surface area of BIRB generates superior cryogenic emissivity
properties. Independent testing confirms the emissivity at 50K to be 40% greater
than typical thermal control coatings. The coating is static-dissipative,
durable, and cleanable. The critical material and contamination control
properties for BIRB have been measured. The coating is qualified for spaceflight
on large cryogenic radiators.
Optical studies on antimonide superlattice infrared detector material
Paper 7780A-40 of Conference 7780A
Date: Wednesday, 04 August 2010
Author(s): Linda Hoglund, Alexander Soibel, Cory J. Hill, David Z. Ting, Jean
Nguyen, Sam A. Keo, Jason M. Mumolo, Michael C. Lee, Baohua Yang, Sarath D.
Gunapala, Jet Propulsion Lab. (United States)
In this study the material quality and optical properties of type II InAs/GaSb
superlattices are investigated using low temperature transmission and
photoluminescence (PL) spectroscopy. The influence of the doping level on the
intensity of the luminescence and on the transport properties of minority
carriers in the material is studied and a good correlation between the
photodetector current-voltage (IV) characteristics and the PL intensity is
observed. Luminescence studies are also used to reveal defects and traps in the
material which could act to increase the dark current in infrared detectors
fabricated from this material. These results demonstrate that PL spectroscopy is
a valuable tool for optimization of infrared detectors.
3D metamaterials for the thermal infrared
Paper 7754-61 of Conference 7754
Date: Wednesday, 04 August 2010
Author(s): Igal Brener, Sandia National Labs. (United States)
Metamaterials for the thermal infrared (8-12 um) present challenges that are
unique to this spectral range. In this talk I will give an overview of our
activities related to the fabrication of 3D IR metamaterials. We recently
developed a new fabrication technique called Membrane Projection Lithography
that enables the fabrication of out-of-plane metamaterial resonators of
submicron dimensions. We have used this technique to fabricate metamaterial
structures resonant in the infrared, on curved surfaces and on the faces of
small cubes. Finally, I will present fabrication of metamaterials using low loss
polymers and coupling between phonons and metamaterial resonances.
Metal backed photonic metamaterial absorber incorporated infrared solar cells
Paper 7772-45 of Conference 7772
Date: Wednesday, 04 August 2010
Author(s): Kamil B. Alici, Ekmel Ozbay, Bilkent Univ. (Turkey)
Artificial periodic structures composed of subwavelength unit cells can provide
magnetic response at any frequency band of the electromagnetic spectrum up to
ultra-violet. We designed a metamaterial absorber incorporated solar cell which
was composed of several layers as follows: a sapphire substrate coated the 300
nm Ag layer on which solar cell layers are coated. On the top we place the SRR
array. From the simulated scattering parameters we obtained 83.6% absorbance
peak at 184.2 THz (1628nm). The SRR array used in this simulation was fabricated
via e-beam lithography and tested experimentally by using a homemade optical
transmission setup. We saw a reflection dip at around 185 THz with 45.7 THz FWHM
bandwidth. This design works for single polarization for a narrow band. We will
experimentally confirm the proposed design and describe the methods to make it
polarization independent and rather broad band.
Near-infrared surface enhanced Raman spectroscopy on single copper nanowire
decorated with gold nanoparticles
Paper 7764-32 of Conference 7764
Date: Wednesday, 04 August 2010
Author(s): Roshan Guttikonda, Lihua Qian, Biswajit Das, Univ. of Nevada, Las
Vegas (United States)
Copper nanostructures are promising for the development of near-infrared SERS
substrates with the potential for reduced laser-induced degradation of probe
molecules. In this work, an individual copper nanowire conjugated with gold
nanoparticles shows significant enhancement of Raman signal with a factor of
6x104 times compared to a single copper nanowire. The enhancement primarily
results from near field electromagnetic coupling confined within the tiny
crevices between nanowire and nanoparticles. The excellent properties of these
structures make them promising for the development of low-cost and reliable
near-infrared SERS substrates with potential applications in biological sensors
and disease diagnosis.
Polarization-dependent extraordinary infrared transmission through periodic
bowtie aperture array
Paper 7780A-11 of Conference 7780A
Date: Thursday, 05 August 2010
Author(s): Edward C. Kinzel, Xianfan Xu, Purdue Univ. (United States)
This work studies a periodic array of bowtie apertures. It can be designed to be
strongly resonant, with very well polarized modes. We demonstrate more than 80%
transmission through a bowtie aperture array defined in a freestanding gold film
under normally incident linearly polarized light at 9 µm. This exceeds the
intensity on the open area by 4X. It also provides an extinction ratio greater
than 200. We explain the experimental spectra using numerical simulation to
identify the eigenmodes of the system and discuss how these can be adjusted to
optimize the performance for sensing applications.
The advantages and some applications of Infrared Camera (IRS) data of HJ-1-B
Paper 7807-41 of Conference 7807
Date: Thursday, 05 August 2010
Author(s): Sanchao Liu, Siquan Yang, Yida Fan, National Disaster Reduction Ctr.
of China (China); Maofang Gao, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences (China)
No abstract available
Development of wireless mid-wave infrared (MWIR) detector by doping silicon
carbide with gallium
Paper 7780B-21 of Conference 7780B
Date: Thursday, 05 August 2010
Author(s): Geunsik Lim, CREOL, The College of Optics and Photonics, Univ. of
Central Florida (United States); Tariq Manzur, Naval Undersea Warfare Ctr.
(United States); Aravinda Kar, CREOL, The College of Optics and Photonics, Univ.
of Central Florida (United States)
It is a challenge to produce Mid-Wave Infra-Red (MWIR) detectors based on
conventional semiconductors capable of operating at room temperature.
Wavelength-tuned doped silicon carbide is shown to respond in the MWIR
wavelength (3-6 micrometer) range with the potential for room temperature
operation. Doped SiC photodetectors have been fabricated using a laser doping
method, which is a nonequilibrium process for incorporating dopant atoms into
semiconductors. Due to this mechanism, the concentration of dopants can exceed
its solid solubility limit. An n-type 4H-SiC has been doped with Ga to create a
detector element for the MWIR wavelength of 4.21 micrometer corresponding to a
quantum of energy 0.30 eV. The Ga energy level in 4H-SiC was confirmed by
optical absorption measurements. The doped sample exhibits a distinct change in
its refractive index compared to the undoped sample at the wavelength 4.21
micrometer, indicating that the doped sample is a MWIR detector.
Toward single-photon imaging at short wave infrared (SWIR)
Paper 7780C-63 of Conference 7780C
Date: Thursday, 05 August 2010
Author(s): Omer G. Memis, John Kohoutek, Hooman Mohseni, Northwestern Univ.
(United States)
We present our latest results from a novel nano-injector-base photon detector.
Previously, we have demonstrated the excellent noise performance and large
linear gain of single-element devices at room temperature. Here we demonstrate
the first focal plane array (FPA) made from this unique device, and show that
they hold their high gain and low noise performance at a good array uniformity.
The high internal gain produces significantly better images at high frame rates,
or at low light level conditions.
German infrared and night vision technology: from the beginning until 1945
Paper 7780B-22 of Conference 7780B
Date: Thursday, 05 August 2010
Author(s): Margit Krake, Helmut-Schmidt-Univ. (Germany)
Based on the invention of the photocell four German organizations forced the
development of electrooptics in Germany: Allgemeine Electrizitaetsgesellschaft
in Berlin, Zeiss in Jena, Electroacustik in Kiel and the research institute of
the German Reichspost in Berlin. The outcome of this effort was: image
converters with alkali and semiconductor photocathodes, infrared homing devices
for anti aircraft missiles and heat bearing devices. This devices were used for
instance with the German tank no. 5 Panther, the anti aircraft missiles Enzian
and Schmetterling and for the coastal defense of Denmark. It is interesting to
know that the infrared homing device of the sidewinder rocket is based on that
of the Enzian. In the talk many more examples of German infrared and night
vision technology will be given together with technical data.
Low bandgap small molecules for near-infrared photovoltaic applications
Paper 7777-38 of Conference 7777
Date: Thursday, 05 August 2010
Author(s): Mihaela Ballarotto, Warren N. Herman, Danilo B. Romero, Univ. of
Maryland, College Park (United States)
Bilayer organic heterojunction photovoltaic devices were fabricated with
aluminum phthalocyanine chloride (AlClPc) as electron donor and C60 as electron
acceptor. The effect of temperature on the device characteristics was
investigated. An unexpected linear increase of the photocurrent with temperature
is reported while Voc presents a maximum of 1.04 V at 120 K followed by a
decrease to 0.75 V at 300 K. We will explore the effect of impurities in AlClPc
as well as the importance of interfacial layers inserted between the transparent
ITO electrode and AlClPc to explain the observed temperature dependence of the
photovoltaic characteristics.
Nanoscale type-II heterojunctions with infrared spatially indirect energy gaps
Paper 7758-33 of Conference 7758
Date: Thursday, 05 August 2010
Author(s): Doh C. Lee, Istvan Robel, Jeffrey M. Pietryga, Victor I. Klimov, Los
Alamos National Lab. (United States)
Spatial separation of electrons and holes leads to increased recombination
lifetimes, a key to successful extraction and collection of carriers in
photovoltaic applications. Here, we present the synthesis of type-II
heterostructured semiconductor nanocrystals with an energy gap near 1 eV. We
synthesize PbSe-CdSe-CdS heterostructured nanocrystals with two distinct
geometries - core-shell and tetrapods. These novel nanostructures exhibit
extra-long carrier lifetimes (> 10 microseconds) that approach an ultimate limit
as defined by radiative recombination. This pronounced type-II behavior in the
infrared range combined with the controllable geometry are promising for
applications in technologies ranging from lasing to photovoltaics.
Course: The Radiometry Case Files
Date: Tuesday, 03 August 2010
Instructor(s): Barbara G. Grant, Lines and Lights Technology (United States)
This course takes basic radiometric principles and applies them to calculate the
amount of radiation reaching a system's entrance aperture or focal plane for a
variety of source-system combinations. It provides a wide array of examples from
which solutions to related problems may be drawn. It encompasses the UV,
visible, and infrared regions of the electromagnetic spectrum, and includes
several examples from The Art of Radiometry, published by SPIE Press in 2009.
Typical applications to be addressed include solar and overcast sky irradiance,
radiometric calibration, sensor signals from specular and diffuse reflectors,
infrared imagery, star sensing, solar simulators and integrating spheres.
Lessons learned in the design of the WISE payload
Paper 7796-5 of Conference 7796
Date: Monday, 02 August 2010
Author(s): Mark F. Larsen, Space Dynamics Lab. (United States); Scott H. Schick,
Practical Technology Solutions, Inc. (United States); Joel G. Cardon, John D.
Elwell, Space Dynamics Lab. (United States); Edward L. Wright, Univ. of
California, Los Angeles (United States); Valerie G. Duval, Peter R. Eisenhardt,
Jet Propulsion Lab. (United States); Roy W. Esplin, Space Dynamics Lab. (United
The Wide Field Infrared Survey Explorer is a NASA Medium Class Explorer mission
which launched in December, 2009 to perform an all-sky survey in four infrared
wavelength bands. The survey has been highly successful, with millions of images
collected, and nearly daily discoveries of previously unknown astronomical
objects. The WISE science payload was designed, built, and characterized by the
Space Dynamics Laboratory at Utah State University. The science payload is a
cryogenically cooled infrared telescope with four 10242 infrared focal plane
arrays covering the wavelength range from 2.8 to 26 µm. Mercury cadmium
telluride (MCT) detectors, cooled to 32 K, are used for the two midwave channels
(3.3 µm and 4.6 µm), and Si:As detectors, cooled to < 8.3 K, are used for the
two long wavelength channels (12 µm and 23 µm). Cooling is provided by a
two-stage solid hydrogen cryostat which provides temperatures < 17 K and < 8.3 K
at the telescope and Si:As focal planes, respectively. This paper discusses the
WISE science payload, provides a brief overview of on-orbit performance, and
describes lessons learned from the design of the payload.
Pre-launch characterization and performance of the WISE payload
Paper 7808-50 of Conference 7808
Date: Tuesday, 03 August 2010
Author(s): Harri M. Latvakoski, Joel G. Cardon, Roy W. Esplin, Mark F. Larsen,
John D. Elwell, Utah State Univ. (United States)
The Wide Field Infrared Survey Explorer (WISE), launched on December 14, 2009,
is a NASA Explorer mission that will provide an all-sky survey in the
mid-infrared with far greater sensitivity and resolution than any previous
infrared survey mission. We will provide a brief overview of the payload,
discuss the overall characterization approach, review several pre-launch
characterization methods in detail, and present selected results from ground
characterization and early on-orbit performance.
Optimization of readout circuit with background suppression for dual-band
quantum well infrared focal plane array photodetector
Paper 7780B-38 of Conference 7780B
Date: Wednesday, 04 August 2010
Author(s): Yi-Chuan Lu, Tai-Ping Sun, Hsiu-Li Shieh, Jian-Cheng Ye, National Chi
Nan Univ. (Taiwan); Sen-Chuan Hung, Pan Signal Technology, Inc. (Taiwan);
Meng-Lieh Sheu, National Chi Nan Univ. (Taiwan); Shiang-Feng Tang, Wen-Jen Lin,
Chung-Shan Institute of Science and Technology (Taiwan)
This paper discusses about a readout circuit for Dual-Band Quantum Well Infrared
Photo-detectors (DBQWIP) interlaced focal plane array infrared image system. In
this research, we will present the study of modified dark-current cancellation
circuit. The sensing photo-current from 1nA to 10nA of long-wave infrared
signal, mid-wave infrared photo-current is about 100pA to 1nA, the dark current
is set up to 100nA. The area of unit pixel is 30×30um2 . The 8x6 focal-plane
array is designed by using TSMC 0.35um 2P4M CMOS process. This work has 3.3V
power supply and readouts data at 2.5MHz clock rate. The simulated output
voltage range of LWIR and MWIR photo-current are 0.95v and 0.76v, respectively.
Organic up-conversion devices
Paper 7779-11 of Conference 7779
Date: Thursday, 05 August 2010
Author(s): Do Young Kim, Dong Woo Song, Franky So, Univ. of Florida (United
Organic light up-conversion devices are attractive for infrared imaging because
their low costs and compatibility with plastic substrates. Here, we demonstrated
up-conversion devices using tin phthalocyanine (SnPc):C60 bulk heterostructure
layer as a NIR sensitizer and fac-tris(2-phenylpyridinato) iridium (III)
(Irppy3) as the emitter. Without infrared light irradiation, emission was not
observed in the up-conversion until 13 V. On the contrary, when the device was
irradiated with infrared light, the device turned on at 2.7 V with a maximum
current efficiency of 107 cd/A at a luminance of 100 cd/m2.
New Fellows
SPIE will honor 62 new Fellows of the Society this year. Fellows are members of
distinction who have made significant scientific and technical contributions in
the multidisciplinary fields of optics, photonics, and imaging. They are honored
for their technical achievement, for their service to the general optics
community, and to SPIE in particular. More than 800 SPIE members have become
Fellows since the Society's inception in 1955.
Of these 62 new Fellows, these twelve will each receive a plaque and formal
recognition at the Optics & Photonics Banquet on Wednesday 4 August:
Dr. Juan Campos
Univ. Autonoma de Barcelona, Spain for specific achievements in optical image
processing and modeling of liquid crystal panels.
Dr. Thomas J. Jackson
U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, United States
for specific achievements in remote sensing in hydrology.
Dr. Thomas J. Karr
Northrup Grumman Corp., United States
for specific achievements in ladar and directed energy developments.
Dr. Paul D. LeVan
Air Force Research Lab., United States
for specific achievements in electro-optics, infrared sensors and spectrometers.
Prof. Ching Fuh-Lin
National Taiwan Univ., Taiwan
for specific achievements in Si-based photonics and nanophotonics.
Prof. Hooman Mohseni
Northwestern Univ., United States
for specific achievements in Novel heterojunction photon detectors.
Prof. Iain Neil
ScotOptix, Switzerland
for specific achievements in optical design, assembly, and testing of high
performance visual and infrared lenses.
Extended inter-comparison of collocated MetOp-A AVHRR - IASI brightness
temperature data and its implication for AVHRR calibration
Paper 7811-7 of Conference 7811
Date: Sunday, 01 August 2010
Author(s): Rama Varma Raja Mundakkara Kovilakom, Xiangqian Wu, National Oceanic
and Atmospheric Administration (United States)
Infrared Atmospheric Sounding Interferometer (IASI) is a well calibrated
instrument on-board MetOp-A satellite, with proven high quality radiometric and
spectral calibration accuracy. Thus IASI measurements can be used for the
assessment of calibration accuracy of collocated measurements from independent
satellite instruments in the corresponding spectral bands. In this study, IASI
radiance spectra are convolved with AVHRR spectral response functions for
infrared channels. A statistical comparison of data comprising spectrally
convolved IASI and co-registered AVHRR measurements for a period of one year
(2008) is performed. The seasonal dependency of the statistical agreement
between IASI and AVHRR infrared measurements are discussed. Analyses for
delineating the root causes for the discrepancies and implications of the
results for AVHRR calibration are presented.
