Dear Xianfu Du,
thank you for your inquiry.
First let me send you our recent brochures about related systems (see attached):
Finesse (oscillator + CW pump) and
Teahupoo Rider
(Oscillator + Amplifier + CW pump and amplifier pump)
Please confirm what model is the closest to your requirements.
We also can offer you a stand alone oscillator
(with CW pump laser
Finesse or
other model of your choice) +
multipass amplifier (or Teahupoo regenerative amplifier) + pump laser of your
Please indicate required pulse energy and repetition rate, as well as
femtosecond pulse duration and tuning range.
Best regards,
Sergey Egorov
Del Mar Photonics
Trestles Femtosecond Ti:Sapphire
laser - Trestles 50 Manual
Trestles 20 Manual -
20/50/100 fs oscillators - FemtoStart
Trestles Finesse Ti:Sapphire oscillator -
- LQ
Wedge-M Multipass Ti:Sapphire Amplifier
Amplified Ti:Sapphire System Teahupoo
Choose what is right for you!
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