We are pleased to announce the 9th IONS meeting that will be held in
Salamanca from 6th to 9th April 2011.
International OSA Network of Students (IONS) is a series of conferences for
young Scientists in Optics and Photonics supported by the Optical Society of
The aim of this project is the development of a network for young scientists
working in optics and photonics to support them in the academic or industrial
career. The IONS-Project (www.ions-project.org) was officially launched in 2006
and has since been growing into an ever more worldwide activity. Networking and
wide visibility to research and researchers are two of our most important
Who is organizing the meeting?
IONS conferences are run by students. This year, the spring meeting will be
hosted by Salamanca Student Chapters (OSAL and EPS Salamanca Young Minds)
integrated by students from the University of Salamanca and the Centro de
Láseres Pulsados (CLPU) (for more information about our Student Chapter and
related activities, please visit OSAL WEBSITE). We are currently working on the
program, which has already confirmed the following keynote speakers: Prof. Chris
Dainty (NUI Galway, 2011 OSA President); Prof. Alexander L. Gaeta (Cornell
University, OSA Board of Directors); Prof. Ken Ledingham (Strathclyde
University); Prof. Luis Roso (CLPU director).
More information about the conference and program can be found on the website of
the IONS project:
Salamanca is an ancient university town with around 30,000 students from all
over the world, giving it a young and cheerful atmosphere. The city is
recognized by UNESCO as a World Heritage Site, since it holds great historical,
cultural and artistic appeal.
Regarding optics and photonics, during the last years intensive and strong
research in laser field, both experimentally and theoretically, was carried out
by the research group on Ultrafast Ultraintense Lasers in Salamanca (more info
on RESEARCH GROUP OPTICA-USAL WEBSITE). Since 2003, it hosts Spain’s most
powerful laser. Since 2007, CLPU (Spanish Center of Utrashort Ultraintense
Lasers) is under development in Salamanca; it will be a user facility
specializing in femtosecond laser pulses with peak powers at Gigawatt, Terawatt
and Petawatt levels, hosting one of the world’s most powerful lasers (CLPU
How many optics and photonics researchers will meet?
In the beginning, mainly European universities and research institutes were
actively participating. Due to its enormous success and rate of growth, the
IONS-Project was subdivided into regional IONS-Projects in 2009. The conferences
have grown significantly in size during the last few years, getting together in
last meetings around 80 delegates coming from many different European research
groups. To name an example, the last European conference in Moscow saw 80
students from 12 countries.
How can companies participate?
In every IONS Conference, there is no registration fee for participants, so
photonics companies and associations have been supported IONS meetings. Since
that, we are looking for funding for such a large event; our partners OSA and
EPS funds partially the event, but extra support is needed.
At this point, there are several sponsorship opportunities: Coffee breaks,
Lunch, Conference dinner , Travel grants, Best talk/poster award. Sponsors will
be advertised and published on all conference material given to all attendees,
conference venue and on the website. Furthermore, you are very welcome to
exhibit some of your products at the conference.
If your company is interested in participate in IONS9, please contact Camilo
Prieto or Óscar Varela (Sponsorship relations) to discuss the opportunities
through the following e-mail addresses: camilopr@usal.es; varela.osc@usal.es