Systems approach to developing a climate data record from satellite observations
Paper 7813-10 of Conference 7813
Date: Monday, 02 August 2010
Author(s): Thomas S. Pagano, Denis A. Elliott, Steve E. Broberg, Jet Propulsion
Lab. (United States)
A Climate Data Record (CDR) consists of a body of information of some observable
of the Earth's climate that is of sufficient information content and accuracy to
allow climate science to be performed with this record now and in the distant
future. We examine the generation of a hyperspectral infrared CDR for the
Atmospheric Infrared Sounder (AIRS) instrument as good example. A Systems
Engineering approach is used to define the requirements for the AIRS
hyperspectral infrared climate data record, for performance, characterization,
and documentation. Examples are given from the AIRS project activities on how
the record can be created including a comprehensive drawing database, a document
archive for all pre-flight and in-flight procedures and reports, software and
data archiving, and instrument performance verification and validation for
compliance with climate science requirements.
The HATI-2500 hyperspectral imager: instrument performance and remote sensing
Paper 7813-26 of Conference 7813
Date: Monday, 02 August 2010
Author(s): Stephanie R. Sandor-Leahy, S. Thordarson, Brian Baldauf, M. Figueroa,
Mark C. Helmlinger, Harold E. Miller, Jr., Taryn Reynolds, John Shepanski,
Northrop Grumman Aerospace Systems (United States)
Northrop Grumman Aerospace Systems (NGAS) has a long legacy developing and
fielding hyperspectral sensors, including airborne and space based systems
covering the visible through Long Wave Infrared (LWIR) wavelength ranges. Most
recently NGAS has developed the Hyperspectral Airborne Terrstial Instrument
(HATI) family of hyperspectral sensors, which are compact airborne hyperspectral
imagers designed to fly on a variety of platforms and be integrated with other
sensors in NGAS's instrument suite. The current sensor under development is the
HATI-2500, a full range Visible Near Infrared (VNIR) through Short Wave Infrared
(SWIR) instrument covering the 0.4 - 2.5 micron wavelength range with high
spectral resolution (3nm). The system includes a framing camera integrated with
a GPS/INS to provide high-resolution multispectral imagery and precision
geolocation. Its compact size and flexible acquisition parameters allow
HATI-2500 to be integrated on a large variety of aerial platforms. This paper
describes the HATI-2500 sensor and subsystems and its expected performance
Comparison of AIRS and IASI co-located radiances for cold scenes
Paper 7807-18 of Conference 7807
Date: Tuesday, 03 August 2010
Author(s): Denis A. Elliott, Hartmut H. Aumann, Jet Propulsion Lab. (United
Calibration of infrared radiometers at cold scene temperatures is very difficult
to perform and to verify. But high accuracy even at cold temperatures is
critical for establishing a climate-quality data record. This study describes
the comparison of radiances from two sensors, the Infrared Atmospheric Sounding
Interferometer (IASI) and the Atmospheric Infrared Sounder (AIRS), over Dome
Concordia, Antarctica. The existence of an automated weather station on the
ground at the site greatly facilitates the comparisons. Agreement between the
two instruments for such scenes would strengthen the case that both are
producing valid results across a range of scene temperatures.
HOT and multicolor detectors using barrier engineered quantum dots in a well and
type II strained layer superlattice structures
Paper 7808-3 of Conference 7808
Date: Sunday, 01 August 2010
Author(s): Sanjay Krishna, The Univ. of New Mexico (United States)
The emphasis on third generation infrared detectors is on developing detectors
with (a) Higher Operating Temperature (HOT), (b) Multicolor functionality and
(c) Large Format Arrays. This presentation will be focused on the design, growth
and fabrication of infrared detectors for higher operating temperature (HOT) and
multicolor detectors using two material systems, which are emerging as promising
technologies for this wavelength range. These are (i) InAs/InGaAs self assembled
quantum dots in well (DWELL) Detectors and InAs/(In,Ga)Sb strain layer
superlattices (SLS) Detectors.
MERTIS: optics manufacturing and verification
Paper 7808-24 of Conference 7808
Date: Monday, 02 August 2010
Author(s): Andreas Gebhardt, Stefan Risse, Sebastian Scheiding, Ralf Steinkopf,
Christoph Damm, Fraunhofer-Institut für Angewandte Optik und Feinmechanik
(Germany); Thomas Zeh, Stefan Kaiser, Kayser-Threde GmbH (Germany)
The MERTIS reflective infrared optics can be reasonable implemented as diamond
turned aluminium mirrors coated with a thin gold layer. The cutting processes
allow the manufacturing of both, the optical surface and mechanical references,
in tight tolerances. This is one of the major advantages of SPDT and was
consequently used for the MERTIS sensor head optics. This paper describes the
entire manufacturing chain of the MERTIS spectrometer optics including the
manufacturing methods for the mirrors and for the spherical grating, the coating
with sputtered gold for infrared reflectivity as well as the alignment and the
verification of the spectrometer optics
Technologies supporting radiative science
Paper 7808-25 of Conference 7808
Date: Monday, 02 August 2010
Author(s): Robert A. Bauer, George J. Komar, Philip M. Larkin, Keith E. Murray,
Michael P. Pasciuto, Amy L. Walton, NASA Earth Science Technology Office (United
A decade of investments by the NASA Earth Science Technology Office (ESTO) have
contributed to the current mission concepts and technology heritage of the
Climate Absolute Radiance and Refractivity Observatory (CLARREO) mission. Prior
ESTO investments include the Far-Infrared Spectroscopy of the Troposphere
(FIRST) instrument, which is being used as a testbed for demonstrating detectors
currently under development. Recent investments are aimed at the CLARREO goals
of high absolute accuracy and on-orbit international measurement standards
traceability, including a prototype hyperspectral imager, extended blocked
impurity band detectors for far-infrared detection, and a high-accuracy
Cloud physical parameters retrieved from satellite and sounding data and their
applications in weather modification
Paper 7811-19 of Conference 7811
Date: Monday, 02 August 2010
Author(s): Huang Yimei, Weather Modification Ctr. (China)
This paper, basing itself on the pattern of SBDART radiation transmission to get
the relation between the height, temperature of cloud top, the effective radius
and the bright temperature of the two infrared channels, and on iterative method
of repetitive employ of radiation pattern, improves the ways of retrieve, and
issues a new way of the combination of multi-station immediate time observation
and the data of the 1 and 2 infrared channels to retrieve the height,
temperature and effective radius. This paper proves that the improved method,
having introduced the immediate time soundings, will improve the accuracy of the
Nanoimprinted polymer chips for light induced local heating of liquids in micro-
and nanochannels
Paper 7764-17 of Conference 7764
Date: Tuesday, 03 August 2010
Author(s): Lasse H. Thamdrup, Jonas N. Pedersen, Henrik Flyvbjerg, Anders
Kristensen, Technical Univ. of Denmark (Denmark)
We present a nanoimprinted polymer chip with a thin near-infrared absorber layer
that enables light-induced local heating (LILH) of liquids inside micro- and
nanochannels. An infrared laser spot and corresponding hot-spot could be scanned
across the device. Large temperature gradients yield thermophoretic forces,
which are used to manipulate and stretch individual DNA molecules confined in
Integration of advanced optical functions near the focal plane array: First
steps towards the on-chip infrared camera
Paper 7787-5 of Conference 7787
Date: Wednesday, 04 August 2010
Author(s): Florence de la Barriere, Guillaume Druart, Nicolas Guérineau, ONERA
(France); Jean Taboury, Institut d'Optique Graduate School (France); Manuel
Fendler, Commissariat à l'Énergie Atomique (France)
Today, both military and civilian applications require miniaturized and cheap
optical systems. The miniaturization of imaging systems leads to breakthroughs
in optical design: for example, multichannel systems inspired by the compound
eyes of insects offer great opportunities. An interesting approach is to take
advantage of the infrared focal plane array technology and environment to
integrate these systems near the detector. This paper presents a compact optical
architecture based on a multichannel imaging system entirely integrated in the
dewar used to cool the detector, leading to the possible design of an on-chip
infrared camera.
A normal-incident quantum well infrared photodetector enhanced by surface
plasmon resonance (Oral Standby)
Paper 7780B-45 of Conference 7780B
Date: Wednesday, 04 August 2010
Author(s): Wei Wu, Alireza Bonakdar, Ryan Gelfand, Hooman Mohseni, Northwestern
Univ. (United States)
A normal-incident quantum well infrared photodetector with a high detectivity
enhanced by surface plasmonic arrays are presented. The periodic holes array
perforated in gold film was used to convert the normal-incident infrared light
to surface plasmon waves, which can excite the intersubband transitions in the
quantum wells and be absorbed. The experimental results showed that the
photodetector had a peak detection wavelength at ~8 um with a high detectivity
of ~7.4x1010 Jones, and the photocurrent spectrum was very close to the
simulation result of the plasmonic enhancement spectrum.
A novel bi-material cantilever IR imaging optical system: from design to
Paper 7780A-20 of Conference 7780A
Date: Wednesday, 04 August 2010
Author(s): Xuhong Chu, Liquan Dong, Yuejin Zhao, Beijing Institute of Technology
Uncooled infrared imaging technology is developed rapidly in these years,
because of its size, weight and power consumption. This focus on the novel
bi-material cantilever focal plane array (FPA) IR imaging technology, designed a
new imaging optical system, and implemented a set of miniaturized uncooled
infrared imaging optical system prototype. The prototype can be a better imaging
and NETD is less than 200mk.
Molecules and materials of astrobiological interest on outer solar system bodies
Paper 7819-32 of Conference 7819
Date: Thursday, 05 August 2010
Author(s): Dale Cruikshank, NASA Ames Research Ctr. (United States)
The exploration of planetary bodies in the outer Solar System with Earth-based
and space-based telescopes, as well as planetary probes, continues to reveal
molecules and materials of clear astrobiological interest and importance. Remote
sensing observations, primarily through the techniques of infrared spectroscopy,
show the presence of organic molecules such as methane and methanol, nitriles
(e.g., HCN), and classes of organic molecules that include aliphatic and
aromatic hydrocarbons. In addition, the presence of macromolecular carbonaceous
materials of incompletely determined structure (termed tholins) is inferred from
the colors of planetary bodies measured through visible and infrared
spectrophotometric techniques. Three examples are discussed:
A comparison of the Antarctic Dome C and Sonoran desert sites for the Cal/Val of
visible and near-infrared radiometers
Paper 7811-6 of Conference 7811
Date: Sunday, 01 August 2010
Author(s): Sirish Uprety, Perot Systems Government Services (United States);
Changyong Cao, NOAA/NESDIS/STAR (United States)
Stable earth sites are essential for comparing the measurements from different
satellite instruments in the visible and near-infrared in order to maintain the
consistency of radiometric calibration, and for quantifying the sensor
degradation over time. This study focuses on the analysis and comparison between
the two potential calibration sites, Dome C and Sonoran desert for their
temporal, spatial and spectral stability. The long term stability trend analysis
using MODIS observation shows that the stability of Dome C and Sonoran desert is
better than 2% over the period of 8 years. The study also shows that the Dome C
is much affected by seasonal variation due to bi-directional reflection although
the BRDF normalization reduced the uncertainty of Dome C observations to less
than 2% for both the visible and NIR band. The study also indicated that the
Sonoran desert is more affected by water vapor compared to Dome C. The spectral
characteristics of these sites studied using EO-1 Hyperion sensor further show
the water vapor absorption differences at the two sites. The study suggests
that, both Dome C and Sonoran desert sites can be used for postlaunch
calibration/validation of the visible/near-infrared bands with uncertainty less
than 2%.
Impurity band in insulating and metallic Ga1-xMnxAs: An infrared study
Paper 7760-10 of Conference 7760
Date: Sunday, 01 August 2010
Author(s): Dmitri N. Basov, Univ. of California, San Diego (United States)
Ga1-xMnxAs films with gradients of As:Ga across the wafer allowed us to
investigate the evolution of the impurity band (IB) properties with Mn doping
and As anti-site compensation. For Mn concentrations below x=1% we observed a
narrow IB detached from the valence band of the host. Thermally activated
carries freeze out at low temperature enabling unobstructed access to the
spectra associated with the IB. The effective mass of mobile holes in
ferromagnetic samples exceeds expectations for the valence band conduction but
reveals noticeable lightening below the Curie temperature. We observed
spectroscopic signatures of the IB in samples with Mn concentration up to x=16%.
Predicting top-of-atmosphere radiance for arbitrary viewing geometries from the
visible to thermal infrared: generalization to arbitrary average scene
Paper 7813-7 of Conference 7813
Date: Monday, 02 August 2010
Author(s): Christopher J. Florio, Stephen A. Cota, Stephanie Gaffney, The
Aerospace Corp. (United States)
Pending release approval.
Optical measurement for the concentrations of the pickling acid with near
infrared spectroscopy in steel making industry
Paper 7792-16 of Conference 7792
Date: Monday, 02 August 2010
Author(s): Gumin Kang, Kwangchil Lee, Haesung Park, Jinho Lee, Youngjean Jung,
Kyoungsik Kim, Yonsei Univ. (Korea, Republic of)
In the manufacturing process of stainless steel, it is essential to pickle the
oxide layer of steel surface for high corrosion resistance and fine surface
quality. Pickling liquor of stainless steel is commonly composed of mixed
hydrofluoric and nitric acid. Real time monitoring of concentrations of each
acid is crucial to optimize pickling process. It also reduces cost of production
and decreases the generation of waste acid. We used non-contact near infrared
spectroscopy technique and rapid analysis method, for the quantification of each
acid in an on-line manner. Multivariate calibration such as partial least square
regression method is employed for the better prediction results.
An improved general mono-window algorithm to retrieve land surface temperature
for HJ-1-B thermal infrared data
Paper 7807-50 of Conference 7807
Date: Monday, 02 August 2010
Author(s): Sanchao Liu, National Disaster Reduction Ctr. of China (China);
Maofang Gao, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences (China); Qin-Huo Liu,
Institute of Remote Sensing Applications (China)
No abstract available
Infrared radiometer for spectral contrast of objects in changing backgrounds in
real time (Background Discrimination Radiometer or BDR)
Paper 7808-35 of Conference 7808
Date: Tuesday, 03 August 2010
Author(s): Dario Cabib, CI Systems (Israel) Ltd. (Israel)
An infrared radiometer was developed several years ago to measure the contrast
of a moving object against its background in real time. A classical example of
application is measuring the radiant intensity contrast of an airplane or of a
missile in the background of sky while the target is flying, by being tracked
and kept in the field of view of the radiometer at all times. The instrument is
built so that it can measure this contrast in one wavelength or wavelength range
as function of time or in successive wavelength ranges to provide spectral
contrast information in absolute units of Watts/steradian. We present here the
instrument's design, its calibration algorithm, the method of use, its new
Windows user interface and examples of measurement results.
A systems level characterization and performance trade space analysis of a
simulated airborne Fourier Transform Infrared Spectrometer in the detection and
identification of gaseous plumes
Paper 7812-26 of Conference 7812
Date: Tuesday, 03 August 2010
Author(s): Aaron Weiner, David W. Messinger, Rochester Institute of Technology
(United States)
It is of interest to achieve rapid scan rates during airborne spectral
collection as spectral and spatial blur introduced via platform motion can be
minimized. Fourier Transform Infrared Spectrometers (FTS) are well suited to
this task. Unfortunately, the trade in an FTS between scan rate and resolution
approaches a limiting relationship. An FTS simulation has been developed
incorporating multiple instrument and scene parameters to evaluate the
system-level trade space. A detection metric comprised of multiple detector
algorithms is used to characterize system performance. Results will be shown
characterizing system performance degradation under a variety of environmental
and system performance conditions.
Establishing a new NIST facility for the primary realization of spectral
radiance, emittance, and reflectance in the mid- and far-infrared
Paper 7808-45 of Conference 7808
Date: Tuesday, 03 August 2010
Author(s): Sergey N. Mekhontsev, Leonard M. Hanssen, Vladimir Khromchenko, Boris
Wilthan, National Institute of Standards and Technology (United States)
A new primary standard facility is being established for realization of both
spectral radiance and reflectance in the mid-and far-infrared. The objective of
the new facility is to develop an advanced primary standard with proven accuracy
and based on fundamental and reproducible physical standards to assure SI
traceability. The measurements of diffuse reflectance and directional emittance
will be supported for the wavelengths up to 50 micrometers, incidence angles up
to 85 degrees, and temperatures from 190 K to 520 K. Spectral radiance and
radiance temperature scales will be realized and transferred to the user sources
and sensors over the same temperature and spectral range. This effort will
establish a common calibration scale for satellite and validation instruments
and will facilitate continuity and comparability of national and global climate
change data sets.
