Laser Physics Letters
Volume 2, Issue 1 , Pages 21 - 24
Femtosecond photon echo in dye-doped polymer film at liquid nitrogen temperature
S.V. Konturov, V.S. Lobkov, K.M. Salikhov, V.V. Samartsev *, G.M. Safiullin, V.A.
Kazan Physical-Technical Institute, Russian Academy of Science, 10 Sibirsky
trakt str., Kazan 420029, Russia
email: V.V. Samartsev (
*Correspondence to V.V. Samartsev, Kazan Physical-Technical Institute, Russian
Academy of Science, 10 Sibirsky trakt str., Kazan 420029, Russia
photon echo ∙ femtosecond pulse ∙ laser ∙ relaxation ∙ self-diffraction ∙
The first observation is reported of the primary femtosecond photon echo at a
liquid nitrogen temperature in a dyedoped polymer film at a wavelength of 780
nm. Echo signals were generated by pulses with the duration of 130 fs. The echo
signal decay can not be described by a simple exponential function. There is a
fast decay region below 250-300 fs and a slow decay region at longer time
intervals. There were also detected signals of the self-diffraction of exciting
pulses on a nonequilibrium population difference grating, induced in resonant
medium by these pulses.