Scattering mechanisms and electronic transport properties in a Hg1-xCdxTe
medium-infrared detector
Paper 7780A-6 of Conference 7780A
Date: Wednesday, 04 August 2010
Author(s): Abdelhakim Nafidi, Univ. Ibn Zohr (Morocco)
We report here transport properties measurements and theoretical results on
modeling carrier charge mobility in Hg 1-xCdxTe (x =0.22). Conductivity and Hall
Effect were measured in the temperature range 4.2 - 300 K. Our measurements
indicate that the sample is n-type semiconductor. In intrinsic regime, the slope
of the curve RH T3/2 indicates a gap of 178 meV witch agree well with calculated
Eg (x = 0.22, 300 K) = 183 meV. Our theoretical calculations, according to the
Kane model, show that the Fermi energy EF increases with temperature. The
calculated donor state Ed is 2.8 meV above the conduction band at 4.2 K and
agrees well with 0.67 meV of low field Hall effect measurements. At high
temperatures, an excellent agreement between experimental and calculated
scattering mobility. The detection wave length situates the sample as
medium-infrared detector.
A single mm-sized droplet formation in glycine and urea solutions by photon
pressure of a focused near-infrared laser beam
Paper 7762-119 of Conference 7762
Date: Wednesday, 04 August 2010
Author(s): Kenichi Yuyama, Kei Ishiguro, Thitiporn Rungsimanon, Teruki Sugiyama,
Nara Institute of Science and Technology (Japan); Hiroshi M. Masuhara, National
Chiao Tung Univ. (Taiwan) and Nara Institute of Science and Technology (Japan)
We present novel phenomena induced by applying photon pressure to glycine and
urea solutions. When focusing a near-infrared laser beam at their glass/solution
interfaces, a single dense liquid droplet is formed in either case. The size is
estimated to be a few mm, which is much larger than that of the focal spot. For
glycine, shifting the focal position to the droplet surface induces its
crystallization, while, for urea, a μm-scale assembly is only formed, leading to
no crystallization. These phenomena are discussed in view of optical trapping of
the clusters, local temperature elevation, and mass transfer by convection.
Design considerations and experiment of mid-infrared CH4 concentration detection
system based on thermopile sensor
Paper 7780A-18 of Conference 7780A
Date: Wednesday, 04 August 2010
Author(s): Wei-Lin Ye, Chuan-Tao Zheng, Xin Yu, Zhan-Wei Song, Yiding Wang,
Jilin Univ. (China)
To improve the performances of the CH4 concentration detection system based on
thermopile sensor, design considerations including hardware and software are
proposed. Constant voltage circuit, pre-amplifying circuit, ultra-narrow
band-pass circuit at 4 Hz, diode-detection and adjust circuits and
software-based modern digital filter are thoroughly addressed. Experiments show
that by using the proposed design approaches, the de-noised signal can be up to
4 V with the signal-noise-ratio (SNR) as high as 2000/1, and the measured
detection sensitivity is up to 50 ppm with the detection limit below 50 ppm, for
CH4 concentration.
An apertureless near-field scanning optical microscope for imaging surface
plasmons in the mid-wave infrared
Paper 7787-27 of Conference 7787
Date: Thursday, 05 August 2010
Author(s): John Kohoutek, Ryan Gelfand, Dibyendu Dey, Hooman Mohseni,
Northwestern Univ. (United States)
We present an experimental technique for imaging surface plasmons in the
mid-wave infrared region. The near field scanning optical microscope (NSOM)
involves reflecting light from an edge emitting quantum-cascade-laser off of a
metal coated atomic force microscope tip and then going back through the laser.
We use a lock-in amplifier to lock to the harmonics of the AFM tip vibration
frequency. This setup has topographic imaging in parallel with the infrared
near-field such that the active source can easily be found. Detailed will be our
experimental setup and results, with applications in biosensing, chemical
sensing, plasmonic characterization, and laser diagnostics.
The WISE satellite development: managing the risks and the opportunities
Paper 7796-13 of Conference 7796
Date: Monday, 02 August 2010
Author(s): Valerie G. Duval, Jet Propulsion Lab. (United States); John D.
Elwell, Space Dynamics Lab. (United States); Joan F. Howard, Ball Aerospace &
Technologies Corp. (United States); William R. Irace, Feng-Chuan Liu, Jet
Propulsion Lab. (United States)
NASA's Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer (WISE) MIDEX mission is surveying the
entire sky in four infrared bands from 3.4 to 22 microns. The WISE instrument
consists of a 40 cm telescope, a solid hydrogen cryostat, a scan mirror
mechanism, and four 1K x1K infrared detector. The WISE spacecraft bus provides
communication, data handling, and avionics including instrument pointing. A
Delta 7920 successfully launched WISE into a Sun-synchronous polar orbit on
December 14, 2009. WISE was competitively selected by NASA as a Medium cost
Explorer mission (MIDEX) in 2002. MIDEX missions are led by the Principal
Investigator who delegates day-to-day management to the Project Manager. Given
the tight cost cap and relatively short development schedule, NASA chose to
extend the development period one year with an option to cancel the mission if
certain criteria were not met. To meet this and other challenges, the WISE
management team had to learn to work seamlessly across institutional lines and
to recognize risks and opportunities in order to develop the flight hardware
within the project resources. In spite of significant technical issues, the WISE
satellite was delivered on budget and on schedule. This paper describes our
management approach and risk posture, technical issues, and critical decisions
Course: Radiometry Revealed
Date: Tuesday, 03 August 2010
Instructor(s): Joseph A. Shaw, Montana State Univ. (United States)
This course explains basic principles and applications of radiometry and
photometry. A primary goal of the course is to reveal the logic, systematic
order, and methodology behind what sometimes appears to be a confusing branch of
optical science and engineering. Examples are taken from the ultraviolet through
the long-wave infrared portions of the electromagnetic spectrum. Anyone who
wants to answer questions such as, "how many watts or photons do I have?" or
"how much optical energy or radiation do I need?" will benefit from taking this
Course: Introduction to Optical Remote Sensing Systems
Date: Tuesday, 03 August 2010
Instructor(s): Joseph A. Shaw, Montana State Univ. (United States)
This course provides a broad introduction to optical remote sensing systems,
including both passive sensors (e.g., radiometers and spectral imagers) and
active sensors (e.g., laser radars or LIDARs). A brief review of basic
principles of radiometry and atmospheric propagation (absorption, emission, and
scattering) is followed by a system-level discussion of a variety of ground-,
air-, and space-based remote sensing systems. Key equations are presented for
predicting the optical resolution and signal-to-noise performance of passive and
active sensing systems. Sensor system examples discussed in the class include
solar radiometers, passive spectrometers and hyperspectral imagers, airborne
imaging spectrometers, thermal infrared imagers, polarization imagers, and
active laser radars (LIDARs and LADARs). The course material is directly
relevant to sensing in environmental, civilian, military, astronomical, and
solar energy applications.
SPIE 2010 Annual Awards Banquet
Date: Wednesday, 04 August 2010
San Diego Marriott Hotel and Marina
Wednesday 4 August 2010
SPIE President Ralph B. James presiding
Marriott Hotel, Marina Ballroom
Banquet and Awards presentations 7:30 pm
SPIE President Ralph B. James will preside over the 2010 Awards Banquet that
will include the presentation of the 2010 Society awards, scholarship awards,
and new Fellows of the Society.
Join us for this gala event and enjoy a presentation by the 2010 recipient of
the SPIE Gold Medal, Dr. Charles H. Townes, professor at the University of
California, Berkley and winner of the 1964 Nobel Prize in Physics. Dr. Townes'
talk titled "The Sizes, Shapes, and Changes of Old Stars" will discuss old stars
that are very active and changing rapidly. Infrared interferometry on them will
be reported, which measures these changes and the material they blow off from
time to time.
Tickets for the banquet are not included in the registration fee but may be
ordered on the registration form or purchased on site at the SPIE Cashier Desk
until 12 noon on Tuesday, 3 August.
Hyperspectral thermal emission spectrometer: a new imaging spectrometer for
earth science
Paper 7812-2 of Conference 7812
Date: Monday, 02 August 2010
Author(s): William R. Johnson, Simon Hook, Pantazis Mouroulis, Daniel W. Wilson,
Sarath D. Gunapala, Cory Hill, Andrew Lamborn, Chris Paine, Vincent Realmuto,
Bjorn Eng, Jet Propulsion Lab. (United States)
The Hyperspectral thermal emission spectrometer will be the premiere airborne
imaging spectrometer system used for the earth observing thermal infrared. Its
development is being undertaken end-to-end at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory and
offers a complete system for understanding science concerns related to earth and
water skin surface measurements. . It utilizes at its core many key enabling
state-of-the-art technologies including a high performance convex diffraction
grating, a response uniform quantum well infrared photodetector, and a compact
Dyson-inspired optical design. These testbed results are in preparation for the
deployment of the HyTES which is currently being funded under NASA's instrument
incubator program.
Synthetic scene built for testing thermal signature tracking algorithms
Paper 7813-8 of Conference 7813
Date: Monday, 02 August 2010
Author(s): David Rhodes, Zoran Ninkov, Rochester Institute of Technology (United
States); Judith L. Pipher, Craig W. McMurtry, Univ. of Rochester (United
States); J. Daniel Newman, Paul P. K. Lee, Gregory J. Gosian, ITT Corp. (United
States); Michael D. Presnar, Rochester Institute of Technology (United States)
The development and testing of thermal signature tracking algorithms burdens the
developer with a method of testing the algorithm's fidelity. The use of actual
video is problematic as it requires a vast range of data to be collected to
evaluate performance in a variety of situations. We are developing accurate
synthetic thermal infrared models of vehicles that will be incorporated into
background infrared images generated using the Digital Image and Remote Sensing
Image Generation (DIRSIG) package. Mobility for the targets is being generated
using the open source Simulation of Urban Mobility (SUMO) package. The goal is
to accurately incorporate thermal signatures of moving targets into model of the
scene and test tracking algorithms.
WISE ground characterization challenges and accomplishments
Paper 7796-12 of Conference 7796
Date: Monday, 02 August 2010
Author(s): Joel G. Cardon, Harri Latvakoski, Mark F. Larsen, John D. Elwell,
Space Dynamics Lab. (United States); Amanda K. Mainzer, Ingolf H. Heinrichsen,
Jet Propulsion Lab. (United States)
NASA's Wide Field Infrared Survey Explorer (WISE), which launched in December
2009, is currently producing an all-sky survey in the mid-infrared (2.8 - 26
microns) with far greater sensitivity and resolution than any previous IR survey
mission. The ongoing on-orbit calibration of the instrument is performed at the
Wise Science Data Center (WSDC), but several of the calibration parameters of
interest were best measured on the ground, and have been maintained as part of
the on-orbit calibration process. The Utah State University Space Dynamics
Laboratory (SDL) built the science payload, and performed a series of ground
characterization tests prior to launch. A challenge in a MIDEX mission such as
WISE is to balance the various program demands to perform a thorough ground
calibration within schedule constraints, while also demonstrating compliance
with formal flow-down requirements, and simultaneously verifying that
performance has not been degraded during late-program environmental testing.
These activities are not always entirely compatible. This paper presents an
assessment of ground characterization challenges and solutions that contributed
to a successful WISE mission.
Investigation of the temperature dependent complex index of refraction of
infra-red thin-film coating materials
Paper 7786-46 of Conference 7786
Date: Monday, 02 August 2010
Author(s): Lucas Alves, Deposition Sciences, Inc. (United States)
While extensive coverage of the optical properties of infrared substrate
materials can be found in literature, limited experimental data are available on
the complex refractive index properties of thin-film infrared coating materials
in the 2.0-30.0um wavelength space. Index of refraction (n) and extinction
coefficient (k) models are presented for germanium (Ge), zinc sulphide (ZnS),
and silicon monoxide (SiO), at temperatures ranging from 25-298K. The models are
presented as variations of 4th to 6th order Sellmeier and Cauchy polynomials,
with embedded temperature coefficients. The spectra of thin-film interference
filters designed using the high-order polynomial dispersion models are
characterized at ambient and cryogenic temperatures, and used to validate the
models developed.
Optical design of a compact long-range thermal imager for 3-5 micron wave band
Paper 7787-32 of Conference 7787
Date: Monday, 02 August 2010
Author(s): Ramin Khoei, Islamic Azad Univ. (Iran, Islamic Republic of)
In this work, the optical design of a fixed focus thermal imaging camera working
in 3-5 micron wave band is presented. Infrared waves are collected by designed
optic on an MCT 320x256 focal plane array with 30 micron pixel pitch. The system
focal point is 200mm and calculated from Johnson`s criteria versus system
resolution to detect and recognize not very small objects from intermediate
distances. The system has F#2 according to detector`s field of view. A large
amount of vignetting occurs when we use cooled infrared detector because of exit
pupil and diaphragm position.To fight with this effect, the system is made of an
objective with a relay lens. The objective is designed as two mirror Cassegrain
and the relay system is designed in the way that the principal planes locate
near he relay lens surface. In this way, the objective focal point sit near the
relay surface. Thus, the system will be shorter than simple designed one.
Monte Carlo modeling of on-orbit blackbody emissivity monitoring techniques
Paper 7808-46 of Conference 7808
Date: Tuesday, 03 August 2010
Author(s): Leonard M. Hanssen, Sergey N. Mekhontsev, Alexander Prokhorov,
National Institute of Standards and Technology (United States)
A chief goal of NASA's Climate Absolute Radiance and Refractivity Observatory
(CLARREO) mission is the measurement of earth's infrared emitted radiance. The
primary method envisaged for SI traceability is through an onboard variable
temperature reference blackbody (BB) source. The two quantities that determine
the BB spectral radiance, via the Planck equation, are the BB temperature and
its effective spectral emissivity. We are involved in a comprehensive effort to
support traceability via both experimental calibrations and modeling. In this
paper we present the results of a Monte-Carlo modeling study of two on-orbit
monitoring methods proposed for the CLARREO reference BB's infrared emissivity.
A systematic study of the BRDF of diffuse reflecting standard materials from 1
μm to 2.5 μm
Paper 7792-37 of Conference 7792
Date: Wednesday, 04 August 2010
Author(s): Jinan Zeng, Leonard M. Hanssen, National Institute of Standards and
Technology (United States)
The bidirectional reflectance distribution function (BRDF) and
directional-hemispherical reflectance of diffuse reflecting standards such as
pressed powder and sintered polytetrafluroethylene (PTFE) are widely used to
support calibrations for remote sensing and numerous other applications. A
systematic BRDF investigation from 1000 nm to 2500 nm can provide critical
knowledge of the optical behavior of standard diffusers. Our BRDF measurement is
conducted with NIST's Infrared Laser-based Gonioreflectometer Instrument (ILGRI)
using an infrared tunable laser source. A comparison of the normalized BRDF over
the spectral range is also made to examine its wavelength dependence. The major
sources of errors will also be discussed.
High-performance large format impurity band conductor focal plane arrays for
astronomy applications
Paper 7780A-2 of Conference 7780A
Date: Wednesday, 04 August 2010
Author(s): John M. Edwards, Robert E. Mills, Eric Beuville, Andrew G. Toth,
Elizabeth Corrales, Neil Therrien, Raytheon Co. (United States); Gert Finger,
European Organisation for Astronomical Research in the Southern Hemisphere
Raytheon Vision Systems (RVS) has developed a family of high performance large
format infrared detector arrays whose detectors are most effective for the
detection of long and very long wavelength infrared energy. This paper describes
the state of the art in mega-pixel Si: As Impurity Band Conduction (IBC) arrays
and relevant system applications. Raytheon's Aquarius-1k, developed in
collaboration with ESO, is a 1024 × 1024 pixel high performance array with a
30μm pitch that features high quantum efficiency IBC detectors, low noise, low
dark current, and on-chip clocking for ease of operation. This large format
array was designed primarily for ground-based astronomy applications and has
sensitivity out to 27μm wavelength.
Update on blocked impurity band detector technology from DRS
Paper 7780A-3 of Conference 7780A
Date: Wednesday, 04 August 2010
Author(s): Henry H. Hogue, Ernest W. Atkins, David B. Reynolds, Michael M.
Salcido, Larry C. Dawson, Dale E. Molyneux, Stacy A. Masterjohn, Daniel
Okerlund, Mark Muzilla, DRS Sensors & Targeting Systems, Inc. (United States)
The Blocked Impurity Band (BIB) detector technology team at DRS Sensors &
Targeting Systems provides BIB detectors, Focal Plane Arrays (FPA), and sensor
assemblies for ground, airborne and space applications. These include
flight-proven low flux Si:As and Si:Sb FPAs in square formats up to 1024x1024
and high-flux FPA systems for ground-based telescopes and airborne applications.
DRS uniquely provides detectors and FPAs in alternate detector materials such as
Si:Sb, Si:Ga, Si:P, and Si:B and extension of Si:As BIB technology to
number-mode photon counting detectors at visible or mid-infrared wavelengths and
to far-infrared wavelengths.
Investigation on pyroelectric and dielectric properties of ceramics
Paper 7780A-10 of Conference 7780A
Date: Thursday, 05 August 2010
Author(s): Ashok K. Batra, Ryan Maxon, Padmaja Guggilla, Mohan D. Aggarwal, M.
E. Edwards, Alabama A&M Univ. (United States)
There is substantial interest in detection of infrared radiation using
pyroelectric effect. In pyroelectric, a change in the temperature of a material
leads to release of electric charge and hence, an electrical potential is
established. The materials most widely used at present as a pyroelectric
infrared detector are single-crystals of triglycine sulfate (TGS) and lithium
tantalite. TGS has several disadvantages, such as instability in a high vacuum
environment and its low Curie temperature, which have led to a search for
alternative materials. In the present paper, Ferroelectric ceramics have been
investigated as possible alternatives to TGS. In this paper dielectric and
pyroelectric properties of some ceramics based on modified lead zirconate
titanate are presented.
Radiative engineering of nanoantenna arrays for ultrasensitive vibrational
spectroscopy of proteins
Paper 7757-65 of Conference 7757
Date: Thursday, 05 August 2010
Author(s): Ronen Adato, Ahmet A. Yanik, Boston Univ. (United States); Jason J.
Amsden, David Kaplan, Fiorenzo Omenetto, Tufts Univ. (United States); Mi Kyung
Hong, Shyamsunder Erramilli, Hatice Altug, Boston Univ. (United States)
Infrared absorption spectroscopy offers direct access to the vibrational
signatures of molecular structure. Although absorption cross sections are nearly
10 orders of magnitude larger than the Raman cross sections, they are small in
comparison with those of fluorescent labels. Sensitivity improvements are
required in order for the method to be applicable to single molecule/monolayer
studies. In this work, we intoduce a collectively enhanced infrared absorption
(CEIRA) spectroscopy technique based on radiative engineering of nanoantenna
arrays. We show 10^4-10^5 fold enhancements of the amide-I and II backbone
signatures of proteins and obtain vibrational fingerprint signals from zeptomole
quantities of protein molecules.
In vivo imaging by fluorescent carbon nanotubes
Paper 7761-27 of Conference 7761
Date: Sunday, 01 August 2010
Author(s): Donglu Shi, Hoonsung Cho, Christopher Huth, Feng Wang, Wei Wang,
Zhongyun Dong, Univ. of Cincinnati (United States); Guokui Liu, Argonne National
Lab. (United States); Jie Lian, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (United
States); Rodney C. Ewing, Univ. of Michigan (United States)
One of the key challenges of nanotechnology in cancer diagnosis has been the
design and development of nanosurface structures with multiple functionalities.
Due to complexity of biological systems, these nanostructured materials must
have key features, such as the ability to "tune" or control the surface
properties. The first step is to treat the surface with specific functional
groups such that they attach to specific biological molecules. Second, for
diagnosis, the nanoparticle should have a strong fluorescence in the near
infrared range for in vivo imaging. Third, certain nanoparticle should have a
geometry that allows for storage and release of treatment drugs. Finally, the
nanoparticle should be biodegradable in order to avoid toxic effects. Thus far,
there have been few attempts to design and produce a nanostructure that meets
all of these requirements. A specially designed carbon nanotube (CNT) bio-probe
has been developed for use in the early detection of cancer. The key
functionalities for biomedical diagnosis are incorporated into the carbon
nanotubes. In vivo imaging of live mice was achieved by intravenously injecting
quantum dot (QD) conjugated CNT. With near infrared emission around 752 nm, the
CNT with surface conjugated QD (CNT-QD) exhibited a strong fluorescence for
non-invasive optical in vivo imaging. CNT surface modification was achieved by a
plasma polymerization approach that deposited ultra-thin acrylic acid or
poly(lactic-co-glycolic) acid films (~3 nm) onto the nanotubes. A significant
blue shift of the fluorescence of CdSe/ZnS quantum dots (QD) conjugated with CNT
was investigated. The observed Stark shift was due to the local electrostatic
field induced by the carboxylic anions on the CNT surface. A theoretical model
is developed to evaluate the contribution of the surface charges to the observed
spectral shift.
Chalcogenide plasmonic metamaterial switches
Paper 7757-5 of Conference 7757
Date: Sunday, 01 August 2010
Author(s): Zsolt L. Sámson, Jianfa Zhang, Giorgio Adamo, Takashi Uchino, Behrad
Gholipour, Kenton Knight, Chung-Che Huang, Univ. of Southampton (United
Kingdom); Francesco De Angelis, Fondazione Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia
(Italy) and Univ. degli studi Magna Græcia di Catanzaro (Italy); Kevin F.
MacDonald, Peter Ashburn, Univ. of Southampton (United Kingdom); Enzo Di
Fabrizio, Fondazione Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia (Italy) and Univ. degli
studi Magna Græcia di Catanzaro (Italy); Daniel W. Hewak, Nikolay I. Zheludev,
Univ. of Southampton (United Kingdom)
The material technology behind rewritable optical disks and the latest
generation of electronic memory offers a new broadband switching paradigm for
metamaterials. Non-volatile, electrically- or optically-addressed switching
devices of sub-wavelength thickness for the visible to mid-infrared range can be
created by hybridizing planar metamaterials with functional chalcogenide glass.
The role of molecular photon upconversion in organic photovoltaic devices
Paper 7772-3 of Conference 7772
Date: Sunday, 01 August 2010
Author(s): Andrew J. Ferguson, Matthew T. Lloyd, Dana C. Olson, Garry Rumbles,
Andrew G. Norman, National Renewable Energy Lab. (United States); Tanya N.
Singh-Rachford, Felix N. Castellano, Bowling Green State Univ. (United States)
The phenomenon of triplet-triplet annihilation-assisted photon upconversion
shows promise for efficient upconversion of photons from the red/near-infrared
to visible regions of the solar spectrum, providing a means to enhance
photocurrent generation in organic photovoltaic devices. We will discuss the
role of an upconversion system capable of converting red photons to blue-green
photons, based on a platinum-porphyrin triplet sensitizer and a strongly
fluorescent anthracene derivative, in a bulk heterojunction photovoltaic device
based on a blend of poly(3-hexylthiophene) and [6,6]-phenyl-C61-butyric acid
methyl ester.
Gigabit class high-speed indoor optical wireless: system design, challenges and
Paper 7814-7 of Conference 7814
Date: Monday, 02 August 2010
Author(s): Dominic C. O'Brien, Hoa Le Minh, Grahame E. Faulkner, Univ. of Oxford
(United Kingdom); Stefan M. Wolf, Liane Grobe, Juanhi Li, Technische Univ.
Ilmenau (Germany); Olivier Bouchet, France Telecom R&D (France)
High-speed optical wireless systems are challenging to implement, due to
limitations in available components, and implementation of the necessary high
speed electronics. In this paper we report on the development of a gigabit/s
class infrared indoor optical wireless system that uses commercially available
components. Techniques to estimate receiver sensitivity and its impact on system
field of view are outlined, together with other system challenges. Results from
the implementation of a demonstration system are also detailed, together with a
discussion of how this might scale in the future.
MERTIS: reflective baffle design and manufacturing
Paper 7808-22 of Conference 7808
Date: Monday, 02 August 2010
Author(s): Thomas Zeh, Markus Glier, Stefan Kaiser, Kayser-Threde GmbH
(Germany); Gisbert Peter, Ingo Walter, Jörn Helbert, Deutsches Zentrum für Luft-
und Raumfahrt e.V. (Germany); Joe Jachlewski, NiCoForm, Inc. (United States);
Harald Hiesinger, Westfaelische Wilhelms Univ. (Germany)
Optical instruments for remote sensing applications frequently require measures
for reducing the amount of external, unwanted stray light in the optical
instrument path. The reflective planet baffle design and manufacturing process
for the thermal infrared imaging spectrometer MERTIS onboard of ESA's
cornerstone mission BepiColombo to Mercury is presented. The baffle has to
reflect the unwanted solar flux and scattered IR radiation, and minimize the
heat load on the instrument.
Embedded chemicals detection using multiple frequencies excitation
Paper 7781-40 of Conference 7781
Date: Monday, 02 August 2010
Author(s): Yaohui Gao, Meng-Ku Chen, Shizhuo Yin, The Pennsylvania State Univ.
(United States)
In this paper, we present a embedded chemicals detection method using multiple
frequencies excitation including microwave and infrared radiation. We
demonstrate that faster vapor release from embedded chemicals can be realized
through multiple frequencies excitation compared to single frequency excitation.
Also, the mechanism of chemical vapor tranportation through sand is discussed.
Extended defects in as-grown CdZnTe
Paper 7805-55 of Conference 7805
Date: Monday, 02 August 2010
Author(s): Lingyan Xu, Brookhaven National Lab. (United States) and Northwestern
Polytechnical Univ. (China); Aleksey E. Bolotnikov, Anwar M. Hossain, Ge Yang,
Rubi Gul, Giuseppe S. Camarda, Brookhaven National Lab. (United States); Laura
Marchini, Brookhaven National Lab. (United States) and IMEM-CNR (Italy); Ki Hyun
Kim, Yonggang Cui, Ralph B. James, Brookhaven National Lab. (United States);
Yadong Xu, Tao Wang, Wanqi Jie, Northwestern Polytechnical Univ. (China)
We characterized over 10 samples cut from different locations of two CdZnTe
(CZT) ingots, one of which was intrinsic while the other was In doped. We
employed Infrared (IR) Transmission Microscopy and White Beam X-ray Diffraction
Topography (WBXDT) Technology to locate and identify the extended defects. Our
experiments seek to ascertain the roles of the distribution of extended defects
and the concentration of In dopants on the charge transport properties as
revealed by Micron-scale X-ray Mapping. Correlations between the extended
defects and charge transport properties will be reported.
The AstroComb Project
Paper 7808-61 of Conference 7808
Date: Monday, 02 August 2010
Author(s): Carlo Baffa, Osservatorio Astrofisico di Arcetri (Italy); Pablo
Cancio Pastor, Istituto Nazionale di Ottica Applicata (Italy); Elisabetta Giani,
Osservatorio Astrofisico di Arcetri (Italy); Massimo Inguscio, Istituto
Nazionale di Ottica Applicata (Italy); Ernesto Oliva, Osservatorio Astrofisico
di Arcetri (Italy); Giulia Schettino, Univ. degli Studi di Firenze (Italy);
Andrea Tozzi, Osservatorio Astrofisico di Arcetri (Italy)
The field of high resolution infrared spectroscopy is expected to be populated
in a short time with new and more capable instruments, which will be able to
measure a very large wavelength interval at once with very high resolution and
stability. It is of paramount importance to complement them with an equally
capable wavelength calibrator. To overcome some of the limits of present day
calibrators, we are developing a system based on a comb-laser.
MAKO: a high-performance airborne imaging spectrometer system for the LWIR
Paper 7812-20 of Conference 7812
Date: Tuesday, 03 August 2010
Author(s): David W. Warren, David J. Gutierrez, John A. Hackwell, Steven J.
Hansel, Brian P. Kasper, Mazaher G. Sivjee, The Aerospace Corp. (United States)
We report progress on a high-performance, long-wavelength infrared hyperspectral
imaging system for airborne research. Based on a f/1.25 Dyson spectrometer and
128x128 arsenic doped silicon blocked impurity band array, this system has
significantly higher throughput than previous sensors. An agile pointing
capability permits the additional signal to be allocated between improved
signal-to-noise and improved area coverage, creating new opportunities to
explore LWIR HSI phenomenology.
MAKO: a high-performance airborne imaging spectrometer system for the LWIR
Paper 7786-20 of Conference 7786
Date: Tuesday, 03 August 2010
Author(s): David W. Warren, David J. Gutierrez, John A. Hackwell, Steven J.
Hansel, Brian P. Kasper, Mazaher G. Sivjee, The Aerospace Corp. (United States)
We report progress on a high-performance, long-wavelength infrared hyperspectral
imaging system for airborne research. Based on a f/1.25 Dyson spectrometer and
128x128 arsenic doped silicon blocked impurity band array, this system has
significantly higher throughput than previous sensors. An agile pointing
capability permits the additional signal to be allocated between improved
signal-to-noise and improved area coverage, creating new opportunities to
explore LWIR HSI phenomenology.
Photon counting detectors for astrophysics, biophotonics, and defense
Paper 7780C-52 of Conference 7780C
Date: Wednesday, 04 August 2010
Author(s): Donald F. Figer, Rochester Institute of Technology (United States)
This talk summarizes the needs for quantum-limited photon detectors in a broad
range of applications and subfields, including Astrophysics, Biophotonics, and
Defense. Particular emphasis is placed on imaging applications that require
single photon counting. Rochester Institute of Technology and Lincoln Laboratory
have teamed in projects funded by the Moore Foundation and NASA to develop
optical and infrared photon counting detectors in megapixel formats. These
projects will be described.
Investigation of GaAs photosensitive devices
Paper 7780B-39 of Conference 7780B
Date: Wednesday, 04 August 2010
Author(s): Tina Laperashvili, Orest Kvitsiani, Jano Markhulia, Vladimer
Mikelashvili, Institute of Cybernetics (Georgia)
The experimental results obtained from investigation of the optical
characteristics of GaAs and GaP semiconductor based devices are presented.
Infrared region sensitive detectors were obtained using electrochemical
deposition of metals on the semiconductors surface and following heat treatment
in inert gas medium. In experiment were used Chokhralsky method grown
mono-crystals of (111) and (100) orientation.
Nanosecond pulsed laser deposition of germanium films
Paper 7766-41 of Conference 7766
Date: Wednesday, 04 August 2010
Author(s): Seong Shan Yap, Norwegian Univ. of Science and Technology (Malaysia);
Cécile Ladam, SINTEF (Norway); Wee Ong Siew, Multimedia Univ. (Malaysia);
Øystein Dahl, SINTEF (Norway); Turid W. Reenaas, Norwegian Univ. of Science and
Technology (Norway); Teck Yong Tou, Multimedia Univ. (Malaysia)
In this work, nanosecond-pulsed of from ultra-violet to infrared lasers: KrF
(248 nm, 25 ns) and Nd:YAG (1064 nm, 532 nm, 355 nm, 5 ns) were employed for
ablation and deposition of germanium films in background pressure of <10-6 Torr.
Deposition was carried out at room temperature on Si, GaAs, sapphire and glass.
The as-deposited films, characterized by using scanning electron microscopy
(SEM) and atomic force microscopy (AFM), consists of nano to micron-sized
droplets on nanostructured film. The dependence of films properties on laser
wavelengths and fluence is discussed.
IR frequencies experimental investigation about grating properties of quasi-zero
index materials
Paper 7781-3 of Conference 7781
Date: Sunday, 01 August 2010
Author(s): Principia Dardano, Ivo Rendina, Istituto per la Microelettronica e
Microsistemi (Italy); Stefano Cabrini, Allan Chang, Lawrence Berkeley National
Lab. (United States); Vito Mocella, Istituto per la Microelettronica e
Microsistemi (Italy)
Self-collimating Photonic Crystals based quasi-zero index material are the
object of an experimental investigation by exploring his grating properties at
infrared frequencies. Indeed through a diffractometric method, it is possible a
precise measure of the quasi-zero index material grating parameters, as the
grating lattice parameter, the dispersion angle Δθ (at fixed wavelength) and the
spectral dispersion (at fixed angle). In this way the small size of Δθ = 0.06°
as well as the small spectra dispersion Δλ = 3nm provides to a experimental
demonstration of the long propagating beam and at least the strong collimation
Active control of near-IR metamaterials utilizing stretchable elastomeric
polymers and phase-transition materials
Paper 7754-3 of Conference 7754
Date: Sunday, 01 August 2010
Author(s): Koray Aydin, Imogen M. Pryce, Yousif A. Kelaita, Harry A. Atwater,
Jr., California Institute of Technology (United States)
We demonstrate the first mechanically tunable metamaterial in the near infrared,
where modifying the distance between coupled resonator elements changes the
resonance frequency. We show that the resonant peak wavelength can be shifted by
up to 350 nm, a full linewidth shift around 4 µm. Here we extend our first
reports on planar hybrid Ag/VO2 SRR bi-layers to the use of laterally patterned
VO2 hybrid nanostructures. Amplitude modulation (~%30) and resonance frequency
tuning (~110 nm) can be achieved in planar Ag/VO2 hybrid SRRs the 1-4 µm
wavelength range, and results for laterally-patterned structures will be
Improvement of the use of MSG and GOES data in the NCEP GDAS
Paper 7811-3 of Conference 7811
Date: Sunday, 01 August 2010
Author(s): Tong Zhu, Fuzhong Weng, Haixia Liu, John Derber, National Oceanic and
Atmospheric Administration (United States)
Infrared (IR) observations from SEVIRI on board Meteosat Second Generation
(MSG)-2 satellite are assimilated into NCEP global data assimilation system
(GDAS). The Community Radiative Transfer Model (CRTM) is used as observation
operator for the assimilation of SEVIRI radiance observations. Preliminary
results show that inclusions of the SEVIRI radiances at water vapor channels
(6.25 and 7.35 micron) and CO2 channel (13.4 micron) in GFS produced noticeably
positive impacts on the seven-day forecasts. Assimilation of other five SEVIRI
IR window channels in GFS reduces the positive impact. Further studies are being
carried out to improve the effective assimilation of SEVIRI IR window channels
Dielectric optical antenna transmitters and receivers
Paper 7785-5 of Conference 7785
Date: Sunday, 01 August 2010
Author(s): Jon A. Schuller, Columbia Univ. (United States)
Optical antennas are critical components in nanophotonics research due to their
unparalleled ability to concentrate electromagnetic energy into nanoscale
volumes. Researchers typically construct such antennas from wavelength-size
metallic structures. However, researchers have recently exploited the scattering
resonances of high-permittivity particles to realize all-dielectric optical
antennas, emitters, photodetectors, and metamaterials. Here, we experimentally
and theoretically characterize the resonant modes of subwavelength rod-shaped
dielectric particles and demonstrate their use as novel light emitters
(transmitters) and photodetectors (receivers). Using a variety of materials
systems, dielectric optical antennas may impact a variety of photonic
technologies throughout the visible and infrared frequency regime.
Detectors of terahertz radiation based on Pb1-xSnxTe(In)
Paper 7763-7 of Conference 7763
Date: Sunday, 01 August 2010
Author(s): Dmitry R. Khokhlov, Lomonosov Moscow State Univ. (Russian Federation)
Doping of the lead telluride and related alloys with the group III impurities
results in appearance of the unique physical features of a material, such as
persistent photoresponse, enhanced responsive quantum efficiency (up to 100
photoelectrons/incident photon), radiation hardness and many others. We present
the physical principles of operation of the photodetecting devices based on the
group III-doped IV-VI including the possibilities of a fast quenching of the
persistent photoresponse, construction of the focal-plane array, new readout
technique, and others. The advantages of infrared photodetecting systems based
on the group III-doped IV-VI in comparison with the modern photodetectors are
Single photon emission and detection at the nanoscale
Paper 7808-62 of Conference 7808
Date: Sunday, 01 August 2010
Author(s): Michael E. Reimer, M. P. van Kouwen, M. Hocevar, M. Barkelid,
Technische Univ. Delft (Netherlands); R. Algra, E. Bakkers, Philips Research
Nederland B.V. (Netherlands); M. T. Björk, Heike Riel, IBM Zürich Research Lab.
(Switzerland); L. P. Kouwenhoven, Valery Zwiller, Technische Univ. Delft
We report recent progress towards single photon emission and detection in the
near infrared based on semiconductor nanowires. Nanowires are highly versatile
since the composition, size, position and doping of a single nanowire can be
precisely controlled with unprecedented freedom, which directly affects the
emission and detection properties of single nanowires. In addition, nanowires
are not limited by strain, thus allowing more complex semiconductor materials to
be combined compared to conventional semiconductor heterostructure growth. In
this talk, we first study the optical properties of a single InAsP quantum dot
embedded in a single InP nanowire with the aim of producing a single photon
source electrically. In the second part of the talk, we discuss single photon
detection based on a single Si nanowire comprising of a p-doped, intrinsic, and
n-doped section (p-i-n photodiode).
Periodic arrays of ridge apertures as a high efficiency coupler for photovoltaic
Paper 7772-7 of Conference 7772
Date: Sunday, 01 August 2010
Author(s): Edward C. Kinzel, Xianfan Xu, Purdue Univ. (United States)
Weak absorption of light near the band gap is one limiting factor on the
efficiency of photovoltaics. This is particularly true for thin-film solar cells
because the shot optical path lengths and limited options for texturing the
front and back surfaces. Scattering light laterally is one way to increase the
optical path length to increase the chance that a given low energy photon is
absorbed. We investigate the use of a periodic array of bowtie apertures to
couple incident light to a parallel plate waveguide mode supported between two
conductors. We show that up to 70% of incident near-infrared light can be
coupled and explain the physical phenomena. This architecture has potential for
forming the back conductor in multi-junction solar cells.
Improved performance of quantum dot solar cells via light scattering into
waveguide modes
Paper 7772-8 of Conference 7772
Date: Sunday, 01 August 2010
Author(s): Claiborne O. McPheeters, The Univ. of Texas at Austin (United
States); Cory J. Hill, Jet Propulsion Lab. (United States); Dongzhi Hu, Univ.
Karlsruhe (Germany); Swee H. Lim, Arizona State Univ. (United States); Daniel
Derkacs, Spire Semiconductor, LLC (United States); David Z. Ting, Jet Propulsion
Lab. (United States); Daniel M. Schaadt, Univ. Karlsruhe (Germany); Sarath D.
Gunapala, Jet Propulsion Lab. (United States); Edward T. Yu, Univ. of Texas at
Austin (United States)
We report studies of quantum dot (QD) solar cells (SCs) with performance
enhancement via nanoparticle scattering of radiation into waveguide modes of the
device structure. Zero-bias photocurrent spectra reveal that QDs successfully
extend absorption to longer infrared wavelengths relative to quantum wells of
the same average composition. Surface-deposited SiO2 or gold nanoparticles
improve the short-circuit current density of QDSCs by up to 16% relative to bare
devices. To further improve the performance of quantum well- and QDSCs, we are
investigating ultrathin devices on the order of 1 micron thick, which exhibit
significantly improved waveguide coupling, as well as various QD densities.
Resonant semiconductor nanowire antenna near-IR photodetectors
Paper 7808-14 of Conference 7808
Date: Sunday, 01 August 2010
Author(s): Linyou Cao, Stanford Univ. (United States)
On-chip integrated optoelectronics devices are critical for high-throughput data
processing, management and communication. Photodetectors play a key role as
interfaces between photonics and electronics, but are plagued by a fundamental
efficiency-speed tradeoff. Here, we demonstrate that germanium nanowires can be
used to overcome these limitations for high performance photodetection in near
infrared regime. The detector capitalizes on optical antenna effects to
dramatically enhance the photoresponse and to enable wavelength and polarization
selectivity. The use of resonant photonic nanostructures for near-IR
photodetection represents a significant step towards realizing integrated
on-chip communication, and manifests a new paradigm for developing miniaturized
optoelectronics components.
Real-time SWIR hyperspectral imaging with polarimetric capability
Paper 7812-3 of Conference 7812
Date: Monday, 02 August 2010
Author(s): Gerald Wong, Roger Pilkington, SELEX Galileo Ltd. (United Kingdom);
Andrew R. Harvey, Heriot-Watt Univ. (United Kingdom); Rick Rickman, Waterfall
Solutions Ltd. (United Kingdom)
The novel sensor outlined within this paper enables snapshot hyperspectral
imaging. The Near-Infrared Image Replicating Imaging Spectrometer (N-IRIS)
operates without any rejection in polarised light. Additional benefits include
compactness, robustness, no-moving-parts operation, lower processing overheads
and resource needs. Dual polarimetric-spectral imaging is also possible due to
its inherent design, which offers additional discrimination and increased
optical throughput. This paper also describes the results from detection
algorithms implemented on COTS hardware to exploit the temporal dimension in
real-time operation. The synergy with N-IRIS has achieved anomaly detection at
video frame-rates, within both ground-based datasets and AVRIS imagery with
simulated embedded targets.
Wireless optical network (WON) for a home network
Paper 7814-5 of Conference 7814
Date: Monday, 02 August 2010
Author(s): Olivier Bouchet, France Telecom R&D (France); Joachim W. Walewski,
Siemens AG (Germany); Pascal Porcon, France Telecom R&D (France); Eric Gueutier,
Apside Groupe (France); Dominic C. O'Brien, Grahame E. Faulkner, Hoa Le Minh,
Univ. of Oxford (United Kingdom)
Indoor optical wireless communications have been investigated for a few decades,
but have not been widely studied as a Wireless Optical Network (WON). Point to
Point optical communications in outdoor environments are well established,
providing Gbps over ranges of several hundred meters. However, WON is more
challenging than their outdoor counterparts. The scope of this paper is to
present two prototypes developed during a European collaborative project. The
first prototype proposes an InfraRed Communication (IRC) based on Giga Ethernet
and the second prototype proposes a 100 Mbps Visible Light Communication (VLC).
The document will present these prototypes characteristics with experimentation
DLC/Si multilayer mirrors for EUV radiation
Paper 7802-9 of Conference 7802
Date: Monday, 02 August 2010
Author(s): Peter Gawlitza, Stefan Braun, Andreas Leson, Fraunhofer-Institut für
Werkstoff- und Strahltechnik (Germany); Wouter A. Soer, Martin J. Jak, Philips
Research Nederland B.V. (Netherlands); Vadim Y. Banine, ASML Netherlands B.V.
Future high power EUV tools in next generation lithography systems will be
operated with CO2 LPP sources. Some Kilowatts of laser pulse power at 10.6 µm
wavelength are partially converted into EUV radiation but also into more than
95% out-of-band energy. Spectral filtering and transportation of unwanted
radiation out of the EUV optical system is absolutely necessary for heat load
reduction, especially for the thermally sensitive masks and projection optics.
We present a new type of spectral EUV filter based on a DLC/Si multilayer mirror
that is nearly transparent for infrared radiation (IR) but highly reflective at
13.5 nm (DLC - diamond-like carbon). We deposited DLC/Si multilayers by IBSD
with 40 and 60 periods showing EUV reflectances of about 42 % and 50 %,
respectively. Combining IR antireflective and EUV coatings, first prototype
mirrors have been fabricated with an EUV reflectance of 42.5 % and IR
reflectance of about 4.4 % at the same time.
The WISE image quality error budget
Paper 7796-6 of Conference 7796
Date: Monday, 02 August 2010
Author(s): Martha Kendall, Ball Aerospace & Technologies Corp. (United States);
Valerie G. Duval, Jet Propulsion Lab. (United States); Roy W. Esplin, Space
Dynamics Lab. (United States); Ingolf H. Heinrichsen, Jet Propulsion Lab.
(United States); Mark F. Larsen, Space Dynamics Lab. (United States); Mark
Shannon, Ball Aerospace & Technologies Corp. (United States); Edward L. Wright,
Univ. of California, Los Angeles (United States)
Is it possible to be too bright that you become blind to flaws in image quality
requirements? Sometimes asking a few "dumb" questions can help clear up
misunderstandings in requirement flowdown between spacecraft instrument control
stability and image processing needs. The Wide-Field Infrared Survey Explorer
(WISE) mission launched in December of 2009 could have used a few "dummies" to
ask the "geniuses" to explain what they really needed. Such is the lesson
learned with the WISE spacecraft ADCS jitter control and the image data
reductions needs. The spacecraft manifests jitter in numerous ways and if the
data reduction folks are not aware of all of them then the data reduction
quality can be severely affected. While the spacecraft was meeting the "jitter"
requirement it was allocated, the drift rate variation need was not being met.
The "dumb" question finally came up regarding this need about a year before
launch and after the eureka-moment, an adjustment was made to the spacecraft
ADCS control. WISE is meeting all image quality requirements on-orbit thanks to
the "dumb" question late in the game.
The WISE telescope and scanner: design choices and hardware results
Paper 7796-8 of Conference 7796
Date: Monday, 02 August 2010
Author(s): Deepak Sampath, Mark Schwalm, Alan D. Akerstrom, Mark Barry, James J.
Guregian, Virginia Ugolini, L-3 Communications SSG-Tinsley (United States)
L-3 Integrated Optical Systems/SSG designed and built the telescope, aft imager,
and scanner for the Widefield Infrared Survey Explorer (WISE) under subcontract
to Utah State University/Space Dynamics Laboratory. The WISE mission and
collection scheme imparted several driving requirements on the telescope and
scanner, including the need for low cost implementation, <11 Kelvin operation,
and the need to back-scan by half a degree during detector integration in order
to freeze the line of sight on the sky as the spacecraft pitched in orbit. These
requirements led to several unique design and implementation choices for the
telescope and scanner. In this paper we highlight several of those design
choices as well as lessons learned from the telescope and scanner design,
fabrication, and test.
On the pursuit of a common growth window for embedded indium-rich group
III-nitride heterostructures
Paper 7784-3 of Conference 7784
Date: Monday, 02 August 2010
Author(s): Nikolaus Dietz, Ramazan Atalay, Max Buegler, Sampath Gamage, Indika
Senevirathna, Jielei Wang, Georgia State Univ. (United States)
Ternary InGaN alloys have great potentials for device structures that can
operate from infrared to ultra-violet spectral regime. At present, the
integration of InGaN heterostructures remains a challenge due to encountered
temperature gaps. A pathway to reduce the growth temperature differences is to
explore the pressure dependent growth surface stabilization. This contribution
will provide a brief history on high-pressure chemical vapor deposition (HPCVD),
discuss the engineering tools needed to control gas phase and growth surface
chemistry, and provides results for InGaN epilayers grown by HPCVD. An
assessment will be given on the pursuit of a common group III-nitride process
WISE focal plane module: lessons learned in light of success
Paper 7796-9 of Conference 7796
Date: Monday, 02 August 2010
Author(s): Stacy Masterjohn, Henry H. Hogue, Mark Muzilla, Steven G. Rector,
Reed B. Mattson, DRS Sensors & Targeting Systems, Inc. (United States)
DRS Sensors & Targeting Systems, under contract to the Space Dynamics Laboratory
of Utah State University, provided the focal plane detector system for NASA's
Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer (WISE). The focal plane detector system
consists of two mercury cadmium telluride (MCT) focal plane module assemblies
(FPMAs), two arsenic doped silicon (Si:As) Blocked Impurity Band (BIB) FPMAs,
electronics to drive the FPMAs and report digital data from them, and the
cryogenic and ambient temperature cabling that connect the FPMAs and
electronics. The WISE Satellite was launched in late 2009 and has been a very
rewarding success. In light of the recent success on orbit, there were many
challenges and hurdles the DRS team had to overcome in order to guarantee the
ultimate success of the instrument. This report highlights a few of the
challenges that the team overcame in hopes that the information can be made
available to the astronomy community for future use.
Accelerated atmospheric corrosion testing of electroplated gold mirror coatings
Paper 7786-20 of Conference 7786
Date: Monday, 02 August 2010
Author(s): Chung-Tse Chu, D. R. Alaan, David P. Taylor, The Aerospace Corp.
(United States)
Gold-coated mirrors are widely used in infrared. These mirrors are often made of
aluminum or beryllium substrates with polished nickel undercoat. Atmospheric
corrosion of gold-coated electrical connectors and contacts was a well-known
problem in the electronic industry and was studied extensively. However, there
is limited literature data that correlates atmospheric corrosion to the
reflectivity of gold mirror coatings. In this paper, we discuss the corrosion
behavior of electroplated gold-coated mirror coupons exposed to a
mixed-flowing-gas (MFG) environment. Depending on the gold coating thickness,
pore corrosion started to appear on samples after about 200 hours of exposure.
The corrosion caused the mirror reflectance to decline, first in the visible and
then extended into the IR region, as the corrosion progressed and the size of
the corrosion features increased.
Future VIIRS enhancements for the Joint Polar System
Paper 7813-9 of Conference 7813
Date: Monday, 02 August 2010
Author(s): Jeff Puschell, Raytheon Space & Airborne Systems (United States)
The Visible/Infrared Imager Radiometer Suite (VIIRS) is the next-generation
imaging spectroradiometer for the future integrated operational polar-orbiting
environmental satellite system. VIIRS Flight unit 1 (F1) was delivered in
January 2010. Measured performance shows that VIIRS F1 is ready to make
important data contributions for weather and science. Starting with the NPOESS
Preparatory Project, VIIRS replaces and improves upon three different sensors
operating today with a single instrument built into an adaptable design
architecture: AVHRR onboard NPOESS POES and EUMETSAT Polar System Metop; MODIS
onboard NASA's Terra and Aqua; and OLS onboard DMSP. Like the Hubble Space
Telescope, the flexible VIIRS architecture can be adapted and enhanced to
respond to a wide range of requirements and to incorporate new technology as it
becomes available.
The WISE beamsplitter assembly
Paper 7796-10 of Conference 7796
Date: Monday, 02 August 2010
Author(s): Roy W. Esplin, Duane Miles, David McLain, Harri Latvakoski, Mark F.
Larsen, Space Dynamics Lab. (United States); Mark A. Kahan, Optical Research
Associates (United States)
The design, fabrication and testing of the Beamsplitter Assembly (BSA) of the
Wide Field Infrared Survey Explorer (WISE) instrument are discussed in this
paper. The BSA splits the optical output beam of the WISE telescope into 4
spectral wavelength bands; 2.8-3.8, 4.1-5.2, 7.5-16.5, and 20-26 µm. Spectral
properties of the WISE, dichroic beamsplitters, filters and telescope are
presented. The BSA provides the means for focusing the WISE instrument. The
method used to focus the WISE instrument is also discussed in this paper.
Lessons learned that hopefully will be of help to future space programs are also
Reduction and calibration of FIRST data from the RHUBC-II campaign
Paper 7808-28 of Conference 7808
Date: Monday, 02 August 2010
Author(s): Erik Syrstad, Space Dynamics Lab. (United States)
During the second Radiative Heating of Underexplored Bands Campaign (RHUBC-II),
spectrally resolved radiance data from 6-100 microns was obtained with the Far
Infrared Spectroscopy of the Troposphere (FIRST) instrument. FIRST measured
water vapor absorption features in the upper troposphere for reduction of errors
in radiative transfer codes. Reduction of FIRST data will focus on several
specific days, with emphasis on data collected during periods of extremely low
precipitable water vapor. Calibration of FIRST data relies on field measurements
of the radiance of ambient and warm blackbodies, and must account for absorption
features associated with the broadband polypropylene beamsplitter.
First imaging Fourier-transform spectral measurements of detonation in an
internal combustion engine
Paper 7812-16 of Conference 7812
Date: Monday, 02 August 2010
Author(s): Kevin C. Gross, Air Force Institute of Technology (United States);
Allen R. White, Rebecca DeVasher, Stephen Sakai, Rose-Hulman Institute of
Technology (United States); Glen P. Perram, Air Force Institute of Technology
(United States)
The Telops midwave imaging Fourier-transform spectrometer observed repeated
detonations in an ethanol-powered internal combustion (IC) engine. The IC
combustion cylinder is made from sapphire permitting observation in the visible
and infrared. The IFTS imaged the combustion cylinder on a 64x32 pixel array.
More than 50,000 interferograms were collected with moderate spectral (36/cm)
and temporal resolution (16 Hz). Engine speed was varied between 600-1200 RPM to
de-correlate the observation time scale from the occurrence of detonations. A
method is devised to process the ensemble of interferograms so that the time
history of the combustion spectrum can be recovered.
Quantum dots as handles for optical manipulation
Paper 7762-26 of Conference 7762
Date: Monday, 02 August 2010
Author(s): Liselotte Jauffred, Lene B. Oddershede, Univ. of Copenhagen (Denmark)
Individual colloidal quantum dots can be optically trapped and manipulated by a
single infrared laser beam operated a low laser powers [Jauffred et al., Nano
Lett. 2008 (10)] with a trapping strength proportional to 10-4 pN/nm. We report
that diverse quantum dots have identical trapping capabilities. Furthermore, we
show that the trapping laser light can also act as a source for two-photon
excitation of the quantum dots, thus eliminating the demand for an excitation
light source in addition to the trapping laser beam. In addition, we report the
advantages of using quantum dots as reporter particle in tethered particle
method assays. The small size of the quantum dot ensures that it's tracked
Brownian motion is dominated by the configurations of the tether and not the
reporter particle itself.
A high-accuracy blackbody for CLARREO
Paper 7808-31 of Conference 7808
Date: Monday, 02 August 2010
Author(s): Harri M. Latvakoski, Michael Watson, Shane Topham, Deron Scott,
Michael Wojcik, Gail E. Bingham, Utah State Univ. (United States)
The NASA climate science mission CLARREO, which is to measure Earth's emitted
spectral radiance from orbit for 5 years, has an absolute accuracy requirement
of 0.1 K (3σ) at 220 K over most of the thermal infrared. To meet this
requirement, CLARREO needs highly accurate on-board blackbodies which remain
accurate over the life of the mission. Space Dynamics Laboratory is developing a
prototype blackbody that demonstrates the ability to meet the needs of CLARREO.
We expect the CLARREO prototype to have emissivity of ~0.9999 from 1.5 to 50 μm,
temperature uncertainties of ~25 mK (3σ), and radiance uncertainties of ~7 mK
due to temperature gradients.
Calibration support for NPP VIIRS SDR assessment
Paper 7807-47 of Conference 7807
Date: Monday, 02 August 2010
Author(s): Kwo-Fu Chiang, Sigma Space Corp. (United States); Mathew R.
Schwaller, Xiaoxiong Xiong, NASA Goddard Space Flight Ctr. (United States)
The Visible Infrared Imaging Radiometer Suite (VIIRS) on-board the satellite of
the National Polar-orbiting Operational Environmental Satellite System (NPOESS)
Preparatory Project (NPP) is a key instrument that provides continuity of global
observations of land, ocean, cloud, and atmospheric parameters between current
Earth Observing System (EOS) and future NPOESS missions. This paper describes
VIIRS on-orbit radiometric calibration and characterization activities supported
by the NPP Instrument Calibration Support Element (NICSE), which is part of the
Science Data Segment (SDS) within the NASA NPP program. This paper focuses on
the capability of NICSE to independently assess and verify the performance of
the sensor and the quality of VIIRS Sensor Data Records (SDRs).
Near field imaging of a plasmon photonic crystal patterned on the facet of a
quantum cascade laser
Paper 7757-129 of Conference 7757
Date: Monday, 02 August 2010
Author(s): Dibyendu Dey, Ryan Gelfand, John Kohoutek, Alireza Bonakdar, Hooman
Mohseni, Northwestern Univ. (United States)
We present a novel device, which combines a plasmon-polariton crystal (PPC)
structure with edge emitting mid infrared Quantum cascade laser (QCL). The
structure has been fabricated by coating the facet of QCL and further patterned
using focused ion beam milling. Scanning optical microscopic (NSOM) technique
has been used to image the effect of surface plasmon polariton on the optical
mode of the laser. By studying the near field we can probe the spectral
properties of our devices with a very controlled spatial resolution. Unlike
photonic crystals and micro-ring resonators, this structure can produce a very
large Purcell constant without sacrificing the optical bandwidth.
Optimization design of broadband mid-IR grating
Paper 7787-30 of Conference 7787
Date: Monday, 02 August 2010
Author(s): Shuwei Fan, Xi'an Jiaotong Univ. (China)
The broadband mid-IR grating is required in the infrared spectrophotometer to
keep the instrument compact. However, an instrument ,such as the IR-G type and
IR-G type spectrophotometer, always needs to be equipped with several gratings
due to the limited spectrum of the commonly used grating. In this paper the
optimization design of a type of broadband grating is studied. The rigorous
coupled wave analysis (RCWA) was used to analyze the grating diffraction
efficiency (GRE) properties in this paper. Firstly, the GRE of the traditional
broadband dual-blaze grating is analyzed by RCWA. Then a simple structure
grating can be obtained through an optimization method to the dual-blaze
grating. The optimization design result demonstrates this simple structure
grating is with broadband spectrum and more easily to produce than the
dual-blaze gratings.
The multi-spectral imager onboard the EarthCARE spacecraft
Paper 7808-39 of Conference 7808
Date: Tuesday, 03 August 2010
Author(s): Abelardo Perez-Albinana, Alain Lefebvre, Robert Gelsthorpe, European
Space Research and Technology Ctr. (Netherlands); Erich Weih, Klaus-Werner
Kruse, Ralf Muenzenmayer, EADS Astrium GmbH (Germany); Guy Baister, Mark Chang,
Surrey Satellite Technology Ltd. (United Kingdom)
The European Space Agency is currently developing, in co-operation with the
Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency the EarthCARE satellite with the basic
objective of improving the understanding of the cloud-aerosols-radiation
interactions within the Earth's atmosphere. The payload of the EarthCARE
satellite consists of a Cloud Profiling Radar (CPR), a Backscatter Lidar
(ATLID), a Broadband Radiometer (BBR), and a Multi-spectral Imager (MSI). The
MSI instrument will provide images of the earth in 7 spectral bands in the
visible and infrared parts of the spectrum, with a spatial ground resolution of
500 m and an image width on the ground of 150 km. This paper will provide a
description of the MSI instrument design and its expected performance.
Irradiation of hydrophobic coating materials by gamma rays: space applications
Paper 7817-8 of Conference 7817
Date: Tuesday, 03 August 2010
Author(s): Edward W. Taylor, International Photonics Consultants, Inc. (United
States); Ronald G. Pirich, John D. Weir, Dennis Leyble, Northrop Grumman
Aerospace Systems (United States)
Investigation of hydrophobic coatings applied to a variety of surfaces for
passive removal of bacteria, water, fog, dust and other unwanted natural
terrestrial environments is rapidly advancing. Studies are also underway to
investigate hydrophobic-hydrophilic coatings for removal of space and man-made
contaminants. Smart-hydrophobic coatings and structures to function as self-
cleaning agents is important in applications such as terrestrial optical
coverings and protective windows for photonic components, solar cells as well as
infrared sensors, telescopes and solar cells used in military and commercial
high altitude and space applications. We will discuss the radiation resistance
of hydrophobic-hydrophilic materials and report on preliminary gamma-ray
irradiations studies conducted to simulate the effects of space
radiation-induced total ionizing dose on several promising hydrophobic coatings
having potential for Lunar, interplanetary and exploratory space mission
Preliminary results of in-orbit radiometric calibration and characterization of
the Geostationary Ocean Color Imager
Paper 7807-11 of Conference 7807
Date: Tuesday, 03 August 2010
Author(s): Seongick Cho, Yu-Hwan Ahn, Hee-Jeong Han, Joo-Hyung Ryu, Korea Ocean
Research and Development Institute (Korea, Republic of)
Geostationary Ocean Color Imager (GOCI) is the one of the three main payloads in
Communication, Ocean and Meteorological Satellite(COMS) and planned to be
launched at Kourou Space Center in French Guiana by Ariane 5 Launch Vehicle in
April 2010. As the world's 1st ocean color observation satellite in
geostationary orbit, the GOCI has been developed with eight
visible-to-near-infrared bands, a 500m×500m pixel resolution. The GOCI coverage
area is the 2,500km×2,500km centered at 36˚N and 130˚E, and the GOCI planned to
observe the whole coverage area by every hour with 8 times per day. The GOCI
in-orbit calibration method is the solar calibration. In order to monitor the
degradation of transmittance of solar diffuser, 2nd diffuser is also equipped in
the GOCI. In this paper, we present the preliminary characterization result of
GOCI in-orbit solar calibration operated at in-orbit test period.
Study on the plant canopy using MCI
Paper 7809-9 of Conference 7809
Date: Tuesday, 03 August 2010
Author(s): Ling Zhu, Beijing Normal Univ. (China); Keqin Zhou, Ruoming Shi,
Beijing Univ. of Civil Engineering and Architecture (China)
With combination of stereo photogrammetry and NIR camera, a system named MCI
(mutispectrum canopy imager) is designed to acquire the vegetation structure
parameters, such as LAI, 3D shape of canopy and tree diameter at breast height
(DBH) etc. MCI include two visible band digital camera and a near infrared band
digital camera as well as components which are use to set the cameras at
specified zenith and azimuth angle. The two band photos acquired by MCI permit
identification of foliage, branch area, clouds and sky. The classified image is
integrated with the 3D model of plant canopy to get the parameters needed.
Analysis of AIRS and IASI system performance under cloudy conditions
Paper 7807-19 of Conference 7807
Date: Tuesday, 03 August 2010
Author(s): Hartmut H. Aumann, Jet Propulsion Lab. (United States); Larrabee
Strow, Univ. of Maryland, Baltimore County (United States)
The radiometric and spectral system performance of space-borne infrared
radiometers is typically analyzed under strictly cloud-free, spatially uniform
and warm conditions, with the assumption that the observed performance applies
to the full dynamic range under clear and cloudy conditions and that random
noise cancels for the evaluation of the radiometric accuracy. We use two years
of AIRS L1b and IASI L1c data, from May 2007 through May 2009, from random nadir
spectra and from Simultaneous Nadir Overpasses (SNO) to evaluate the AIRS and
IASI system performance under a wide range of cloudy conditions. The AIRS and
IASI radiometric performance based on the mean of large numbers of observation
is comparable and agrees within 200 mK over a wide range of temperatures, but
there are significant and unexpected differences in the magnitude and the
character of the noise. AIRS was launched on the EOS Aqua in May 2002, IASI was
launched on the Metop in October 2006.
Novel fast catadioptric objective with wide field of view
Paper 7787-3 of Conference 7787
Date: Wednesday, 04 August 2010
Author(s): Fernando Muñoz, Light Prescriptions Innovators Europe, S. L. (Spain);
José M. Infante, Indra (Spain) and Indra Sistemas (Spain); Pablo Benítez, Juan
C. Miñano, Lin Wang, Univ. Politécnica de Madrid (Spain); Juan F. Vilaplana,
Light Prescriptions Innovators Europe, S. L. (Spain); Guillermo Biot, Univ.
Politécnica de Madrid (Spain); Marta C. de la Fuente, Indra (Spain)
We present a fast catadioptric objective with a wide field of view (125ºx96º)
designed for a microbolometer detector with 640x480 pixels and 25 microns pixel
pitch, that covers the infrared band between 7-14 microns. The design procedure
has started with an SMS-2D design, which, when adapted to imaging optics, can
provide rotationally symmetric non-spherical solutions that are close enough to
the final solution as a starting point for a numerical optimisation process. The
final design presented here resembles a modified Schwarzschild configuration. It
meets the requisites, is compact and only uses three elements: two aspherical
mirrors and one aspherical lens.
Aerosol Polarimeter Sensor (APS) contamination control requirements and
Paper 7794-5 of Conference 7794
Date: Wednesday, 04 August 2010
Author(s): Jonathan P. Elders, Raytheon Space & Airborne Systems (United States)
The Aerosol Polarimetery Sensor (APS) is a nadir viewing, along-track observing
electro-optical polarimeter measuring earth and atmosphere scene spectral
radiance in the visible (VIS) to short wave infrared (SWIR) spectrum. APS
performance is degraded by light scatter, transmission, or reflectance changes
caused by contamination. Molecular films scatter and degrade spectrally
selective absorptions and reflectances. At short wavelengths, molecular films
change polarization. The presentation discusses the Raytheon contamination
control implementation program to ensure the APS sensor complies with
cleanliness requirements. Representative cleanliness monitoring results and
lessons learned from the sensor integrated and tested at Space and Airborne
Systems El Segundo and Santa Barbara Remote Sensing (SBRS) are presented.
Field Imaging Spectrometer System development and its applications
Paper 7807-25 of Conference 7807
Date: Wednesday, 04 August 2010
Author(s): Lifu Zhang, Jinnian Wang, Junyong Fang, Lanfen Zheng, Qingxi Tong,
Institute of Remote Sensing Applications (China); Yongqi Xue, Shanghai Institute
of Technical Physics (China)
we have developed a Field Imaging Spectrometer System (FISS) wavelength ranging
from 400 to 850nm(wavelength covered on the short-wave infrared range is under
development), with 1-nm sampling interval, and 5-nm FWHM, which can be widely
used for the aluation of the new developed model and algorithm. This paper
discribed the development of the FISS, the imaging data preprocessing, data
calibration, and the spectra restoration method, as well as the application
foreground expectation of FISS. Primarily analytic results shows that the FISS
can be used for many areas such as the precision agriculture, forest model
develop, biochemical components quantitative retrieval of vegation, and the new
airone and satellite sensor assessment.
Optical material characterization through BSDF measurement and analysis
Paper 7792-39 of Conference 7792
Date: Wednesday, 04 August 2010
Author(s): Andrea M. Wyant, David M. Brown, Daniel V. Hahn, Michael E. Thomas,
Kevin C. Baldwin, The Johns Hopkins Univ. (United States)
The optical scattering signature and the absorbance of a material are of
interest in a variety of engineering applications, particularly for those
pertaining to optical remote sensing. The John Hopkins University Applied
Physics Laboratory has developed an experimental capability to measure in-plane
and out-of-plane bidirectional scattering distribution functions to retrieve
optical properties of materials. These measurements are supported at high
angular resolution with wavelengths that span the ultra-violet to the long-wave
infrared. Models have been developed to fit lambertian, diffuse, near specular,
and specular scattering at a range of incident angles. Useful material
properties can then be determined through analysis of the modeled BSDF.
Nanophotonic interactions of resonant Cesium atoms and 3D opal photonic
Paper 7756-28 of Conference 7756
Date: Wednesday, 04 August 2010
Author(s): Pepijn W. H. Pinkse, Philip J. Harding, Allard P. Mosk, Willem L.
Vos, Univ. Twente (Netherlands)
We have introduced hot Cs vapor in a silica opal photonic crystal to pursue
novel nanophotonic effects. Compared to dye and quantum dots, alkali atoms are
better understood with strong and very narrow resonances / = 10^7! With
increasing temperature, we observe shifts of the opals reflectivity peak of >20%
due to reduction of the silica. This shift tunes the photonic gaps relative to
the near-infrared Cs D1 transition. Simultaneously, the Cs resonances undergo
dramatic changes in lineshape, strength, and off-resonance reflectivity. A
transfer-matrix model including the dispersion and absorption of Cs hyperfine
transitions matches our results very well.
Spontaneous emission control with photonic band gap crystals
Paper 7756-30 of Conference 7756
Date: Wednesday, 04 August 2010
Author(s): Willem L. Vos, M. D. Leistikow, B. H. Husken, Univ. Twente
(Netherlands); A. Femius Koenderink, FOM Institute for Atomic and Molecular
Physics (Netherlands)
In nanophotonics, much effort is directed at controlling the spontaneous
emission rate of light sources with tailored nanostructures. Of great interest
are 3D photonic crystals with a band gap. Here the emission rate is will vanish,
but this has never been observed to date. Therefore, we pursue silicon photonic
crystals made with newly developed nanofabrication methods. As light sources we
study infrared quantum dots that emit in the Si transparency range. We observe
intriguing features in the emission spectra, and dramatic changes in spontaneous
emission rates. We will compare our results to theoretical models.
Optical and structural properties of InGaN epilayers
Paper 7784-32 of Conference 7784
Date: Wednesday, 04 August 2010
Author(s): Ramazan Atalay, Max Buegler, Sampath Gamage, Indika Senevirathna,
Jielei Wang, Georgia State Univ. (United States); Ronny Kirste, Technische Univ.
Berlin (Germany); Tim Xu, Muhammad Jamil, Georgia Institute of Technology
(United States); Ian Ferguson, The Univ. of North Carolina at Charlotte (United
States); Axel Hoffmann, Technische Univ. Berlin (Germany); Unil A. G. Perera,
Nikolaus Dietz, Georgia State Univ. (United States)
The InGaN alloy system has potential for high efficiency solar energy conversion
and advanced optoelectronic applications. GaInN/InGaN heterostructures can be
engineered to be responsive from UV to IR wavelength regime. This contribution
focuses on the structural and optical characterization of InGaN layers and
heterostructures grown by 'high-pressure chemical vapor deposition' (HPCVD), a
growth technique enabling elevated temperatures using 15 to 20 bar nitrogen
overpressure in order to suppress thermal disassociation of InGaN layers. We
will present the structural and optical analysis of InGaN layers studied by
x-ray diffraction, Raman spectroscopy, infrared reflectance, and optical
transmission spectroscopy.
Ultrasensitive solution processed polymer photodetectors
Paper 7779-6 of Conference 7779
Date: Wednesday, 04 August 2010
Author(s): Xiong Gong, Univ. of California, Santa Barbara (United States)
Ultrasensitive Solution Processed Polymer Photodetectors Xiong Gong1,2, Minghong
Tong1, Rajeev Kumar1, Gang Yu2, Boo Nilsson2, Fred Wudl1, and Alan J. Heeger2 1)
Center of Polymers and Organic Solids, University of California, Santa Barbara,
USA 2)CBrite Inc., Goleta, CA 93117, USA Photodetectors sensitive to the full
UV-visible to infrared spectrum are very desirable for scientific and
technological applications, but conventional semiconductor detectors are limited
to narrow sub-bands of the spectrum. Here we report ultrasensitive solution
processed photodetectors fabricated by narrow band-gap semiconducting polymers
as the electron donors and fullerences derivatives and/or inorganic quantum dots
as the electron acceptors. Polymer photodetectors with different photo-response,
from 300nm to 1700nm and from 300nm to 2100nm and detectivity larger than 1011
cm Hz1/2/W were demonstrated. All these values are comparable to or even better
than their inorganic counterparts.
A hybrid optoelectric device for multi-scale droplet and particle manipulation
Paper 7762-68 of Conference 7762
Date: Wednesday, 04 August 2010
Author(s): Cara T. Smith, Raviraj Thakur, Han-Sheng Chuang, Aloke Kumar, Steven
T. Wereley, Purdue Univ. (United States)
We present a hybrid optoelectric device capable of dynamically manipulating
micro-particles and microliter-sized aqueous droplets by combining open
optoelectrowetting (O-OEW) and AC electrokinetics. This device realizes
addressable aqueous droplet translation in an open structure by employing
interdigitated electrodes that lie beneath layers of photoconductive amorphous
silicon, silicon dioxide, and Teflon. Manipulation of micro-particles within a
droplet is performed with an infrared laser that causes particle aggregation on
the electrode surface due to electrokinetic forces such as AC electro-osmosis
and thermally-induced electrohydrodynamics. This device can be used to translate
colloidal droplets to a reaction site for active particle patterning.
Metamaterial array of subwavelength silicon carbide plasmonic-type antennas
Paper 7754-60 of Conference 7754
Date: Wednesday, 04 August 2010
Author(s): Burton Neuner III, Chih-Hui Wu, The Univ. of Texas at Austin (United
States); Gregory Ten Eyck, Michael Sinclair, Igal Brener, Sandia National Labs.
(United States); Gennady Shvets, The Univ. of Texas at Austin (United States)
For the first time, a subwavelength-period (metamaterial) array of metal-free
antennas has been fabricated, spectroscopically analyzed, and numerically
simulated, exhibiting highly resonant electric and magnetic modes. The antennas
are fabricated from silicon carbide, a polar crystal that exhibits negative
permittivity in the mid-infrared, supports plasmonic-type surface
phonon-polaritons, and offers weaker damping than noble metal polaritons.
Simulations identify field enhancements and electric resonances in regions of
positive and negative permittivity for antennas as short as lambda/3. Magnetic
modes confined within the antenna exhibit negative permeability and may be
useful for negative index materials.
Characterization of photoactivated singlet oxygen damage in single-molecule
optical trap experiments
Paper 7762-91 of Conference 7762
Date: Wednesday, 04 August 2010
Author(s): Markita P. Landry, Univ. of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (United
States); Patrick M. McCall, Univ. of Illinois at Urbana Champaign (United
States); Zhi Qi, Yann R. Chemla, Univ. of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (United
Optical traps use near-infrared laser beams to study biological systems.
Although previous studies have established that optical tweezers induce
photodamage in vivo, the effects of trap irradiation have yet to be examined for
the most common application of optical traps: in vitro. In this study, we show
that exposure to the trapping light can affect experimental resolution. Most
importantly, we confirm that DNA bases are irreversibly damaged by
photochemically produced singlet oxygen. We discuss methods to reduce oxidative
damage: Working under anaerobic conditions, using additives that quench singlet
oxygen, or trapping microspheres lacking the sensitizers necessary for singlet
state photoexcitation.
Effect of volcanic-ash on the pyroelectric and dielectric properties of Portland
Paper 7780A-15 of Conference 7780A
Date: Wednesday, 04 August 2010
Author(s): Kamala N. Bhat, Ashok K. Batra, Sudip Bhattacharjee, Robert W.
Taylor, Alabama A&M Univ. (United States)
The property of pyroelectric effect finds application in infrared detection. A
study was conducted to investigate the effect of inclusion of volcanic ash into
cement and bonded with polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) giving cement:volcanic-ash
systems. The ash used in this experiment is from the eruption of the Soufrière
Hill volcano in the island of Montserrat, West Indies. Preliminary results
indicate that cement: volcanic ash systems shows pyroelectric effect. Further
investigations were carried to determine the effect of temperature and frequency
on the variation of dielectric properties. The results show that both dielectric
constant and ac conductivity of cement decrease with inclusion of volcanic-ash.
Solution processed semitransparent polymer solar cells
Paper 7777-65 of Conference 7777
Date: Wednesday, 04 August 2010
Author(s): Manuel Reinhard, Andreas Puetz, Felix Nickel, Alexander Colsmann, Uli
Lemmer, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (Germany)
We present semi-transparent polymer solar cells comprising the highly efficient
low-bandgap co-polymer PSBTBT with an absorption extending to the near infrared
and a sputtered zinc oxide cathode. With respect to fully printable device
architectures we then replaced the cathode with a highly conductive transparent
polymeric electrode from PEDOT:PSS. In order to minimize losses at the interface
of the organic absorber layer and the PEDOT:PSS electrode we incorporated a
BPhen:Li interlayer. Finally, we replaced the BPhen:Li buffer layer with an
electron transport layer from extrinsically doped, monodisperse zinc oxide
nanoparticles in order to fabricate the devices fully from solution.
The application of HgCdTe detector for measuring methane
Paper 7780A-19 of Conference 7780A
Date: Wednesday, 04 August 2010
Author(s): Chen Chen, Hai Yu, Lei Liang, Lei Li, Yiding Wang, Jilin Univ.
Methane (CH4) have strong absorption feature peaks in the mid-infrared (MIR)
fingerprint region between λ=7 and 13 μm. We can use HgCdTe detectors to detect
the residual intensity of light which is absorbed by methane. In this paper, we
present double optical path based on quantum cascade lasers (QCLs) operating at
wavelengths around λ=7.6μm and HgCdTe detectors for detecting the concentration
of methane. Digital Signal Processing (DSP) module can calculate the
concentration of methane through Lambert-Beer's law and display the
concentration of methane on Liquid Crystal Display(LCD). The sensitivity limit
(standard deviation) under field conditions is 1 ppm (20 ppb under laboratory
conditions) for a measuring time of 0.6 s.
Tunable dye lasing from single glycerol-water microdroplets on a
superhydrophobic surface
Paper 7762-122 of Conference 7762
Date: Wednesday, 04 August 2010
Author(s): Yasin Karadag, Michael Mestre, Mustafa Gundogan, Alper Kiraz, Koç
Univ. (Turkey)
Liquid microdroplets standing on a superhydrophobic surface can be considered as
an optical microcavity due to their nearly spherical shape. We managed to
combine large tunability of whispering gallery modes and dye lasing from
individual microdroplets. A sub-picosecond mode locked green laser is used to
excite individual microdroplets. Dye lasing is observed in the whispering
gallery modes (WGMs) around 640 nm. Tuning is achieved using the photothermal
effect relying on heating by a CW infrared laser. Due to evaporation of the
volatile component -water- in the microdroplets, their size decreases resulting
in the blue-shift of the WGMs exhibiting lasing.
3D numerical analysis of As-diffused HgCdTe planar pixel arrays
Paper 7780A-13 of Conference 7780A
Date: Thursday, 05 August 2010
Author(s): Craig Keasler, Michele Moresco, Enrico Bellotti, Danilo D'Orsogna,
The Boston Univ. Photonics Ctr. (United States); Phil Lamarre, Photronix Inc.
(United States)
In this paper we present a full three-dimensional numerical simulation of
Arsenic-diffused HgCdTe based planar pixel arrays intended for detection in the
medium- and long-wavelength infrared spectral range. As-diffused planar detector
array structures, as opposed to mesa-type structures do not require any etching
processing and may result in detector arrays with higher performance than the
mesa type. Because of their importance it is critical to develop numerical
simulation models useful to predict the arrays performance before they are
fabricated. The goal of this work is to study the dependence of the quantum
efficiency and the pixel-to-pixel cross talk on the geometrical and material
Accelerating the RTTOV radiative transfer model on graphics processing units
Paper 7810-37 of Conference 7810
Date: Thursday, 05 August 2010
Author(s): Bormin Huang, Jarno Mielikainen, Allen H. Huang, Univ. of
Wisconsin-Madison (United States)
The RTTOV is a fast radiative transfer model for a variety of space-borne
infrared and microwave sounders and imagers. The development of the RTTOV has
been carried out in the framework of the EUMETSAT-sponsored Numerical Weather
Prediction (NWP) Satellite Application Facility (SAF). The RTTOV is written in
FORTRAN and runs on Linux machines from PCs to supercomputers. RTTOV performance
in operational NWP systems still limits the number of channels we can use in
ultraspectral sounders to a few hundreds. The fast radiative transfer model is
very suitable for the GPU implementation as it can take advantage of the
hardware's efficiency and parallelism. Under the funding support of EUMETSAT NWP
SAF led by UK Met Office, we are developing a GPU-based high-performance RTTOV
forward model. Providing improved performance for RTTOV is an important goal to
allow NWP centers to use more satellite data which this work will help to inform
a possible way forward on future processing platforms.
Active mid-IR plasmonics
Paper 7756-41 of Conference 7756
Date: Thursday, 05 August 2010
Author(s): Daniel M. Wasserman, David C. Adams, Troy Ribaudo, Univ. of
Massachusetts Lowell (United States); Sukosin Thongrattanasiri, Oregon State
Univ. (United States); Viktor A. Podolskiy, Univ. of Massachusetts Lowell
(United States) and Oregon State Univ. (United States); Brandon S. Passmore,
Eric A. Shaner, Sandia National Labs. (United States)
We will describe our work with mid-infrared (mid-IR) plasmonic structures. We
will first present experiments demonstrating our ability to spectrally and
spatially resolve propagating surface waves on mid-IR plasmonic structures, and
show how active tuning of the optical properties of our plasmonic devices allows
for control of the coupling to these propagating surface modes. In addition, we
will present semiconductor/plasmonic mid-IR beam steering devices which exhibit
a wide range of steering angles for incident coherent mid-IR radiation in the
9-10µm range. We will demonstrate that small changes in the semiconductor
dielectric constant can shift the beaming angle as much as 3°.
Novel fast catadioptric objective with wide field of view
Paper 7780B-23 of Conference 7780B
Date: Thursday, 05 August 2010
Author(s): Fernando Muñoz, Light Prescriptions Innovators Europe, S. L. (Spain);
José M. Infante, Indra (Spain); Pablo Benítez, Juan C. Miñano, Lin Wang, Univ.
Politécnica de Madrid (Spain); Juan F. Vilaplana, Light Prescriptions Innovators
Europe, S. L. (Spain); Marta C. de la Fuente, Indra (Spain)
We present a fast catadioptric objective with a wide field of view (125ºx96º)
designed for a microbolometer detector with 640x480 pixels and 25 microns pixel
pitch, that covers the infrared band between 7-14 microns. The design procedure
has started with an SMS-2D design, which, when adapted to imaging optics, can
provide rotationally symmetric non-spherical solutions that are close enough to
the final solution as a starting point for a numerical optimisation process. The
final design presented here resembles a modified Schwarzschild configuration. It
meets the requisites, is compact and only uses three elements: two aspherical
mirrors and one aspherical lens.
Holographic compensation-based optical readout technique for microcantilever IR
image system
Paper 7780B-24 of Conference 7780B
Date: Thursday, 05 August 2010
Author(s): Liquan Dong, Ming Liu, Xiaohua Liu, Yuejin Zhao, Beijing Institute of
Technology (China); Xiaomei Yu, Peking Univ. (China); Mei Hui, Xuhong Chu, Cheng
Gong, Xiaoxiao Zhou, Beijing Institute of Technology (China)
The progress of MEMS-based uncooled infrared focal plane arrays (IRFPAs) are one
of the most successful examples of integrated MEMS devices. We report on the
fabrication and performance of a optical readout MEMS IRFPA based on
microcantilever. However, it is difficult to avoid unwanted shape distortions in
fabrication, which can degrade image quality in many ways. In this paper, the
actual manufacturing errors of FPA are deeply analyzed. The limitations of the
errors are given. It is ales pointed out that the detecting sensitivity has its
special complexity if the shape of the FPA is not ideal flat. To overcome these
errors, a novel holographic compensating illumination technology was given. And
a model of computer generated holographic compensation is given as a further
development to be actualized in future The experiment shows that it is a
feasible way to improve system performance, especially when it is too difficult
to perfect the techniques of an FPA fabrication.
Reversible photochromic materials for photonic crystal applications
Paper 7756-43 of Conference 7756
Date: Thursday, 05 August 2010
Author(s): Evgenia Kim, Arunkumar Natarajan, Kwok Pong Chan, GE Global Research
(United States)
There is an intense interest in Photonic band gap Crystals (PC) due to their
potential ability to localize light, increase light waveguiding efficiency, and
increase the efficiency of stimulated emission processes. Our interest is in
scanning photochromic materials with reversibility and high dn for creating
photonic band gap (PBG) structures in PC in the visible and infrared regions.
Tuning of the PBG is achieved by using the available large changes of the
refractive index (~0.08) of the photochromic material induced by irradiation.
Additionally the photochromic properties are allowed to reversibly switch
reflection of PBG structure by irradiation at different wavelengths. These
features could be very useful for optoelectronic devices.
Optical resonator in gap plasmon waveguide
Paper 7757-69 of Conference 7757
Date: Thursday, 05 August 2010
Author(s): Masanobu Haraguchi, Hidenori Sokabe, Masamichi Taniguchi, Tatsuya
Okuno, Toshihiro Okamoto, Masuo Fukui, Univ. of Tokushima (Japan)
We study functional devices in a plasmon waveguide in order to realize a compact
integrated optical circuit. We have fabricated several types of resonator in gap
plasmonic waveguides, of which the gap width is around 150 nm, with stubs
embedded in a silver thin film on a substrate by using lithography techniques.
The characteristics of these structures have been observed experimentally from
visible to near-infrared light. The gap plasmon waveguide structures with stubs
have been confirmed to work as a compact wavelength selective device or optical
resonator. We will discuss advantages of the plasmonic device compared with
other optical devices.
An image fusion for concealed weapon detection
Paper 7798-92 of Conference 7798
Date: Monday, 02 August 2010
Author(s): Alaaeldin M. Hafez, King Saud Univ. (Saudi Arabia)
There is a growing necessity to improve safety and security in large urban
environments, especially in transport stations such as airports and underground
stations and for strategic infrastructure such as nuclear plants and petroleum
platforms. Surveillance systems are a technological answer to this need. A
surveillance system provides real-time monitoring of a specific environment and
assists humans by extending the perception and reasoning capabilities related to
situations. The key areas of video-based surveillance systems are object and
event detection and tracking, person identification, behavioral analysis, and
large-scale surveillance systems. Previous work concentrated on developing more
accurate object detection and tracking algorithms, regardless of the amount of
resources and the degree of complexity. The previous systems rely on having one
computer for every camera or one computer serving several cameras. The cameras
are wire connected to the cameras; therefore, the computers must be close. This
means that the related cost for expanding this current system into a large-scale
system will be large and the power consumed for such systems will go up rapidly
as the system scales up. The following are among the features of the proposed
architecture for an automated scene understanding. An Image Fusion for Concealed
Weapon Detection is proposed. Image fusion allows detecting concealed weapons
underneath a person's clothing with imaging sensors such as Infrared imaging or
Passive Millimeter Wave sensors.
Functionalisation of three-dimensional photonic crystals
Paper 7756-20 of Conference 7756
Date: Tuesday, 03 August 2010
Author(s): Min Gu, Swinburne Univ. of Technology (Australia)
Functionalisation of three-dimensional (3D) photonic crystals (PCs) is a key
step toward functional photonic devices including photonic circuits, photonic
displays and biosensing. To this end, it is necessary to incorporate physical
functionalities into photonic bandgap structures. The important functionality
includes nonlinearity and metallisation. On the other the hand, due to the
strong discontinuities of the dielectric function at the metal/air or
metal/dielectric interfaces, 3D metallic photonic crystals (MPC)s offer
intriguing electromagnetic properties and important applications such as
enhanced metal absorption, modified blackbody radiation, ultra-wide complete
photonic band gaps, negative refraction, sub-wavelength imaging, and microwave
antenna and circuits. In this presentation, recent progress on the fabrication
of functional PCs will be reported. In particular, it is shown that the
incorporation of highly nonlinear nanocrystal quantum dots can transform the
plain polymer into a multi-functional active medium, leading to a 3D nonlinear
photonic crystal with stop gaps with more than 80% suppression in transmission
in the telecommunication wavelength region. We also demonstrate the fabrication
of 3D hybrid MPCs with stop gaps in the near-infrared wavelength range. This
kind of 3D metallic PC possesses not only strong photonic band gaps but also
significant localised plasmon resonances (LPRs) due to the existence of the
coated metallic nanoshells. The resultant LPRs significantly enhance the
absorption of 3D MPCs by more than two orders of magnitude and can be widely
tuned in spectra.
Plasmonic sensor based on perfect absorption
Paper 7757-55 of Conference 7757
Date: Wednesday, 04 August 2010
Author(s): Na Liu, Thomas Weiss, Martin Mesch, Harald W. Giessen, Univ.
Stuttgart (Germany)
In practical applications, losses are inevitable in plasmonic metallic
nanostructures. Significant effort has been paid to achieve low-loss devices,
for instance by optimizing structural geometries and by using gain materials.
Recently, the concept of perfect metamaterial absorbers triggered a new research
area in which losses are actually put to the advantage [1]. Here we introduce a
novel plasmonic device which combines the concepts of an localized surface
plasmon resonance (LSPR) sensor and a perfect absorber. We demonstrate
experimentally for the first time a narrow-band perfect absorber working as
plasmonic sensor in the near-infrared regime. We show that this plasmonic device
yields ~ 99% absorbance in the experiment and remains highly absorptive over a
wide range of incident angles for both transverse electric (TE) and transverse
magnetic (TM) configurations. Specifically, we demonstrate that our plasmonic
device can work as a sensitive LSPR sensor. Different from existing LSPR sensors
which measure the spectral shift of a resonance upon a refractive index change
of the surrounding medium, our plasmonic absorber sensor detects rather a
relative intensity change dI/Io at a fixed frequency induced by a refractive
index change dn. A figure of merit FOM* which was introduced by J. Becker et al.
is defined as (dI/dn)/Io, where Io is the intensity of the reference beam
without the sensing agent [2]. We have achieved a FOM* around 85 in the
experiment by measuring the intensity changes with different local dielectric
materials (air, water, and glucose solution) at the sample surface. Our FOM* is
nearly four times larger than that of plasmonic gold nanorod sensors [2]. Our
absorber sensor concept offers substantial advantages over classical sensing
methods and is of special interest in numerous applications due to its
background-free detection scheme. [1] N. I. Landy, S. Sajuyigbe, J. J. Mock, D.
R. Smith, and W. J. Padilla, ´´Perfect metamaterial absorber,´´ Phys. Rev. Lett.
100, 207402 (2008). [2] J. Becker, A. Trügler, A. Jakab, U. Hohenester, and C.
Sönnichsen, ´´The optimal aspect ratio of gold nanorods for plasmonic
bio-sensing,´´ submitted.
Comparison of backward-scattered detection and forward-scattered detection for
measuring optical force in optical tweezers
Paper 7762-128 of Conference 7762
Date: Wednesday, 04 August 2010
Author(s): Yi-Jr Su, Long Hsu, National Chiao Tung Univ. (Taiwan)
Optical tweezers have become an important tool to measure forces in biology. The
trapped particle, driven by Brownian motion, is in a harmonic potential built by
the optical tweezers. The trapped particle displacements acquired from the
position detection system are applied to calibrate trapping stiffness using mean
square displacement method or power spectrum method. The near infrared light is
typically used as a laser source to reduce the damage to a cell or cellular
organelles and the biological objects can be held and moved by exerting
piconewton (pN) forces. In force measurement, optical force strength is
calculated by multiplying trapping stiffness and trapped bead displacement.
Optical tweezers perform a wider range of experiments through the integration of
a quadrant photodiode (QPD) for position detection. Both forward-scattered
detection and backward-scattered detection are the typical position detection.
This study discussed both backward-scattered detection and forward-scattered
detection that add a probing beam and their linear detection ranges that
describe the precise position of the trapped bead. This work also discussed
their linear detection ranges related to the distance between the two laser
system focuses, confirming the optimum positions of the two focuses. The result
indicated that the linear detection range of backward-scattered detection is
longer than the forward-scattered detection. Hence, backward-scattered detection
measures the longer displacement of the trapped bead in optical force
Fabrication and characterization of neodymium doped gallium oxide films grown on
different substrates
Paper 7764-37 of Conference 7764
Date: Wednesday, 04 August 2010
Author(s): Céline Lecerf, J. Cardin, P. Marie, X. Portier, Ecole Nationale
Supérieure d'Ingenieurs de Caen et Ctr. de Recherche (France)
Among the Transparent Conductive Oxides materials, gallium oxide exhibits the
largest band gap (~4.9 eV) and it has potential applications in optoelectronic
devices such as flat panel displays, solar energy conversion devices, and
ultraviolet emitters. Neodymium doped gallium oxide films were elaborated on
silicon substrate by the radiofrequency magnetron sputtering method. The amount
of neodymium in the films is controlled and is determined by SIMS measurements.
An appropriate annealing treatment gives rise to the formation of the stable
monoclinic Ga2O3 phase. The photoluminescence (PL) activity of the Nd3+ ions was
observed in the infrared spectral range through the 4F3/2 → 4I11/2, 4I9/2
transitions. Moreover, a PL emission arising from the gallium oxide matrix was
observed in the visible range and a mechanism of energy transfer from host to
rare earth ions is proposed. Deposition parameters such as substrate
temperature, radiofrequency power and gas pressure were studied and both
structural and PL properties were thus optimized in term of transparency and PL
intensity. Finally, in order to improve the quality of the films different
substrates have been tested. The resulting optical and electrical properties are
Simulation of carbon nanotube photovoltaic arrays
Paper 7761-29 of Conference 7761
Date: Wednesday, 04 August 2010
Author(s): H. Abdel Rahman, The British Univ. in Egypt (Egypt); K. Kirah, Univ.
Française d'Égypte (Egypt); H. Ghali, The British Univ. in Egypt (Egypt); W.
Anis, Ain Shams Univ. (Egypt)
Exploring renewable, sustainable and green energy resources is a critical
challenge for scientists and engineers. Large-scale ambient energy, such as the
solar energy is available but technologies do not yet exist to capture it with
great efficiency. The sun radiates visible light and also infrared energy, some
of which is soaked up by the earth and later released as radiation for hours
after sunset. Carbon nanotubes (CN) can be made with different energy gaps (Eg)
to take in energy from the whole spectrum of the sunlight and the earth's heat.
The optimum combination of CN with different energy gaps can cover a larger
spectral range of the solar radiation and therefore has a higher total
efficiency. Maximum power absorption could be achieved without the need for
excess areas. In this study, the use of arrays of CN Field Effect Transistors
(CNFET) as the photovoltaic (PV) elements has been investigated. The effects of
Eg, the tube length and the distribution of PV elements on the array performance
are studied. The interaction between electromagnetic waves and the CN array is
simulated in order to calculate the amount of absorbed power. For long channel
CNFETs, carrier transport is dominated by scattering. A home built simulator
based on the self-consistent solution of Poisson's equation and the
semi-classical drift-diffusion equations is used. The Schottky-barriers are
treated quantum mechanically. The efficiency is calculated and the result
compares well with the published experimental one. The effects of the tube
chirality, tube length and oxide permittivity on the device operation are
Singlet oxygen generation by two-photon photosensitizers: Influence of gold
nanoparticles and photodynamic therapy applications
Paper 7765-25 of Conference 7765
Date: Thursday, 05 August 2010
Author(s): Thibault Gallavardin, Ecole Normale Supérieure de Lyon (France) and
Univ. Claude Bernard Lyon 1 (France); Olivier Maury, Ecole Normale Supérieure de
Lyon (France); Frédéric Lerouge, Stephane Parola, Univ. Claude Bernard Lyon 1
(France); Chantal Andraud, Ecole Normale Supérieure de Lyon (France)
Cancer therapy is known to cause toxicity due to the difficult targeting of
tumor cells. New techniques are currently developed to reduce sides effects. In
this context photodynamic therapy is promising . This latter approach consists
in generating singlet oxygen or reactive oxygen species which are able to induce
cells apoptosis by irradiation of photosensitizers. The use of a non linear two
photon excitation provides a high 3D spatial resolution by photosensitizers
activation strictly at the focal point of the laser. Moreover near-infrared
laser wavelengths which promote two-photon absorption (TPA) are located in the
biological transparency window (700-1100nm) allowing deeper penetration in
tissues. Even if many families of one photon photosensitizers have been studied,
and if some molecules have been approved for human phototherapy, there is only
few examples of photosensitizers designed for two-photon excitation. Such
molecules must have large two-photon absorption cross-section and strong
proclivity to stabilize an excited triplet state (intersystem crossing process
ISC) in order to promote allowed energy transfer (ET) with oxygen triplet ground
state. On the other hand gold nanoparticles are known as promising drug delivery
agents for cancer therapy thanks to passive tumor targeting which is due to
hypervascularization, and hyperpermeability of tumor blood vessels. In addition,
gold nanoparticles present particuliar optical properties, like local field
enhancement and surface plasmon resonance, which may improve photodynamic
therapy efficiency. Here we present the synthesis of a chromophore featuring
extended π-conjugation with lateral donor groups and central triplet stabilizing
core (D-π-A-π-D). This chromophore has been further functionalized with
disulfide for grafting on small gold nanoparticles (6 nm). Spectroscopic
characterizations (fluorescence, phosphorescence, singlet oxygen generation)
have been performed on both "free chromophores" and chromophores grafted on gold
Terahertz nonlinear spectroscopy of free-carriers in direct bandgap
Paper 7763-11 of Conference 7763
Date: Sunday, 01 August 2010
Author(s): Luca Razzari, Francois Blanchard, Institut National de la Recherche
Scientifique (Canada); Fuhai Su, Univ. of Alberta (Canada); Gargi Sharma,
Institut National de la Recherche Scientifique (Canada); Ayesheshim K.
Ayesheshim, Tyler L. Cocker, Lyubov V. Titova, Univ. of Alberta (Canada); Heidi
C. Bandulet, Roberto Morandotti, Jean-Claude Kieffer, Tsuneyuki Ozaki, Institut
National de la Recherche Scientifique (Canada); Matthew E. Reid, Univ. of
Northern British Columbia (Canada); Frank A. Hegmann, Univ. of Alberta (Canada)
Ultrafast nonlinear processes have been extensively explored in the visible and
near infrared frequency range, thanks to the availability of ultrashort pulses
delivered by mode-locked lasers. Here, the combination of high intensities of
excitation together with a very fine temporal resolution have shed new light on
diverse aspects of condensed-matter dynamics [1]. On the other hand, this kind
of phenomena has remained relatively unexplored in the terahertz (THz) spectral
region (typically 0.1-10 THz), mainly because of the lack of sources delivering
high-energy, fewcycle THz pulses. Nowadays, this kind of sources is becoming
available [2,3], thus opening the route towards the understanding of new aspects
of radiation-matter interaction. Nonlinear interactions at THz frequencies
possess interesting properties and peculiarities: on one side, in this spectral
range one can observe an intermediate regime in which both electronic and ionic
motions contribute to the nonlinear dielectric function of a material. On the
other side, the very low energy per photon associated to this radiation allows
to neglect multiphoton interactions in semiconductors, thus opening up the
possibility of observing drift-velocity-based nonlinearities owing to free
carriers in this type of systems. While these processes were studied in the past
using relatively long THz pulses (time duration of several tens of nanoseconds)
[4,5], the above-mentioned new-generation of few-cycle THz sources allows now to
explore their ultrafast nature and dynamics in the picosecond domain [6]. In
particular, our investigation has been aimed at studying the ultrafast nonlinear
dynamics of free carriers in semiconductors and at developing the proper tools
for this new kind of THz spectroscopy. We have performed several nonlinear
experiments on free-carriers in direct bandgap semiconductors at THz
frequencies. Techniques as Z-scan [7], THz pump - THz probe [8], and optical
pump - THz probe [9] have been employed to explore nonlinear interactions in
both n-doped and photoexcited samples. The mechanism that dominates these
nonlinearities is found to be intervalley scattering and a simple mathematical
model adding this effect to a standard Drude-like response well explains our
experimental results. References [1] S. Mukamel, Principles of nonlinear
spectroscopy, Oxford University Press, (1999). [2] F. Blanchard et al., Opt.
Exp. 15 (20), 13212 (2007). [3] K.-L. Yeh, Appl. Phys. Lett. 90, 171121 (2007).
[4] A. Mayer and F. Keilmann, Phys. Rev. B 33, 6954 (1986). [5] A. Mayer and F.
Keilmann, Phys. Rev. B 33, 6962 (1986). [6] J. Hebling et al., IEEE J. Sel. Top.
Quant. Electron. 14, 345 (2008). [7] L. Razzari et al., Phys. Rev. B 79, 193204
(2009). [8] F. Blanchard et al., in preparation. [9] F.H. Su et al., Opt. Exp.
17 (12), 9620 (2009).